31. Pansy & Blaise

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If anyone ever had to ask Pansy what had drawn her to Blaise in the first place, she would tell you that it was his utter dedication to his friends.  Loyalty meant a lot to him, she had witnessed it during the Battle of Hogwarts.  She had seen it when they had taken Draco out that one night to Dazzlers.  She had seen it again when he had been made a Lieutenant by Harry.  She saw it, loved it, accepted it, and wanted to be a part of it.

Growing up, Blaise never had a father.  He couldn't even tell you who his father was, other than the fact that he was an Italian wizard.  And it was safe to say that that is all he ever wanted to know about the man.  He didn't care if he was dead or alive, where he was living, if he had married again, did he have other children.  He just didn't care.  And this didn't mean he was a bastard, but rather felt that his father was one.

His mother, Gayle, loved and cherished him with all her heart, and contrary to popular beliefs and rumors was not someone who would thrive on sex with a man, only to move on to the next unsuspecting victim.  She had loved her son's father, but when he had been unfaithful to her, she had kicked him out, and had raised Blaise with an iron fist.  She was fair, but she was strict.  She had no time for failure, and she pounded that rule into his head on a daily basis.

Being a pure blood, he had to follow the rules.  It was set in stone that he was to marry a woman who was not only also a pure blood, but knew the rules of such a bonding.  The sacred 28 left little choice as to whom he could set his sights on, but when Pansy had told him how she felt about him that one day, he had sat up and listened.  He had taken note of her in their fifth year at Hogwarts, and had to admit that she was alluring.  

Before all of this, he had met and had fallen for a muggle girl, by the name of Jennifer.

Their relationship wasn't based on love, it was based on sex, well for her anyway.  But when Jennifer had told him that she wanted nothing more to do with him, she had found someone else, he took to the bottle.  Drowning his sorrows and having one night stands, just to get rid of the humiliation.  He knew that he had never loved Jennifer, but the way she had scowled at him, chasing him away was not something that he would ever forget.  Well, at least he thought so at the time.

Then Pansy had told him how she felt about him, and didn't he deserve to be loved for the man he was and not the cock between his legs?  That comment had made him laugh, but when he saw how serious she was, he saw a different person.  She had stepped up to him and had kissed him so passionately, that it was like a light being switched on for the first time.  And he never wanted to be in the dark ever again.  It was like feeling the sun on your face after a very long and cold winter.

"Penny for your thoughts Blaisey", using the nickname that she knew he loved, while they were wrapped up in each other on his couch in their flat.

"Just thinking what my life was like before you and I got together Pans", he replied.  She leaned her head back and studied his face.  His soft brown skin was smooth to the touch, and she was glad that she had finally bagged him.  Wanting someone for a long time, but never having the chance to do anything about it, made you look at things from a different perspective.  She was glad that she had waited as long as she had, now all they had to look forward to, was their amazing future.  

"Do you miss it?  The life you had?", she asked, already knowing the answer.  He looked at her and smiled.  "Hell no.  You are what makes me happy and complete now Pans, and I'm sorry that it took so long for me to realize that", he replied.

She scoffed at his bashfulness and kissed him.  "I love you too Blaisey", she said.  They stayed that way for a while longer, and then Pansy broke the silence yet again.  "I'll get the ice cream, there is something I want to discuss with you", and she jumped up off the couch, and went about taking bowls and spoons out of the cupboard.

She returned soon after with two bowls of chocolate ice cream and sprinkles.  Sitting next to Blaise again she spoke, "Can you believe that our friend Draco is married to Harry Potter, and they're going to have babies?", she shrieked.  "Oh my god, I am so exited for them", she claimed.

He looked at her and said the same.  "Yeah, if anyone deserves happiness, it's those two.  We are truly fortunate Pans, to be included you know", he said.  She nodded and said she knows.  "I wanted to talk to you about maybe taking them out for a day.  The girls and I want to get started on the nursery, and we don't want him hanging around barking orders out every five minutes", she asked with big eyes.

He smiled at her and said he would make a plan to get them out of the house, but remember, "Harry said that Draco is in charge, so don't be surprised if he barges in there and changes anything", he said with a chuckle.

"He wouldn't dare", she spat.  "We aren't exactly going to take over, but we are going to hide certain things, so that when he does find them, he will be blown away by our cleverness", she stated.  "And you are not allowed to say anything", she warned.  They finished their ice cream and when they were done, stayed wrapped up in a blanket, enjoying each others warmth and company.  

She was glad that she had told Blaise how she felt, because she truly loved him.  Even if, when she was younger, had been promised to another man.  But there was no one else on this earth that would ever hold her heart the way Blaise did.

The Alpha Dynasty (Sequel to MARKED FOR DESTINY)  (Book 2 of 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن