35. Headache From Hell

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It seemed as if the days were flying by so fast now, that everyone had to take a step back sometimes just to enjoy each moment that was given.  Draco had started his decorating on the the nursery, and had decided to go with the soft colors of whites and greys.  Keeping the grey carpet, he thanked the girls when they told him that they had put it in to see what it would look like.  The more he dedicated his time to it, the happier Harry was, because now he could admire his husband in a 'work' environment, and they could make decisions together.  

He had spoken to Draco about Dumbledore's offer and didn't expect him to answer how he had.  Draco had told Harry that if he really wanted to work there, he should go for it.  He didn't ever want to hold him back, he would have the twins to keep him busy anyway.  So he himself would not accept, but Harry was more than welcome to do so.  Making Harry think twice as hard about if this is what he really wanted.  He would think on it some more, and then decide.  There was no rush, so he put that thought away for later.

Each new day bringing more and more love and surprises their way, that had Harry waking up one day with terrible shakes, and a headache from hell.  The last time he had felt this horrible was before he had been bitten by Septys.  He knew it had nothing to do with Draco, because his emotions were calm in his sleeping state, but then what had him so riled up.  He tried to open his eyes and found that they were too heavy, and so put a hand on his forehead.  It came away sweaty and clammy.  Was he getting another fever?  What the hell was going on?

He didn't want to wake Draco, the man needed his rest.  He sat up slowly, his head feeling as if it were going to burst, and made his way towards the bathroom.  Sudden nausea hit him in the pit of his stomach, and reaching the toilet just in time, threw up into it.  When he was finally done, he stood up on shaky legs, had a very hot shower, and brushed his teeth.  After getting dressed in a denim and T-shirt, he left the room to go and find some fresh air.  Yes, that would probably be the best thing right now, he thought.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he saw that there were guests in the lounge.  The three teachers, as well as Pansy and Blaise.  They all looked up when they saw him and Narcissa was the first one to notice that something was indeed very wrong.  "Harry, you don't look so well.  Are you feeling all right?".

He looked at her and tried to answer, but found that his voice had left him.  Swaying, but trying to keep his balance, he took a deep breath and eventually voiced what he wanted to say.  "G' morning", and then promptly fell to his knees with a heavy thud against the floor.  He clutched his head in pain and cried out, not knowing what was going on, or why this was happening now, of all times.  Panting heavily, he managed to get the words out that needed to be said.  "Get Draco", he begged, still holding onto his head.

Narcissa ran past him and went to their bedroom, flinging the door open, not bothering to knock because this seemed to be an emergency.  She shook Draco awake, and he was about to yell at the person who was disturbing him, when he saw the look in his mother's eyes, and felt the pain coming from Harry.  Without either of them saying anything, he put on a robe and ran out of the room towards the lounge.  He knelt down beside Harry and wrapped his arms around him, trying to calm him.  Or at least to take the pain away, but it didn't seem to be working.

"Harry", he said softly.  There was no response, other that his husband was still holding onto his head and breathing like a maniac.  "Harry!", he said again, this time trying to sound harsher than he actually meant to.  He wrapped his fingers around the wrists of the Alpha, and tried to take his hands away from his head, so that Harry would look up and see him.  It seemed to be working, and when Harry did look into the mercury orbs of the man he loved so dearly, he fell backward, passing out from the pain.

The house elves levitated him onto the couch, and after Draco asked for a pillow to put under his head, sat down next to him, wondering what the hell had just happened.  [Harry], he said in his mind.  [Harry love - please wake up] he said again.  There was no movement, no answer, no response whatsoever.  Draco was panicking.  Harry was always the one in control, always the stronger one, what was he going to do.  He asked his mother if she could send Gimble to go and fetch Gloria.  Perhaps she knew what was wrong, and could help them.

But just as Narcissa had explained to Gimble what was needed from him, Harry started to stir.  She held up her hand so that he mustn't leave yet, but stay where he was, she wanted to see if Harry was all right.  He opened his eyes slowly, and blinked, looking around him.  He saw so many pairs of eyes looking at him, that he began to feel uncomfortable.  "Boo", he rasped out, and before too long, Draco was by his side.  "What's going on?", he asked, totally oblivious to what had just happened, and how they had been worried for him.

"You passed out Harry", said Narcissa.  "Do you not remember?", she asked.  He shook his head and said no.  The last thing he remembers was waking up.  

Then his eyes went wide, as if sudden realization hit him.  "I woke up with a headache.  It was bad, so bad that I threw up actually.  And then it got worse when I left the room", he said, looking at his husband.  He knew they wanted answers, but asked them to give him a moment, he would let them know as soon as he was able to decipher what had happened.

They brought him a glass of water, and while Harry was processing in his mind what had been another vision, the others waited patiently for him to tell them if everything was going to be all right, or if there was danger ahead.  Hoping that the answer to that would be no, the next words out of Harry's mouth was met with words of "Oh Harry", and "We should have known", and from Draco, he heard the only thing that mattered, "Would you like me to come with you?".

The Alpha Dynasty (Sequel to MARKED FOR DESTINY)  (Book 2 of 2)Where stories live. Discover now