10. The Front Page

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After the very emotional day they had spent together, Harry still needed to find out from Draco what the Healer had told him.  Would the nausea stop, or at least slow it down.  What had been prescribed to his Omega, and would it work.  How long would it take to work, because he didn't want Draco to feel any discomfort during this very trying time, and if he could prevent it, well then, he would be a very happy man.

After they had spoken to their guards, he and Draco had announced that they were going to take a trip to the Ministry to speak to Chase Harley.  The man who had taken over the reporting side of the wizarding world, and Harry had found him very easy to talk to.  The man hated lies and deception, and with someone like that on their side, how were they going to fail.  

Walking into reception, felt very different from the last time that he had been here.  Demanding that Abigail Waters hand over her microphone, and then arresting and condemning her for colluding with dark lords.  It would be a day that he wasn't going to forget easily.

He had asked the new receptionist, a lady by the name of Mary Jenkins, to please let Mr Harley know that Harry Malfoy-Potter was here to see him and that it was urgent.  She did as she was told, not wanting to be the one to piss off the Alpha.  They didn't have long to wait, and when Chase Harley stepped out of the elevator, he was blown away by the beauty of the two men in front of him.

"Harry, Draco, it's good to see you both", he said, shaking their hands.  They nodded at him and replied that it was good to see him too.  

"Sorry to barge in on you like this Chase, but we need a private word", said Harry, starting the meeting off with some mystery.  Chase said of course, and took them to his office immediately.

When they were seated, and refreshments of tea and cake had been served, without even waiting for an invitation, Harry told him what they were there for.  The reaction was one of great success, and after congratulating them more times than they could count, he saw them out with a promise that the headlines in tomorrow's paper would definitely be one for the record books.  They couldn't wait.

And so it was.  They had gone to bed after dinner that night, absolutely drained from the day they had had, and were out like lights before they knew it.  Waking up next to a warm body was what kept Harry sane these days, and if it weren't for Draco, he was pretty convinced that he would have gone insane by now.  When he reached out his hand to hold him, the bed on Draco's side was however empty and cold.  Harry frowned, and then reality hit him in the chest.

Draco was pregnant, ergo Draco was throwing up into the toilet bowl.  Poor baby, he thought.  How could he make him feel better.  He stayed where he was, waiting for Draco to emerge from the bathroom.  When he did, he looked a little pale, and holding his stomach made his way back towards the bed with a groan.  

Clicking his tongue at what his husband was going through, Harry asked if there was anything he could do to make him feel better.  Draco smiled and said no thank you.  [Just being here next to you already makes me feel better angel] he replied.  Harry smiled at those words and asked if the potions couldn't take the nausea away.  Draco said yes they could, the nausea wasn't as bad as it had been in the beginning, which of course made Harry feel a little better.

The got up, had their shower and their early morning heated kissing session, and were dressed to go to breakfast, when Harry remembered what today was going to bring.  They had both opted for casual wear today, with black jeans, a T shirt with sneakers.  Draco was wearing a light blue shirt, and Harry was wearing a white one.  They made their way hand in hand to the dining area, where Lucius and Narcissa were already waiting for them.  

They saw the newspaper on the table.  It hadn't been opened, and for that Harry felt a rush of love for all of them.  Waiting so that he could do it first.  The Malfoys had certainly come a long way.  He reached down and opened it with a non-existent flair, and grinned at the headline that was moving along the front page.  He winked at Draco, and dropped the paper onto the table, so that everyone could see what he could.


There was a photo of both men that Chase had asked permission to take yesterday, and in it they were looking into each other's eyes, not caring about the rest of the world.  It captured their love beautifully, and Harry couldn't have been happier.  Draco's hands went to his face to show his surprise at what was being shown.  The photo was indeed a stunning piece.  Chase had certainly done them justice.

"Wow", said Lucius.  "A beautiful picture of you two", he said with pride.  Narcissa hummed in agreement, and squeezed their hands.  "It really is beautiful", she said.

They both smiled and blushed, but thanked her none the less.  "Now we just have to wait for all the mail to get here, which we know is going to happen", said Draco.

Harry frowned.  "What mail?", he asked.  Draco rolled his eyes, because his Harry could be quite dense at times.  "Harry, do you think nobody will write and congratulate us on this news?  It's going to be a busy day love, I assure you", he replied.  Harry swallowed, and wasn't so sure about that.  But after thinking about it, he called for Guppy and made something quite plain.

"I want to see every piece of mail that is addressed to Draco or myself, the minute it comes to the Manor please Guppy", he demanded.  The elf nodded and said that this would be done, and wondered what had upset the Alpha.  Leaving the dining area, he carried on the word to the other elves, that any mail was to go straight to the Alpha on arrival.  Any visitors could be announced to the Patriarch of the Malfoy family.

The elves understood this.  Harry was obviously going to veto anything that came through the doors, because if he even felt a sign of a threat towards his Omega, there would be hell to pay.  They just hoped that there would be no dramatics, because if it hadn't been said before, they had certainly had enough of that.  Now was the time to be happy, and enjoy the feeling.

Draco was smirking.  

Harry Potter had again made the front page.

Imagine that.

The Alpha Dynasty (Sequel to MARKED FOR DESTINY)  (Book 2 of 2)Where stories live. Discover now