83. Wendell & Monica Wilkins

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Harry had spoken to Draco about what he and Hermoine had discussed, with her permission of course, and now the both of them were going through books on how to repair their memories.  She had been wise enough to put the memories in vials, so the issue wasn't how they were going to remember, it was at what pace could they re-intergrate them.  They knew they couldn't put everything back in place at once, it might literally drive them crazy.

And Hermoine wasn't taking any chances.  She had one shot at this, and they had to get it right.  The one book mentioned how, that if they started with the earlier memories first, it would be a great start.  Say the moment they found out that they were pregnant with her.  But it was extremely complicated, and very volatile.  If Harry made one mistake, then they would be lost forever.

They were in Australia, in a nice little town called Victoria where the Wilkins pair had purchased a house.  Still dentists, it wasn't hard to track them down, and Hermoine suggested that she make an appointment to go and have her six month dental check up with one of them.  Just to sort of ease into the feel of seeing them again.

She had gone, and had come back a ball of nerves and crying her eyes out.  Which was fair because she was the cause that they were in this mess, but she was willing to be patient, no matter how long it took.  The emotions that went through her at the time, had been one of pity, because neither of them recognized her, and this itself was damaging, but she knew what she had done.  Even the photographs of her had disappeared.

Together with Harry, Draco and Ron, who had all made appointments to go and see the dentists, they made a decision to instill one memory per visit.  The first would be dealt with by Ron, who would as he was sitting in the chair, release a charm that would have them gain some of their memory back.  It was tricky, but it could be done, if he concentrated and paid attention.  Hermoine had gone to see her father with her appointment, and Ron had made his with her mother.

When he was in the chair, he silently spoke a charm, and if you looked close enough, you would be able to see tiny little silver threads making their way towards her temple.  When they did in fact reach her, she frowned in confusion.  Ron had seen the look, so that must mean that it had gone smoothly.  She worked on his mouth a little more, and even complimented him on how healthy his teeth were, when he sent another charm into the room.  This one was of the birth of Hermoine.

After he had left, thanking her for seeing him on such short notice, he told the others what had happened, and how her face had changed every time he introduced her to part of her past life.  Hermoine was beaming at the news.

The next one to have their teeth seen to was Draco, but he was only here for the one visit, as he needed to get back to his children.  Harry had told him that he didn't need to come, but he had offered.  So, removing his jacket when offered the chair, after he had been shown to Mr Wilkins' office, he took a seat and did a silent incantation.

The memories that he was being gifted with were the early years of Hermoine's upbringing.  From the age of one up until the age of 13.  A teenager, with a bright smile.  Some of the memories included her receiving her letter from Hogwarts, how she simply couldn't stop talking about the boy called Harry Potter that she had met, and an annoying boy with red hair.

The one memory showed that she had so many books for third year, the year that she had decided to do ALL the subjects earning her a Time Turner.  When Draco looked into the man's wide eyes, he smiled at him, asking, "Is everything all right Dr Wilkins?", knowing that he was extremely confused.  The dentist just smiled and said he was fine, he had to go and see his wife quickly.  "Please excuse me", and he rushed out of his office.

His wife, who didn't have an appointment at that specific time, sat in her office staring out the window.  When he entered, she looked up with a faraway look in her eyes.  "Monica", he said to her.  She smiled and simply said, "Somehow that name doesn't seem to be mine anymore Wendell.  What's going on?", she asked with fear.  

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