A New Dawn (bonus)

Start from the beginning

NL: it's fine, as long as you know it's not because we don't like you or something 

MJ: it would be so much easier if we could hang out with you outside the costume tho

NL: MJ NO after last time he'll probably just straight up tell us his identity T-T

SM: not quite there yet, dw

NL: 'YET'??????

MJ: im kidding. mostly.

MJ: but it was kinda awkward ngl

MJ: wasn't sure whether to call you Spidey or Spider-Man or just poke you for attention

SM: ah

NL: yeah I got that a bit as well. 

NL: we'll figure something out. What would you prefer sm?

SM: you could just call me Peter

MJ: .......

NL: ............

MJ: that's a joke right?

MJ: no way you told us your name after only knowing us for 7 months.

NL: yep must be a nickname or fake name or middle name mhm defo

SM: ahahahaha

SM: no

SM: my real name is Peter

MJ: you're awful at keeping secrets

SM: eh. it's a common enough name.

NL: I was going to suggest we just call you sam or something -;-;-;-;-;

MJ: also, still no way we can call you your name in public

SM: oh yeah.

SM: oops guess I didn't think that one through

MJ: why did I agree to be friends with a lonely superhero again?

NL: because I spent an hour annoying you until you agreed just to shut me up

MJ: oh, I remember now. so this is technically your fault

SM: tea.


SM: *photo of paper cup, background is view out of Peter Pan window*

SM: Good coffee :3

MJ: wth okay there are only four guys in here which one are you?

SM: None of them, it's from an hour or so ago (it's not gonna be that easy)

MJ: ...are you a regular? did I serve you?

SM: Not telling

MJ: I cannot believe you were actually in the same room as me and I didn't even notice 

MJ: are you TRYING to let the cat out of the bag?

SM: not telling^2



NL: anyone do anything interesting lately?

MJ: I yelled at one of the customers 

NL: ....I don't want to know

MJ: no, you really don't

MJ: how about u sm?

SM: studying

SM: sleeping

SM: drank a coffee

SM: patrolled

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