The thought of marriage horrifies me, the person without commitment issues. I can only imagine what it's doing to poor Lisa.

"So?" asks Hae-in.

"So?" Lisa echoes. She looks aghast

"Jisoo, show them what I got you."

Jisoo slowly lifts up her left hand to show a white-gold, sparkling diamond ring. Lisa's mouth drops in shock. My eyes are as close as they've ever come to popping right out onto the table.

"Is that... is that an engagement ring?" I ask, horrified. They've known each other just as long as Lisa and I have. Not to mention the fact that Jisoo never told me about this.

I'm a little put-out that she didn't confide in me. She seems to notice.

"It's a promise ring," she corrects. "And I wanted to tell you, Jennie. But we thought it would be funny if we pretended we were already engaged." She grins at Hae-in.

I fail to see the humour.

"Yeah, hilarious," I mutter sarcastically.

"Oh, come on. You should have seen your faces," says Hae-in. "It was all in good fun, I promise. But I will marry her one day." He wraps his arm around a very mollified looking Jisoo.
The tension between Lisa and I grow to outstanding proportions, both of us acutely aware that marriage is nowhere on the horizon for us. That even a simple, normal relationship is likely nowhere on the horizon.

I lower my gaze, refusing to meet anyone's eyes. I've never felt so awkward in my life. Lisa's hand is no longer anywhere near mine.

"Well you don't have to look so fucking depressed about it," Jisoo says snidely. I remember my manners at the last moment and offer them a forced congratulations, though I'm not even sure what it's for. For making a promise?


Lisa sighs and does the same. She looks more genuine, surprisingly.

The server delivers our food and we begin to eat.

"Mmm. See, Jisoo?" Hae-in goes on as if nothing had happened. "Just taste this steak. Then you'll see why it could replace every meal." He holds a speared piece of meat up to her face.

"That steak cost almost a hundred dollars, Hae-in. I don't think the steak at the wedding is going to be quite as high-quality."

"Steak is steak. A cow is a cow."

"Well that's not true..." she begins, then she delves into all the reasons why some cows just taste better than others.

I try to focus on my food. Despite its hefty price tag, I can barely taste it.

Lisa notices my distant behaviour and leans over to whisper in my ear. "Are you okay?"

I nod at her, and it's not as forced as I would have thought. "I'm fine."

"Not too subtle, huh?" she asks, referring to Jisoo and Hae-in. I glance at them and see that they're now arguing over whether the colour of a cow affects its taste.

"No. But I'm happy for them," I whisper, and Lisa smiles.

"Me, too."

"What are you two Chatty Cathy's talking about?" Hae-in interrupts loudly. I wince.

"Just talking about how happy we are for you," Lisa supplies.

"Well thanks, man." Hae-in looks genuinely pleased. Jisoo and I exchange looks - she's silently trying to communicate something with me, but I'm not sure what it is.

"I know it may seem fast for some," Hae-in goes on, "but Jisoo is the first girl I've felt this way about in... well, forever. I have no doubt that I'll marry her one day."

Jisoo's responding smile is genuine, and I know she's happy. That, in turn, makes me happy. I feel a little lighter in spite of everything, and the conversation begins to flow easily.

At least someone has forged a relationship out of this mess.

When everyone is finished eating, the server comes to gather our plates and offer dessert. Lisa and I choose one to share.

Hae-in touches Lisa on the shoulder. "Hey Lisa, mind if I talk to you outside for a minute?"

Three confused sets of eyes lock onto his, but he's undeterred. Lisa cautiously stands.

"Yeah, sure."

"Be right back, babes," Hae-in says, kissing Jisoo on the cheek. Lisa smiles at me and squeezes my hand, then they're both gone.

Jisoo and I immediately lean towards each other for discussion. "What is that about?" I ask her.

"I have no idea. Hae-in didn't tell me anything."

"Is it wrong that I want to go spy on them?"

"Probably. Is it wrong that I want to? I don't even have a reason besides being nosy!"

"That's true," I say solemnly, and she smirks at me.

"Seriously, congratulations on your promise ring," I go on, changing the subject. "I was just a little shocked at first."

"That's okay. After the fact, I realized what we did was kind of crass... you know, considering how you feel about Lisa. Hae-in has no idea, though. So don't blame him."

"I don't feel anything," I lie, but before she can argue a phone begins to ring, startling us both. We look around.

"I think it's coming from Lisa's pocket," Jisoo supplies, referring to Lisa's jacket that's draped over the back of the chair. I begin ruffling through the pockets, causing Jisoo's eyes to widen in surprise. "Are you going to answer it?" she asks, aghast.

"I'm just turning it off. This place is like... really fancy. You're not supposed to have your phones blaring across the restaurant!" I explain, and she nods in agreement. Especially since people are turning to stare.

I finally find the vibrating, offensive object and pull it from his coat. Just as I'm about to hit the end button, silencing the thing, I notice the name flashing on the screen.


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