68. The Staff Meeting

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Dumbledore had been told about what had happened at the Manor during the celebrations, and what Kingsley had said.  Mcgonagall and Snape had told him, and while he didn't understand why the man had laughed at new traditions, he knew that Harry had been kind to him.  In a room full of people, he could have degraded him, humiliated him, but this was not Harry's way.  But then, nobody knew what had been said at the front door, when he himself had sent the Minister on his way.

What he wouldn't have given to be a fly on that wall, he thought with a smile.  Their world was changing, and if new traditions were a part of that, who was anyone to scoff at it.  Especially the Minister.  Snape also said that Harry had asked him to be watchful of Kingsley, and this told Dumbledore two things.  That Harry would demand a submission from him soon, and that perhaps he already had plans on replacing him.  This had been Kingsley's second defiance, and that was already two times too many.

But, not one to dwell on other people's hardships, he asked one of the elves of Hogwarts to please arrange refreshments, as he was going to hold a staff meeting in the next hour.  He also asked Snape if he could please ask Harry and Lucius to attend.  He tilted his head in agreement, and left soon after. 

He had written a speech of sorts, because what he wanted to tell them was not going to be easy.  It was going to be hard, and more so for Severus and Harry.  They had to be there for each other when he gave them the news.

When Snape had arrived at the Manor, asking Harry to accompany him, it was Draco who told him that in no uncertain terms, "If Harry comes back in the same state as last time, I will hex the nose off your face", making Harry laugh and torment him, telling him that his threats were cute and adorable and not the usual ones that the old Draco would have made.  Draco smiled at him, but hugged him goodbye anyway.

"Call for Septys if you have to", he demanded with a quirk.  Harry relented, and said there was no need, because his Matrix would be there too, looking up just as Lucius entered the room.  Dressed to kill in black suits, all three of them made their way to the floo, and blowing Draco a kiss, Harry was the last to leave.

Arriving back at Hogwarts, they immediately made their way towards the office of the Headmaster, to attend the very important staff meeting, they had been told.  The three hadn't had a chance to discuss what they thought was going to be said today, so each with their own thoughts, waited to be granted entry by the gargoyles.  

Snape with his thoughts on Kingsley, the prick.  Lucius thinking about what to buy Narcissa for Christmas, and Harry wondering if Draco would notice the new parcel on their bed. 

But Harry wasn't fooling himself.  He and Lucius weren't staff members, and he knew the others knew this, so it had to be something important enough that he and Lucius had to be present.  Entering the office, everyone stood up when he walked in, and even though in the past, he would have felt discomfort, he felt warmth fill him.  Raising his hand in greeting, they took this as a silent thank you and to please sit down.

Filled with a sudden unease at seeing their faces, he realized now what was about to happen.  And he didn't like it.  But, he had to admit to himself, at least Dumbledore was being open with it now.  He truly admired the man, but had felt ashamed at how he had demanded that the man tell him his secret.  Surely if he were dying, he wouldn't want anyone to know.  The cleverness of Dumbledore must have known that it would bother Harry, because not long after being told, the Headmaster had called on him to tell him, that perhaps it was for the best.  Everyone in his life had a right to know what was coming, he had said.

So with tea served, and everyone sitting around a huge table, they waited for him to speak.  He said in a kind voice, "Forgive me if I don't stand while I talk.  I am not as young and as strong as I used to be", he said, which earned him a chuckle.  Harry sat with his ankle on the knee, and watched the man like a hawk.  Wondering if he should indeed call Septys to keep him calm, but thought otherwise.  Lucius was seated next to him, and so would lean on him if and when the time came.

"First of all, I want to thank all of you for taking the time to be here.  I have been wanting to tell you all something for a while now, as difficult as it may be.  We have Harry to thank for that", he started.  Immediate discomfort followed.

Was Hogwarts going to close it's doors, they all thought.  What could warrant those words from their Headmaster.  Some gripping onto their chairs, and some looking at Harry for answers, they held their breath for more talk.  Dumbledore looked at the table, and then raised his face to lock eyes with his old and trusted friend, Severus Snape.

"I recently celebrated my 185th birthday, and while I am extremely grateful to have been born a wizard, the years I have spent, every single one of them has been phenomenal.  Outstanding, and absolutely riveting.  If I could go back and be granted to change anything, it would be what happened to Ariana, my sister.  Otherwise, I have no regrets.  None whatsoever.  My biggest and only heartbreak will be the words that I am going to speak now", he started off.

He took a deep breath and continued.  "I am tired.  And so with this comes the revelation that I am dying", and he raised a hand in a silent request that there be no interruptions.  This was respected, and so he went on.  "It has also come to my attention that someone out there deemed it wise to label me a Supreme Wizard, and so, have offered me choices of how I choose to accept my death".  

"I once told Harry that sometimes we all have to make the choice between what is right and what is easy.  The decision I have made, was neither.  There is no right way, and certainly nothing about this is easy, but I have thought long and hard on it, and all I ask, is that you respect my decision, and let me embrace it", he begged, his voice shaking now.

The others in the room were stunned.  There were so many thoughts and feelings going through them all, and they wanted to cry out at the same time, but that would serve no purpose.  It wouldn't change the fact at what was going to happen, and like Dumbledore had said, to please respect that.  They didn't like it, they would never like it.  Dumbledore had been there for all of them in more ways than one, Harry included, and what were they going to do without him.

Harry swallowed, and pushed back the start of his grief, because he didn't want a repeat of what had happened when he had first found out.  And Draco would not be so forgiving this time around, he knew.  With eyes downcast, he tried to control his breathing, and he did that by focusing on the others in the room.

Professor Sprout had burst into tears, and was seeking solace in the arms of Hagrid.  Who himself was crying like a baby, because how would he manage without the great Albus Dumbledore who had always been on his side.  Professor Flitwick, having more poise, wiped away at his face with his handkerchief, knowing that he would probably break down in the privacy of his own rooms.

Professor Mcgonagall and Madam Pomfrey were holding onto each other's hands, in a show of solidarity, and they too knew of the greatness of the man sitting before them.  Madam Pince, the stern lady who was in control of the library, just stared in front of her, and hoped that the meeting would be over soon, because really, she didn't want to cry in front of him.  In front of any of them.

Lucius and Harry were looking at each other, already knowing what they were feeling, and Harry knew that he could, if he wished to do so, send a surge of calm into the room, just to make it easier for them to accept the inevitable.  Lucius saw his look, and nodded his head in approval, and so Harry did just that.

Suddenly there was a pulse that moved across the table.  Like a ripple in a pond, each one had their turn in receiving the gift of calm from Harry, not that they knew what it was, or that it was him who had sent it, and the atmosphere in the room changed, for which Dumbledore was eternally grateful.  

He raised his head and winked at Harry, which Harry returned.  They both knew that now the meeting was over, a horde of questions were going to be asked, and nobody wanted hysterics to rule.

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