26. Message In A Bottle

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After the magical display from the guards, Harry had thanked them and they left soon after.  Draco had held onto him, when his husband couldn't stand the strong feelings that he was being hit with.  It seemed that he had done something right after all, and this was his reward.  He was blown away by the sheer amount of love that was being sent his way.  After calming down some, they made their way back to the others, where they shared laughter, cake and more champagne.

The others had told the two men that what they had seen was stunning.  Harry nodded and said yes, it most certainly was.  He had no words. 

The move to the west wing would have to wait though, because everyone was tired, although Draco had already asked the elves to do most of the work later in the week.  Thanking everyone for an absolutely stunning day, he and Draco made their way towards their bedroom, where they both thought they deserved a hot shower and a warm bed.  Lying in each others arms was the order of the day, and Harry kept saying thank you for spoiling him.  Draco kissed him every time to show him that he was welcome.  

So welcome in fact, that he had been the one to make love to Harry that night.  Slow and simply beautiful, their bodies connected on a level that they were used to, but wanted more of every time.  Slow grinds, with hips rocking, hands roaming, and tongues seeking, their groans being soaked up by the walls of their room.  Their sweat embedded on the satin sheets that made their movements even more soft and smooth.  Reaching their orgasms together, when Draco placed his hand around the throbbing cock of his husband, they held onto each other as long as they could, before silent shudders and sensitive touches had them letting go to clean themselves.  "I love you baby", said Harry.

"I love you too angel", said Draco and kissed him all over his face.  Before falling asleep, Harry lay between Draco's legs, and kissed his bump, talking to the babies.  "Babies", and kissed his bump again.  "Papa loves you", he said with another kiss.  Gods, he was so in love with Draco and their twins.  Two tiny people that he hadn't even met yet!  The world had been shitty to him in the beginning, but it was starting to treat him kinder now.  He felt loved.  So loved.

Draco lay in Harry's arms that night, so grateful that his world consisted of acute perfection.  And that is how they woke up to a very annoying pounding on their door.  Draco stirred, but Harry told him to go back to sleep.  He would see what the commotion was about, and get back as soon as he could.  Draco mumbled something in his sleepy state, and did just that.

Harry donned on a pair of denims, and not bothering with a shirt or boxers, he opened the door and left the room.  Just a small way up the stairs, he could see that Lucius and Severus were standing there with worried faces.  He frowned and asked what was going on.  Both men looked at him and it was Lucius that spoke first.

"Sorry to have woken you up Harry.  But there is something that we think you should see", he said with a shaky breath.  

Harry nodded and answered, "What's wrong.  Has something happened?".

"Not in the sense that you think Harry, come", said Severus.  Harry closed the door to their room, and followed both men.  Thankful that no one else had been rudely woken up the same way, he followed them into the lounge.  Lucius had asked a house elf to please bring tea, which after it was done, asked Harry to perform a strong Silencing charm, so that no one could overhear them.  Harry frowned in confusion, but he could sense the apprehension coming from his Matrix, and so did as he was asked. 

He waved his hand to cast the charm, and they all sat down.  Each of the men sitting with a teacup in hand, Harry waited for someone to tell him something.  He would wait until they were ready.  He was, after all, a patient man.  He turned his attention to his old Potions teacher, and studied his face.

Severus seemed calm, but Harry was aware that the man was a master of disguise.  It was how he had been able to make Voldemort believe that he was the best soldier in his army.  His face said he was calm, but his emotions were screaming anger.  What did Snape have to be angry about?  Was this about him being raised by idiots who never let him celebrate his birthday?  Surely they had gotten over that?  Did they want to confront him without Draco, when no one else was around.  

Then he turned his look towards Lucius.  The Patriarch of the Malfoy family.  A strong man indeed, but he neither had the calm look of Severus or the anger in his heart that the man had.  No, all Harry could feel coming from Lucius was worry.  So, it couldn't be about the way he was raised then.  He had been specific and told them that it wouldn't ever be discussed again anyway, so what was going on?

Placing his teacup on the table, Lucius apologized to Harry again and told him why he had been woken up at this ungodly hour, and so rudely as well.

"Severus was going to stay the night in one of the spare bedrooms.  We stayed up just talking, and when it came time to retire, which was about an hour ago, he suddenly remembered that he had exam papers to grade for Monday, so he decided that he would go back to Hogwarts, and stay another night", said Lucius.

Harry nodded slowly and said, "O....kay".

Lucius looked at Severus with worry, and then looked at Harry again.  "When we opened the door, we found something on the steps of the Manor.  Not something that you would find where there isn't water, but there it was, as large as life.  And if Severus hadn't stopped me by holding onto my arm and pulling me back, I probably would have stepped on it", he said shakily.

"What was on the steps of the Manor?", asked Harry, suddenly aware that this could quite possibly be very serious.

"Something that is addressed to you Harry", said the Potions teacher, and Harry felt a chill go through him.  They all left the lounge, and made their way towards the huge doors.  Harry opened the door swiftly, and there on the steps, standing upright as if it had been personally hand delivered, was a bottle.

A light blue transparent bottle, with a tight cork sealing the contents perfectly.  There were droplets of water on it, and as he reached out to take it, Lucius warned, "Be careful Harry".

Harry waved his hand, felt nothing evil or bad, picked up the bottle and went back inside.  Scrunching his eyes, he looked inside.  It seemed there was a message inside.  A very small note that had scribbles on it.  He looked at them, closed the door, and took the bottle back to the lounge.

The Alpha Dynasty (Sequel to MARKED FOR DESTINY)  (Book 2 of 2)Where stories live. Discover now