Chapter 34

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I sigh, my appetite completely gone. "Maybe I should just break things off with her now."

Hae-in's eyes snap up in surprise. "What?"

"With Jennie. Maybe I should just stop seeing her."

Hae-in has no idea of my reasoning - he's not going to understand.

"But I thought you liked her." His voice is almost whiny.

Exactly, Hae-in. Because I like her. If she was a horrible person then maybe I wouldn't care about hurting her.

"She's a nice girl, Hae-in. And you know I don't do relationships." Not to mention she probably would, inevitably, learn about the bet. What then? She'd probably go all Lorena Bobbit on my ass. The thought alone makes me shudder.

"Well, do you like her or not?" he deadpans.

"Yes, Hae-in. I like her just fine."

"Just fine? Or a lot? There's a difference, you know. I like our waitress just fine. I like Jisoo a fuckin' lot."

"I like her, Hae-in," I answer, exasperated. "She's fun to be around. She can hold a conversation."

She's also gorgeous... endearing... she sticks up for herself. She tells me what she wants...

Admittedly, I've yet to meet another girl like Jennie Kim. She's certainly one of a kind.

Do I think about much else besides the way she'd feel underneath my body, just skin to skin, her warm breath against mine? No. Would I feel like the world's biggest, most selfish piece of trash when it's over? Yes.

"Then it sounds to me like she's got half the qualities covered," Hae-in reasons between a mouthful of food. "As long as she's good in the sack, she's golden."

Things are so simple for Hae-in. I'm jealous as fucking hell. Green with motherfucking envy, I am.
His phone beeps, and he fishes it out of his pocket, quickly reading a text and typing a reply. He sets it in his lap when he's done.

He addresses me again. "Look, dude. I know actually being with a woman is difficult for you. But it's really kind of great when you find the right person. It gives you someone to talk to and turn to when shit gets tough. And if it's really the right girl, she'll stay with you no matter what, considering you don't do anything too wacko like become an axe murderer or something. Not to mention you get sex whenever you want it." His phone beeps again, and he quickly scoops it up like a child on Christmas.

It must be Jisoo.

I let his words sink in, yet that's what they remain - just words. I've seen what relationships can do to people. I saw, personally, what it did to my parents.

"Just go with your gut, dude," Hae-in adds. "It's what I do."

So he says as he devours his entire plate of food.

"You know, Jisoo mentioned that Jennie just got out of a relationship with a guy named Kai. She mention him to you?"

He eyes me curiously, and I feel my anxiety peak. But of course, this should be common knowledge. I suppose I'd be more worried if they hadn't talked about it.

"Um, no," I mumble, suddenly really fucking uncomfortable. I shift in my seat and busy myself by finally eating some of my food. Hae-in is still texting on his phone, his attention halfway elsewhere.

"Hmm. Well, he was a douche, from what I've heard," he says distractedly.

"Are you texting Jisoo?" I ask, hoping to take the focus off this topic. He looks up at me quickly, surprised.


"Tell her I said 'Hi'."

He nods. "Okay. Sure" He turns back to his phone to type the message. When it beeps again he says, "She says 'hi' back. So when are you going to see Jennie again?"

"Um, I don't know..." I feel like I need to hole myself up and think things over for the next one-hundred years. How do I manage to let things get so complicated? "Maybe this weekend," I offer.

"Jisoo says you two kissed," he says inconspicuously.

Did she? That means Jennie must have told her all about it...

I shrug indifferently. I really don't feel like divulging all the details to him at the moment. Given the circumstances in which it happened, it all feels wrong.

Not that there was anything wrong with the kiss. I've never been big on the idea, as kissing has always seemed like more of an inconvenience than anything else, but kissing Jennie was...different.

Nice. Arousing.

Jennie is the first girl I've ever kissed and actually wanted to kiss again. That thought alone scares the hell out of me.

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