13. A Trip of Sorts

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Both men were ecstatic that the nausea had finally come to an end, with some days being bad, in that if Draco did have nausea, it was short lived and not as bad as it had been before.  As of today, he was two months gone, and there was no one else that was more thankful for that than Harry.  Narcissa and Lucius had seen the way that he was always hovering around Draco whenever Gloria came to do her check ups, and laughed at how he would swoon at the praise that his husband was being well taken care of.  Up until a point that is.

While the nausea had left his body, something else had taken hold of him.  Nothing physical, so that was a good thing.  No, the thing that was driving his parents crazy, and making Harry grin like a loon were his moods.  Not that they were terrible, because everyone was allowed to have a bad day once in a while.  But not a bad day every day, which is where we are now.  Draco Malfoy-Potter was ready to strangle someone if he didn't get his own way, and soon.

And Harry found to his absolute satisfaction that the only thing that would placate his lover's moods, was copious amounts of sex.  And of course the Alpha was only to happy to oblige.  If at lunch time, Draco would bitch about what was on his plate, he would send it back asking (more like demanding) something 'that agreed with his palate', while Harry rubbed his thigh in a calming way.  But Draco's senses were so heightened, that just a mere touch from Harry sent his body into overdrive.  Which obviously presented a new problem.  He would groan from the touch.

At the bloody lunch table!  And Lucius, while understanding this, was horrified and embarrassed at the display.  But all in all, they enjoyed their meals together, and more so their alone time.  It was on a rainy day, the weekend just starting, that they had all finished with breakfast, when Harry said they were going on a trip of sorts.  He wanted to spoil Draco again, and do it without the confinement of their room, or to make his Matrix turn green at the display.

So, he had booked them into an hotel in muggle London, where they would be spending and entire two days, to do whatever they wanted.  And they both knew they wanted each other.  Combining magic had become the norm for Harry, and he would do it with gusto.  Every single time he touched Draco in a new setting, his magic would vibrate and settle there, as if in silent agreement that the place now belonged to them, and nothing and no one would be able to harm them or infringe on it in any way.

So, suitcases packed with clothes and toys, they said their goodbyes and apparated to The Leaky Cauldron.  From there they would make their way to the hotel - aptly named - The Only One - and start their relaxation.  Harry knew that Draco needed this, and wanted him to feel well loved always.  Not that he didn't.  Draco's emotions had become extremely strong since falling pregnant, which had his husband wondering if it were just his, or did it include that what the babies were feeling as well.

Not one to dwell on that, although he wouldn't mind knowing, he would ask Draco about it later.  First, book in, unpack, and then the spoils.  He remembered the last time he had spoiled Draco had been on his birthday.  With the 24 gifts that he had given, Draco had been blown away by the sheer love that he had felt on that day and every day since, and Harry wanted him feeling that again.

Their room number was 777, and the minute they stepped over the threshold, the room gave a shiver, like it knew what was about to happen.  Beautiful things were going to be said and done here, and that was okay.  The room was done up in pastel colors, different shades of blue and grey.  It was a welcome change from the black and white, and they felt at home immediately.  When the bellboy had left from unpacking their bags, Harry locked the door and took Draco in his arms and kissed him like he hadn't tasted him in a while.

The world could do without them for a while, and he wanted to please Draco in every sense of the word.  Draco groaned into the kiss, as if he had never touched those lips before.  Being kissed by Harry was a feeling of pure bliss.  Just a kiss could leave him breathless and panting for more.  And Harry knew it, and he was also going to relish in it.

"Harry", whispered Draco.

"Shh baby, I've got you love", he replied, and with a wave of his hand, Draco was blindfolded.  "Oh", said Draco.  This was different and fun, and hot!  Even though he loved looking at his husband, he was going to go with what Harry had planned, and if a blindfold was part of the action, he wanted to be in the middle of it.  Harry grabbed his waist and pulled him closer so that their chests were against each other.

"Now, I know you have been high strung lately.  So, this is me telling you to let go Boo.  And anything that you feel uncomfortable with, you will tell me yes?", he asked.  Draco nodded his agreement.

"Words Draco.  I want you to use your words", he said gruffly.

"Yes Harry", came the shaky reply.

"Good boy", he said and rewarded him with another deep passionate kiss, his hands still on the slim waist.  He loved having Harry's hands all over him, the touch of his Alpha was the sole reason for his sanity, and yes, even he had to admit that he needed release.  And being away from the Manor was already a good start.

Harry removed his own shirt and jeans, along with his socks and shoes, but left Draco fully clothed.  Draco stood still, waiting to feel and hear what was going to come.  "I am going to undress you now Boo", he said with a raspy voice.

"Thank you angel", said Draco.  Harry loved being called angel by him, it made him feel so special.  The beauty of it was that Draco knew that exactly, which is why he used the word.  And Harry never wanted to be rough with Draco, if it was in a degrading manner.  He loved him, and worshipped the man that now belonged to him.  Time to let him know it again, he thought, as he stepped forward and started to open the buttons on Draco's shirt.  

Removing the shirt slowly to reveal his chest, Harry dipped his fingers lightly down his chest and then his stomach.  Draco threw his head back slowly, loving the feeling and the sensation awarded to him by Harry.  Then he heard and felt Harry get down on one knee, who had then started undoing his belt.  Those beautiful but rough calloused hands were so warm, and he wanted nothing more than to grab them.

But Harry read his mind, and said in a stern way, "No Draco.  No touching", and went back to his ministrations.

The Alpha Dynasty (Sequel to MARKED FOR DESTINY)  (Book 2 of 2)Where stories live. Discover now