73. The Alpha Twins

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When Draco had woken him up, he immediately knew that something was happening. It was the way that Draco had spoken. Through gritted teeth and a clenched jaw, Harry knew his husband was in pain. Like a shot, not even paying attention to the threat from Draco, he was out of bed, put some pants on, and called for Kreacher. The house elf showed up instantly, and when Harry told him to wake everyone up, he left and did what was asked.

He levitated Draco to the birthing room, where the man was sweating and panting, and gripping onto his hand for dear life. He didn't want to leave his side, and the others knew not to say anything, but when Gloria came into the room, she told Harry that he would either have to calm down or leave. She didn't want added stress to Draco, what he was going through was enough. Harry relented, kissed his husband on his forehead and told him how proud he was of him. "I love you baby", he said and left the room.

Not really wanting to though. He wanted to be in the room with Draco, but Narcissa had also told him, that perhaps this was for the best. She would assist Gloria with everything, and left to do just that. The others in the room were watching Harry like a hawk. How he would get up every five minutes and look out the window. Or how he would make his way to the door of the birthing room, raise his hands, and then without knocking, turn around and come back. How he would pace drastically across the lush carpet, from one side to the other.

How he would his hands through his hair in anticipation of what was to come.  The markings on his back more beautiful than ever, highlighted by the glow of the candles.  The look on his face showing that he was happy and concerned.  Excited but scared.  Elated but filled with apprehension.

Still barefoot and with only the light blue denim on and no shirt, he paid them no mind.  He wanted to be present at the birth of his twins, but knew that he would probably just be in the way.  Best to stay here, although he could rip the door off its hinges if he wanted, and no one would dare say anything.  Not to his face at least.

His magic was in overdrive. Harry, in slow motion, was making things in the lounge happen, that had never been seen at the Manor before. How the fireplace came to life by itself signalling life. How the water in the jugs would take shape and form bubbles, that would not only escape the confinement of their glass prison, but would dance around the room as if in a show.

How the people in the portraits would start dancing because what was happening was an enigma in and of itself.  Hushed whispers could be heard coming from them, saying that this was indeed a joyous occasion.  How the walls would shake every time that Draco cried out, making Harry lift his head in concern, and growl at the thought of anyone hurting his lover.

Hermoine and Pansy, the only two who could think coherently at this point, had sent owls to the teachers, telling them that the twins were on their way.  When they arrived, Dumbledore included, they all looked at Harry in his slow movements, and silently asked the others if this is what he had been doing all this time.  "He can't calm down", said Blaise.

"Perhaps you should offer him a drink, or at least go and talk to him", suggested Mcgonagall.  Blaise nodded and walked slowly towards the Alpha.  Blaise had poured two glasses of whiskey, taking one for himself and offering the other one to Harry.  Harry stopped in his movements, looked at the glass and took it from Blaise with a hoarse thank you.  He downed it in one go, and shoved the glass back into Blaise's hands.  Hearing his Omega cry out again, he growled quite loudly and made his way towards the closed door.

Permission.  It had always been a thing for Harry, even before becoming the Alpha.  He didn't want to knock, he really didn't, but would grant everyone a chance to see his manners, even in the face of his twins arriving.  He was a nervous wreck, so he tood a deep breath, and knocked on the door firmly with his fist.  And nobody answered.

[Draco love] he called out in his mind.  [Harry!] came the panted reply.  

[Are you in pain baby, you keep crying out] he asked, waiting with baited breath.

[Well, you would be in pain too...oh] said Draco as he felt another contraction.  

[Goddammit, I'm coming in] he declared, hoping for a positive answer.  

Draco replied [Yes.  No.  Wait yes, No!  Aaaargh!] and that's when Harry did what he had to.

He knocked again, and the door was flung open by Narcissa who seemed to be out of breath.  He asked her with his eyes, if he could come in, he would behave.  She saw the look on his face, touched it with her warm hand, and said, "Harry, calm down, everything is all right.  Labor pains, that is all, Draco is fine".  He nodded and asked if there was anything he could to help.  "You staying where you are, is all the help we need, thank you", she said and closed the door again.

And so Harry kept pacing, chewing on the inside of his cheek.  His magic kept performing, his friends kept watching him, Lucius was determinedly hoping that it would all be over soon.  The fire in the lounge suddenly lit up and a flame shot into the air, dispersing and vanishing, and Harry knew without a doubt that his first child had just been born.  Swallowing loudly, he started to come down from his agitation.  

The magic in him receding, he growled in happiness at what he knew was coming, and waited for the next show of the second birth.  But this one did not come in the form of a flame.  It came in the form of water.  The bubbles had come together, to form one giant orb, and slowly started to shape itself into a heart.  Then, they heard another cry from Draco, and the heart shaped bubble burst, leaving a rainbow of colors in its wake.

The Alpha Twins had just come into the world, and Harry couldn't wait to meet them.  He couldn't wait to hold them and tell them how much he loved them.  And he couldn't wait to see his beautiful darling husband, who had been so brave and so damn adorable during his pregnancy.

Just then the door opened, and everyone looked up to see Narcissa.  Her sole focus was on Harry, and so she walked over to him and hugged him first.  When she stepped out of the hug, she said with happy tears in her eyes, "Congratulations Harry, you and Draco have two healthy baby boys", and Harry gave her his most charming smile and made a beeline for the door.

The Alpha Dynasty (Sequel to MARKED FOR DESTINY)  (Book 2 of 2)Where stories live. Discover now