80. Slytherin Love

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Blaise Zabini was a nervous wreck.  And this itself wasn't normal, because he was someone who had been taught that he should consider himself at the top of the food chain.  Being humble wasn't a characteristic that a lot of people had, and Blaise had come to realize that the more time spent with Harry and being his Lieutenant, had made him become just that.  Only now, the difference was that he welcomed it.

In previous years he would never have thought of himself in that way, because humble people were stupid, and never came first in anything.  So why would he lower himself to such idiocies.  Because he was a man in love, that's why.  

The way that he had been used by Jennifer had not been pretty, Blaise had almost lost himself, and Pansy was the one to bring him back to reality, even if it was by slapping the shit out of him, and throwing all his alcohol down the drain.  At the time, he had been so angry at her, yelling and saying things that he should never have said, and each time she came back.

Back to help him, heal him, talk to him, and the one day he had started listening.  How she would get angry that he was being an idiot because some girl had told him to fuck off.  She isn't the only girl in the world, for god's sake!!  And stop your drinking, you are going to kill yourself, there are other things to do in life, to get over someone.

Well, thanks to her, he had managed to get out of his rut, and had started his road to recovery.  Recovery from a broken heart, and mornings spent with vodka.  He was indeed a very grateful man, and knew that if she had stuck by him then, even when he kicked her out, and shouted at her that it was none of her business, she was going to do it regardless.  

Pansy was extremely faithful.  Even as a friend, she would do anything in her power to help them and guide them, it was just her way.  At Hogwarts if a friend was having a down day, she would sit with them, make them see reason, assist where she could, and that was something that Blaise loved about her.  Actually, he loved everything about her, that was actually just a bonus.

He had spoken to her mother, and had asked if he could ask her to marry him, to which Gayle had replied, "It bloody took you long enough young man", making him grin wide.  So with money in hand, and a spring in his step, he had made the journey to a jewelry shop, to purchase an engagement ring.  He was going to do this the right way, he wanted her in his life, well, for the remainder of it anyway.

He had thought about who he was going to ask to accompany him, and not wanting to hurt any feelings, had asked Narcissa what she had thought.  After her many screams and saying good luck with the proposal, she sat him down and asked him, who do you consider your best friend.  This was a difficult question, because both Harry and Ron were now in that slot, as well as Draco.  He had no clue what to do.  

"Why don't you ask a woman then?" she suggested.  "Her eye may be able to see what you can't".

There were certain things to know about Pansy.  She had very expensive taste, so not just any ordinary ring would suffice, and she was extremely wicked in finding out things, that she thought was being kept from her.  With this in mind, there was only one person left to ask.  He gathered his strength and went to find Harry.

When he had told Harry what was going on, the man kept smiling at him, saying that he was a very lucky man to be able to find his other half, knowing exactly what it felt like.  So, they had gone together and the ring he purchased was exquisite.  Harry had promised not to say a word, and couldn't wait to see the look of surprise on her face when she saw him on bended knee.

It was a Saturday night, just after dinner.  Pansy's mother and Blaise's father had also attended.  They were having drinks in the lounge, when suddenly Blaise stood up and said that he needed to get something off his chest.  Harry smiled at him, knowing that this was the moment of truth.  Narcissa was gleaming, while Pansy had a look of worry.  She didn't know that something was bothering her boyfriend, but she would help in any way she can, if he asked for it.

Complete silence met him after saying those words.  And so after receiving a wink from Harry, he turned around and faced her, where she was sitting on the couch.  He took a deep breath and started talking.

"Pansy.  In all my life I have never known someone like you.  You have this uncanny ability to piss me off, and yet this charm about you to make me forget why I was angry in the first place.  When my life was going downhill, you are the only one who saw what it was doing to me.  Not even I could see it, and every time you told me, I refused to believe it.  When my sun wouldn't shine anymore, you were there to bring the rays.  When all I felt around me was icy cold, you were my warmth.  

When I felt that I was losing myself, you were the one to find me.  In all of this, you are the common denominator.  I have been asking myself time and time again, why it took me so long to see what was right in front of me, and the answer was always because I didn't want to.  Now, well now I can see it as clear as daylight.  I love you Pansy Parkinson", and with those words, he got down on one knee and pulled out a box from his pocket, "and I would love it if you did me the honor of becoming Mrs Zabini.  Pansy, will you marry me?", he asked letting out a breath.

Narcissa had gripped onto Lucius' sleeve, Hermoine's hand had gone to her mouth, Draco and Harry were smiling from ear to ear, as were Gayle and Frank, for this union would symbolize many other things as well.  They all looked to Pansy for her reaction, but the woman was sitting there, trembling, and she had tears running down her face.  Gods, she had wanted this for too long.

She stood up in front of him, and screamed, "Yes you idiot.  Yes, I will marry you", and when Blaise stood up, he hugged her tightly, asking for her finger.  He slipped the ring on, while her hands were shaking and then kissed her.  After the kiss, all the girls wanted to see the ring, while Harry offered to pour everyone some champagne.  Shaking hands, and giving hugs, telling them congratulations, we will help with the wedding and so on and so on.

When the evening came to an end, it was just Harry and Blaise left in the lounge.  Blaise thanked him again for going with him to buy the ring, to which Harry replied, "I think I might have been offended if you had asked someone else", not knowing how close he was to the truth that Blaise might have done just that.

Slytherin love, he called it and they both laughed out loud, shaking the man's hand again, and then went to his room to go and find his Omega.

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