65. Happy Halloween

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The end of October had arrived in full throttle, and Draco wanted Harry to not only have the best Halloween ever, but he also wanted him to forget the horror of the holiday in all ways that mattered.  It was time to make new memories.  His ideas for new traditions were welcome, and he couldn't wait to tell Hermoine what had happened, and that he had purchased Harry the perfect gift.  It was going to be epic.

But first, a blowjob that would surpass any other.  The taste of Alpha cock in the mornings had been a secret craving of his, and he figured that no one needed to know that about him.  Not even Harry.  He yawned and with his very long body, made his way towards the space between Harry's strong and muscular legs.  He also loved the fact that they both slept naked, so there were no clothes to remove, because really, that would only waste time.

Dropping his head slowly, he nuzzled Harrys sac, the same way Harry would nuzzle his stomach with his nose.  His long tousled hair tickling Harry's hips, he inhaled deeply, and became aroused at the scent that was Harry.  He would never get enough of him.  Early morning orgasms were not only welcome, they had become an addiction.  If anyone wanted to call Draco a slut junkie, he would take the title with pride, and wear the crown too, thank you very much.

Harry shifted, opening his legs wider, which is what Draco had planned on.  He moaned at the softness of the sac, but knew that shortly it would become tight and full, just from his mouth.  Christ, the man was just so, manly.  Slow licks to start, from the bottom of his balls, right up to the top, making Harry moan in his sleep.  Giving a wicked smile, he traced his cock with feather kisses all along the shaft, making Harry stretch in his sleep. 

Muscles tight, he sighed in content, blissfully unaware of how his movements were turning Draco on even more.  Being the Alpha meant that Harry never knew what a soft cock felt like anymore.  It's not that he would have a permanent erection, but rather that it was too large to go soft, something that Draco loved about him.  So even at half mast, his manhood was stunning, and Draco had absolutely no problems telling him that.

Without any further thinking on his part, he took hold of the shaft, opened his mouth wide, and filled his mouth.  Sensations of wet warmth overtook Harry, and he thought that he was dreaming.  It wasn't a horrible feeling, this wetness, it was seductive.  He groaned again, and rolled his hips for more contact, more friction.  Harry was always so responsive to his touch.  

Draco was on his knees, with his legs open so that his belly could rest on the sheets.  He took Harry into his mouth again, and felt his own cock stir at the act.  Up and down, moving slowly, he wanted to tear the man apart.  

His eyes were closed, savoring the taste, with one hand still on his shaft, and the other on his hip.  Feeling Harry grow thick and heavy in his mouth, he carried on, even when he felt a strong hand take hold of his hair in a fist, he didn't stop.  There was enough room between them for Harry to rise and fall, which is exactly what he was doing, fucking Draco's throat as it were.  

Gasping loudly and hurriedly, Harry could definitely get used to being woken up with his cock inside heaven, and it wasn't like this was the first time it was happening.  The vision of it was fucking hot!

He took his hand out of Draco's hair, and put both hands on his face as if to guide him, all the time moving his hips up and down, his cock in and out of that fucking beautiful mouth, feeling his orgasm come to the surface.  He kept his eyes locked onto Draco, watching him love him, and give him pleasure, and then he shouted out, "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.  Oh...shit....oh baby", and shot his semen, thick and hot, gloriously down the throat of his Omega.  

Throwing his head back, Draco saw as the tendons in Harry's neck stood out, his Adam's apple moving up and down with every word, the way he had stubble on that gorgeous face, his eyes clenching shut at the feeling that consumed him.  And he loved it.  Taking the now sensitive dick out of his mouth, but not before kissing the tip with swollen lips, he said in a husky voice, "Happy Halloween angel".

"Come here goddammit", growled Harry with lust, wanting to kiss those perfect lips.  And when Draco lay beside him, Harry smashed his mouth over his, and groaned into their morning kiss, stretching out next to him.

"God, you're amazing", he panted, after the kiss.  "Happy Halloween baby", he said back after a while, still trying to get his breath back, and tasting the words for the first time.  But Draco wasn't done with him yet.

He left the bed making Harry wonder what he was up to.  

"Come back to bed so I can repay the favor", Harry said with a sultry voice, his eyes never leaving Draco.  

"No", came the reply.  He remembered the first and only time he had ever said no to Harry, and he smiled at the memory.  He turned around and winked at his husband, stating, "Stay where you are", and disappeared into the nursery.  Harry was leaning on one elbow, biting his bottom lip in thought.

When Draco returned, he had something with him.  A gift wrapped in a dark blue with thin gold stripes.  It wasn't a large gift, but he hoped that Harry would appreciate the gesture, just the same.  He climbed back onto the bed and held it out to his lover.

"Starting with our new tradition, this is for you", he said in a whisper.  "I hope you like it".

Harry sat up.  He would always like what Draco gifted him, and told him so.  "I thought we were doing the gifts tonight", he queried.  

"We are", replied Draco looking at his nails.  "But you need to have one extra", he chided.

"And why is that?", he asked, his earring swinging, his eyes softened by the gesture.

"Because I said so", snorted Draco.  Harry laughed with him, pulled him into a long kiss, and then started to open the wrapping.  Harry always thought that Draco, in any instance, would be able to take his breath away, and he wasn't wrong.

In his hands he was holding an album.  A photo album that contained slots with photos, pockets with memory vials, and personal items that had belonged to his parents.  He had no idea how Draco had managed to get his hands on most of it, and right now, he didn't really care.  He paged through the album, and got a lump in his throat.  His mate, his husband and friend, his lover and Omega had gone to the trouble of making his first Halloween precious.

He put it to one side, and pulled Draco into his lap.  Hugging him tightly, he kept trying to say  thank you baby, thank you so much.  And Draco kissed him again, telling him that it was all right if he had no words.  He would kiss him until he did.  

It was sure to be a Happy Halloween, the one thing that Harry had never experienced before.  And because of all the strong emotions that they were feeling, Harry made love to Draco, worshipping his body and his mind, his heart and his soul, making his Omega once again, happy to be the one that could indeed make Harry fall apart, and also be the one that put him back together again.

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