Chapter 97

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Hae-in pulls me outside the door of the restaurant, past couples and families and businessmen who are awaiting a table. It's drizzling slightly, so we stand beneath the overhang.

"What's up, Hae-in?" I ask casually.

He rests against the wall. "So what's going on, Lisa?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean with you and Jennie."

I frown. "I don't know what you're talking about," I say honestly.

"You like her." It's a statement, not a question.

"So? You knew that already."

"I haven't seen you look at a girl that way in-well, fuck. Years, I think."

Was it that obvious? I shrug casually, not sure where he's going with this.

"So you like her? Like really like her?"

"Yes, Hae-in," I say, exasperated. "But there's more to it than that. It's complicated."

"Complicated." He says the word with disgust. "You always want to make everything complicated. I see the way you look at her, dude. And I'm happy for you, man. I really am. But you need to step up your shit unless you want to lose her. Don't hold anything back from her - be completely honest." His tone is hushed, his expression serious.

And I'm confused. Hae-in is never serious.

"Where is this coming from?" I ask. I'm suddenly feeling defensive, the thought of Jennie leaving unpleasant and unwelcome.

"It's coming from a friend. I'm speaking as a friend to a friend. And let's not forget that I'm dating her best friend. We talk about shit, you know?"

"Yeah, Hae-in. I figured as much." I tug at my hair, agitated.

"You need to be honest with her," he goes on. "Chicks dig that. They want to know everything about you and they don't like being lied to."

"What makes you think I'm not being honest with her?" I ask warily. It's true, I'm not. But he doesn't know that.

"You're never honest with women," he says simply. I neither confirm nor deny this observation. "Plus, she talks to Jisoo, who talks to me. Hell, I probably know more about your relationship than you do."


"Haven't you two every heard of giving people privacy?" I ask angrily.

"Oh come on, Lisa. Keep your hair on. It's healthy to share things with your significant other."
"Yes, but maybe you could exclude the things that are none of your business."

"Hey, I'm out here trying to help you. If you really like Jennie, you'll listen to me."

"Well that's great, Hae-in. Thank you," I say sarcastically. I'm still feeling rather annoyed for an unknown reason. I'm sure I'll be entering emotional overload soon.

Hae-in doesn't understand everything-how could he? He doesn't even know the whole story.
But he's right. The only shot I have of surviving this is to tell Jennie everything. Then maybe, by some kind of miracle from the heavens, I can convince her that I'm not the world's biggest asshole - that I really do like her and am sorry for ever getting her involved in one of Kai's schemes to begin with. And maybe, just maybe, she'll forgive me.

But I don't count on it. Would I forgive me if I was her? I'm not so sure.

"Are we done?" I ask rather rudely, but Hae-in is impervious to my harsh tone and casually shrugs. "I guess so, Lisa. But hell... at least think about what I'm telling you," he pleads.

"I will, I will," I grumble. And although I'm annoyed, and it seems as though I'm just saying this to placate my friend, it's the truth.

We turn to head back into the restaurant, seeing Jisoo coming at us as we approach the door. She stumbles in her heels and falls to her knees right there at the entrance, crying out as she hits the ground.

Hae-in is at her side before I can even process what has happened. Some people standing nearby peer at her curiously, make sure she isn't seriously injured. I rush over to help.

"I think I twisted my ankle!" she moans, clutching at her right foot.

"Here, let me see," says Hae-in as he coaxes her hand away.

"Should we take you to the hospital?" I ask, worried. "Here, I can go get Jennie."

"No!" She grabs me by the sleeve of my shirt, her eyes wild. "No, just stay here for a second. I think the pain is easing off. I just need a moment, then you two can help me back inside."

"We may need to have it looked at," Hae-in says worriedly. "Or at least go home so we can ice it."
Jisoo still hasn't released my shirt. She looks Hae-in square in the eyes and says in a calm, cool voice, "I said no, Hae-in. Give me just a second. Okay?"

Hae-in frowns. Then he nods knowingly. "Okay, Jisoo. Whatever you say."

She hangs on to both of us, refusing to let either of us out her sight. We ward off passers-by by assuring them she's fine. Finally, the restaurant manager comes to speak to us, offering to call us an ambulance.

Jisoo finally relents. "All right, I guess we should probably go. I'll ice it and stay off of it for a while. Lisa, will you help Hae-in get me to the car?"

I'm surprised Hae-in doesn't insist on helping her himself - he's a large man, after all, and fully capable - but he silently wraps her left arm around his shoulder while waiting for my assistance. I rush to other side and together we get her to the car.

She thanks me. Hae-in pulls some cash from his wallet and thrusts it at me.

"Here, man. And tell Jennie we're sorry."

I wave my hand, refusing his money. "Don't worry about it. I'll take care of it."

Jisoo looks up at me, anxious but relieved. "Thank you, Lisa. Tell Jennie I'll call her as soon as I can."

"Sure. Hope you feel better, Jisoo. Call me if you need anything, Hae-in."

He nods, and with one last thank you, he ducks into the car and they pull away.

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