Chapter 122

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I spend nearly three hours in the emergency room. They x-ray my hand before revealing that it is broken, plus probably sprained again, and they insist that it be placed in a cast. I argue with them for about fifteen minutes - as long as I can rightfully last before they toss me out of the place. I hate casts and insist I'll wear the brace for the whole time that it's recommended, but when the nurse hears me whisper to Jisoo that I'll only take it off to scratch, the idea is squashed.

I want to kill eavesdropping nurses.

Jisoo holds my hand when the nurse starts the IV for my usual dose of pain medication. It's not quite the same as losing myself in the sweet scent of Lisa's chest, but it's all I have.

After my whole run-in with Kai - and after being exposed to fucking hospitals and needles again - I'm finding that the ache in my chest is throbbing and painful, and I miss Lisa more than I ever have before. I begin crying after I receive a dose of morphine. Fat, silent tears roll down my face, and I make a feeble attempt to wipe them away.

"What's wrong, Jennie?" Jisoo asks, alarmed.

"Oh, the pain medicine will sometimes make people a little emotional," the nurse assures her, and Jisoo nods her head in understanding. I don't bother correcting them.

Jisoo receives a phone call and takes it in the waiting area. I'm not sure how long she's gone. I don't even hear her return.

After a few moments, I begin to nod. The pain in my hand is still there - a faint throb that barely registers in the background of my mind - but it and the emotional pain are masked by the morphine. Jisoo begins rubbing my head with her crazy long fingernails and the feeling is soothing, the combination of these relaxants coaxing me to sleep.

I'm awoken by a friendly doctor who comes to cast my hand. I close my eyes against the blinding overhead light he's turned on and try to tune out the whole process. He mostly talks to Jisoo, who proves to be a much better conversationalist, and I only catch brief, broken fragments of their chatter.

I'm still insanely drowsy when we leave the hospital.

"Do you need me to take you by your place for anything?" she asks me as I tuck myself into the passenger's seat of her car. I'm all set to snooze against the side of her door.

"No. Kai knows where I live," I ominously reply. "Can't I wear something of yours?"

Not everything she has will fit, but I figure I can make do with something.

"Of course."

Jisoo goes through the drive-thru of a nearby pharmacy to get my prescription for pain killers filled. I don't even remember the drive home; the next thing I know she is coaxing me out of the car, helping me make the steps up to her apartment. She puts me in her second bedroom, and I fall asleep with all my clothes on, the emotional exhaustion and pain medication finally catching up with me.

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