17. Fun Shopping

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Draco had told Harry that he would like to be the one who decorated the nursery, and who was he to argue.  But he knew that he had to placate the others who were dying to have a hand in it, and so called on all the women for a word.  He was going to have to be sly about it all, hoping that Draco would not find out what he was up to.  Pleasing his Omega in every sense of the word was paramount to his happiness, and lo and behold anyone who pissed him off.  The moods of his love had somewhat subsided, now that he had something to focus on, but that didn't mean that Harry could get away with just anything.  

They were settled in the lounge, while Blaise and Ron had taken Draco shopping for the day.  Harry had been uneasy in the beginning to let him go, and had finally given in when Ron said he would rather kill himself than let anything happen to the man ever again.  Harry hoped it would never come to that, but agreed none the less, however hard it had been.  Being angsty was now a new personality trait that he had, and was even more calm at the way that Draco had held his face in his hands and kissed him before leaving.

"Harry, you said you wanted a word?", said Hermoine.  He nodded and started talking.

"Draco has been a right prat these past few days with his moods and cravings, and when I asked what he wanted to do with the nursery, he apologized for his snotty behaviour.  He has also asked me to say his sorries to all of you", he said with a smile.  "But, and I know that you all want what is best for him, I really think that he should be given the task of decorating the room".

Holding up his hands because he could already hear their protests, he carried on.  "That doesn't mean that you can't add what you think would be a welcome surprise to the room.  Anything that you think would brighten it up even more, I am asking you to do.  Draco doesn't have to know except when the reveal of the final look comes.  I need all of you to make a signature, so to speak, so that every time he does enter, he will be reminded of the love that you all have for him.  But it is to be kept secret.  Only the five of us will know", he said raising that famous brow of his.

Narcissa clapped her hands gleefully, because she knew exactly what she had in mind.  She was of the idea that Draco would want to be the one dealing with the nursery, and of course he had every right.  It was to be his first birthing, and she didn't want to take anything away from him.  Oh, she had so many ideas running through her perfect head.

Hermoine and Pansy gave each other wicked smiles, and Professor Mcgonagall nodded and said, she would rather sit this one out, but would buy a gift for the room and present it to Draco.  Harry thanked her, and said that it was their choice to make, but please remember to be quiet and secretive about it.  Draco loved surprises, to which they chuckled and agreed.

Draco on the other hand, was being dramatic.  Ron and Blaise had taken him to a shop called Baby Boom, and he was in his element.  It was a wizarding baby shop, just on the outskirts of Wiltshire, not far from the Manor.  There were aisles and aisles of everything that you would need for a newborn.  Diapers and pacifiers.  Blankets and pillows.  Clothes and shoes.  Hats and jackets.  Baby cribs and high chairs, and the like, and Draco couldn't stop looking and touching everything.  It was his first visit here, but he really wanted Harry by his side to make the final decision on what would become their children's first safe haven.

[Angel] he groaned in his mind, running his hands over the soft baby towels in the bathroom section.  Gods, there were so many colors, how was he going to choose, and he threw himself dramatically over the display.

[Yeah baby] came the reply, hearing the groan coming from Draco.

[I love that you sent Ron and Blaise with me, but I need you here] he pleaded - which sort of sounded like a demand to Harry.

Harry chuckled and licked his lips.  He failed to notice that the ladies were looking at him knowingly, that only Draco could cause that reaction from him.  So he looked down at the floor and sent a reply.  

[And why is that] he asked, not feeling any strange emotions.

[Just get your arse here Potter!  Pronto!] he spat back.

Harry laughed again, and said [On my way love].  He apologized to the ladies and said that Draco needed him, he would be back later.  They nodded and watched him leave the Manor.  Pansy spoke up at that moment.  "It is so wonderful to hear that man laugh.  We never thought we would, and I think Draco has made him the happiest man alive".

"Yes.  Harry never laughed much before, and I'm glad too.  Although I would never have said that it would ever be Draco to cause it, but I am happy for them.  And I can't wait to see what secret we each have planned for their nursery", said Hermoine.

Narcissa and Minerva nodded and said the same.  This was indeed exciting.  They started discussing what they were going to gift, to make sure that there would be no replica of anything.  It had to be original and only one of everything that they were giving.  All the ladies agreed on this, and started making their own very long lists.

When Harry reached Draco he gave him a hug and a long kiss, telling him in his mind that he was here, and asking what was so urgent.  He winked at Ron and Blaise and said that they could leave if they wanted.  Both their Lieutenants said that they weren't going anywhere.  They wanted to watch Draco lose his shit with Harry, which made the man laugh even more.  "You like seeing me suffer do you", he teased with his arm around Draco.

With them walking in front, and Ron and Blaise behind them, Draco showed Harry exactly what he had meant when he said he couldn't decide.  Waving his hands around in a state of panic, his voice shaking at the many different options there were to choose from, and hardly taking a breath when he was showing his husband everything.  How, what, where, the questions just kept coming.

Harry took the man in his arms and hugged him.  [Love, think of a color.  Make it so that you will never tire of looking at it.  Once you have the color, think of a theme.  And then we take it from there, all right?] he said, kissing Draco on the nose.  

[What.  You mean like pink dragons] said Draco with his nose scrunched up in disgust.  Harry laughed out loud.  "Only you would think of pink dragons baby", said Harry.  "I don't think you should do pink...", he started to say but when Draco raised an eyebrow at him, and said, "You think you're having boys do you?", Harry sighed and carried on explaining what he meant.

"I mean, if we do have boys, no one else is going to be repulsed by the pink except you my love.  Perhaps you should give this more thought before buying anything.  That way we can be ready with the necessities, and make arrangements for the more luxurious items when the time is right".

Draco looked at him and asked him with a very serious face, "Do you want to know the sex Harry?".

Harry licked his lips and said, "I don't care what the sex is...."

"That's not what I asked.  Answer the damn question Potter", he demanded.  Harry looked at him and said, "Only if you do love", to which Draco replied, "Not yet".

They did the rest of their shopping with smiles and laughter, purchasing diapers, bottles, snuggly toys, and some books.  Spoons for when they would be able to eat solids, their own little bowls and plates, and two sets of bathroom products, including soap, shampoo, and baby cream that would protect their soft baby skins.

All four men, with hands full of shopping bags, made their way home later that day, ravenous from not haven eaten.  And let's not fool ourselves, shopping can make you very hungry.

The Alpha Dynasty (Sequel to MARKED FOR DESTINY)  (Book 2 of 2)Where stories live. Discover now