I wasn't done yet.
" How many times have you done this to them? How many times have you took advantage of their trust? "

" I don't know what it is, but I can barely look at you right now. If you spreading my weakness made you feel better so be it.
I just pity you for using my weakness to overcome yours. If it did, I'll be satisfied knowing that my anxiety is making someone feel good about herself.
Maybe others feel that way too. "

Tyler broke the silence by storming out.

" T-ty, pplease don't d-don't do this. " She sobbed.

" Don't call me that! " He hissed at her.

" S-Seth? Len? " She sobbed fearing the loss of her friends trust. It struck Melanie out the living room and straight upstairs away from us as possible, Blake following after her to make sure she was okay.

" Pplease don't do this Ty. "

He hissed as I flinched but quickly recovered as Amelia grabbed her things without uttering a single word.

It was silent, silent enough for you to hear my heart thump out of its cage, or how my breathing rate is rapid.
The way we all just sat there was enough for us to comprehend what had gone up. I wasn't as surprised but for them I'd claim it beyond confounding. To know that your one of your closest friends may to turn to be the one to expose your past to your worst enemy must be beyond confounding. To know that someone you dearly cared for and trusted broke the only thing you had, trust, had to leave them beyond confounded.
Exposing me wasn't as hurtful as it must've been to them.

The thought of how scary it could be for them as a whole group made me realize that they needed time as much I did before and they deserve the space they need as a group despite them not mentioning it, it was apparent enough for me to realize, and so I excused myself mentioning I'd go to bed in dads room and if they needed something I'd be close by.

I guess I need my own time as well as them.
Sinking into dads bed made me feel at home, at peace. The feeling you once had when you'd hide under your parents sheets chuckling quietly praying that they wouldn't see you while you were in an intense game of hide and seek or when it'd be the first place you'd run off to cry to.
It was the exact same intensive feeling in my chest, although I was older but still younger within.
Deep down, we all know that despite how old we grow it's the one place that's makes us feel home, at peace.

It's funny how twists and turns take over your life and you just have nothing to do about it but to just sit down and let it happen.

It's funny how you've gone through certain situations in your life yet still had nothing to do about it or how people go through emotions opposite of what you expected yet you still have nothing to do about it.

How you watch people take certain actions affecting you yet you sit and observe them take action.
You completely just sit there and embrace it.
At points you wish for everything to go in a certain way or a certain pace yet somehow it goes otherwise but what's important is are you willing to flow along with the way it goes and move on or hold onto it and stay stuck forever.
Like a child, I dazed off.
I dazed off only leading me to dreaming.
dreaming led me to swim around in the bed to wake up with a thud as I fell hard on my chest.
I laid there flat on my back to contain my breathing but it didn't work, I tried on my stomach but it only felt worse, somehow it felt bruised. I turned to lay on my right side able to contain my breathe.
As I inhaled I assumed I saw something by the edge of the bed cover, pulling it over to come across what I'd seen the door knob stopped me to it as it came to a halt before I sat up acting like I was startled.

" You okay dear? " Dad asked extending his hand for me to pull myself up.

" I think I broke a rib. " I choked which he laughed to.

" I knew I heard a thud. "

" Yep, that was me. "

" so, it seems like you missed me while I was at work. " He ruffled my hair as I still haven't accepted him for hiding Aaron's situation or the fact that he hid it from me after coming here and starting our new life ** his.

" I guess. "
I half heartedly smiled as I still had my mind tangled to the box I left under there.

Maybe it's meant to be that way, unrevealed.

Goodnight guys or Goodmorning. ♥️
Depends on your time zone.
Where are you guys from? You know I'm from Libya and grew in Canada.
Where are you guys?
Anyways hope I make your day with these updates.
We're not to far from the ending. . .

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