37. At The Manor

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When his mother had entered his room and shook him awake he had been right pissed off and was on the verge of telling her that he needed his beauty rest, he was with child, woman!  But then he had seen the look in her eyes, and before either of them could speak, he felt the spike of pain that Harry was enduring.  Not even thinking about sleep anymore, he climbed off their huge bed, grabbed a robe, and made his way to the lounge where he could feel Harry.

Seeing him on his knees had brought back so many memories.  The night Harry had been bitten, the same night that he had declared Draco the love of his life, was the last time he had seen something like this.  Harry was clutching his head, crying out in pain, and he had no idea.  Even trying to feel his emotions didn't help, because Harry wasn't letting him in.  Either that, or the pain was overbearing.  He also knew that Harry wouldn't shield anything from him, they were past that point of secrecy, and both men were proud that they never had to stoop to such idiotic behavior anyway. 

Kneeling beside him, the pain felt worse.  Like a stabbing pain in his head and in his heart.  What could be so wrong with the world, that it would cause this.  But when Harry had looked into his eyes and passed out, Draco had known that it was personal.  He couldn't explain how he knew, he also didn't know in what capacity, he just knew that Harry had to deal with some things before moving on.  Which is why he had sent Blaise with him.  

Going wherever Harry went was the new norm for Draco, but he had to consider that he was very pregnant now, and couldn't just go traipsing across the country as he pleased.  He had known that Harry would not allow him to go, and that was okay.  His safety was paramount to Harry's livelihood.  He had seen the way the others had looked at him in confusion when he had knelt down to help his husband, and he had seen the worry in their eyes.  He understood that more than anyone, that having Harry collapse was not a good thing, and even though he was the Alpha, they had to remember that he was also human.

"Draco, are you all right love?", asked his mother.  He looked at her and nodded, but was still anxious as to when Harry would be back, and in what state he would be when he did return.  He had gone for a quick shower after the men had left and made himself comfortable on the same couch that Harry had lied down on.  Sipping on a hot cup of cocoa, he could feel the hate and the anger coming from Harry, but tried to pay attention to why it was happening.

Harry would surely be home soon and explain everything then.  Did he need to tell the others, no!  Did he need to explain why it had been Blaise that had gone with him, definitely not!  Did they need to know if there was danger, yes!  But Draco knew that this wasn't about that.  There was no danger on the horizon, this was a personal journey for Harry Potter, and he hoped that he would accept any help and assistance that was offered.

Each lost in their own thoughts, but it was Lucius who broke the silence.  "Draco, are you feeling anything coming from Harry?", he asked, also worried about the man.  

"Yes father.  First hate and anger.  Then excitement and relief.  If I had to muster a guess, I would say that he has gone to the graveyard and to his old home.  Something happened there tonight, but let's all wait for him to come back.  I'm sure that if he wants to talk about it, he will", he said with a slight warning.  In other words, don't ask about it.  Harry will talk when he is ready.

"When he came to the lounge, I could see he was unsteady on his feet.  As if he wanted to pass out, but then he fell and grabbed his head.  I was so scared Draco, and then when he asked for you, I knew that he would be all right.  But when he gets back, perhaps we should still have Gloria come and have a look at him", offered his mother.

He agreed and went to send an owl to the Healer.  Harry might be pissed off that he had done this, but that was his problem.  With twins on the way, he wasn't taking any chances, not when Harry's health was on the line.  Not that it was, but he wanted to be careful.  Rather safe than sorry.

Snape was torn about what to think.  When Harry had said that he needed to go to Godric's Hollow, he knew what it meant.  Harry was going to and visit their graves.  And he had every right to do this, he only wished that he had offered to go with him.  He knew that Harry knew that he had loved his mother with all his heart, and was not ashamed of it.  There would come a time when he and Harry would have a heart to heart about her, and he looked forward to that day with vigor.

Mcgonagall had never been to Godric's Hollow.  Not even as a sight seeing tourist to go and look at the famous Potter house with it's torn roof and rusty gate.  How the weeds had taken over the garden, and the rubble and dust lying everywhere.  The place had garnered quite a few unwanted guests, but she, being someone who valued privacy, would never infringe on that.  Its a shame how some people behaved, and hoped that by tonight's actions, Harry had put the stares to rest.

Dumbledore himself hadn't been to Godric's Hollow in ages.  His family was also buried there, his sister having lost her life when he had been in a duel with Grindewald.  His mother too was in her own grave, and he thought that perhaps this was Harry's way of telling him that he too had to let go of the past, put it behind him, so to speak.  Move on.  It was definitely time to do that, and he made a mental note that the first occasion he had to himself, he would do this with no hesitation.

Just then, all thoughts were interrupted by the cracking sound of apparition.  It seemed that the two men had found their way home.  Draco stood up and ran to the front door, where he saw that Harry was being held upright by Blaise.  

"Oh Harry", he said softly.

The Alpha Dynasty (Sequel to MARKED FOR DESTINY)  (Book 2 of 2)Where stories live. Discover now