I appraise her a tad bit too long. Long enough to elicit the cocky half-smile from where it usually lurks, barely out of sight.

I don't bother commenting on her arrogance this time. I move aside so that she can enter.

"Hey beautiful," she greets me. The nickname falls from her lips with an easy finesse.

"Hey yourself."

She leans down to kiss me, "chaste peck" written all over her quick movements, but in a rush of motion that's too quick for me to fully grasp, her lips are pressed firmly against mine, the force sending me stumbling back a step or two. I grab a fistful of her shirt at the same time that she grabs my hips to steady me. Despite this commotion we remain latched onto one another. Soon I'm giggling against her lips, amused at our obvious lack of grace, and I can feel her smile against my own. "Well, that was quite an entrance," I tease, but she silences me with another searing kiss.

A few moments later, she rests her forehead against mine. "God, I've been thinking about doing that all day," she admits. I detect a hint of uncertainty as her eyes find mine. It's an emotion that puzzles me.

"Me, too," I say. All day, all week - is there really a difference?

She kisses me again and I'm elated. Finally, it seems as though we can just kiss without all the awkward doubt and uncertainty that always seems to be peeking around the corner. It's a wonderful feeling to be able to kiss her with such wild abandon this way. I'm doing what my mother always told me I should do - living in the moment - and at this moment all I want to do is fucking Lisa Manoban until she can't breathe.

Jisoo won't approve. It's lucky she's not here. And I shall not be disclosing this little lip-lock session to her - no, not after yesterday.

Lisa kisses my forehead and steps back. I frown at the sudden rush of cool air against my skin.
"Have you eaten dinner?" she wonders. I realize, for perhaps the first time tonight, that I actually haven't had dinner and I'm hungry. The anticipation of her arrival has put my nerves in such a twist that the thought hasn't even crossed my mind.

"No, I haven't," I answer. "You want to order out?" I can think of nothing more appealing than spending the evening with Lisa here. Perhaps we can watch a movie. And kiss... lots and lots and lots of kissing.

"Yeah, that sounds great, actually," she says. "You have anything in mind?"

I scrounge up some menus from the kitchen drawer and we settle on Chinese food. I order while standing in the kitchen; Lisa walks towards the living room and I watch as she freezes, her body stiffening with her back to me. With a frown, I hang up the phone.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah," she says uneasily. "Um, what is that?" I look towards the couch and it dawns on me. Of course, she's referring to the giant sloth currently taking over my furniture. "You got a cat?" she goes on.

"Oh! Well, um, I'm just cat-sitting," I clarify. "For a friend. His name's Louis. He's very... er-friendly."

"Your friend or the cat?"

"The cat."

"Oh." she stares at Louis another moment, not moving from her spot. "Well that's, uh... very nice of you," she finally says. "To watch their cat."

"Um, yeah. You know... they'd do the same for me," I awkwardly lie. "Hey, they said the food should be here in half an hour. You want to watch some TV or something?"

She nods and we head for the living room. With Louis taking up half the couch there isn't enough room for us both to sit there. One of us will have to sit in the chair while the other accompanies the giant cat.

BET YOU WANNA | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now