66. Dumbledore's Dream

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David was meditating.  

Sitting on the cliff overlooking the valley that he had been gifted by his ancestors, with the waterfall to his right and the plush green hills to his left.  This was his daily routine, and he did it without fail.  Wake up.  Eat.  Meditate.  This alone time with his thoughts weren't necessarily the same in the sense that sometimes a few minutes worked for him, and sometimes he wouldn't move for days.  Sitting and waiting in that same spot until he had the answers he was seeking.

He was the Nature Wizard.  This didn't mean that he was all knowing.  He wasn't strong like the Alpha, he wasn't clever like the Omega, nor was he cunning like the Matrix Snape.  It just meant that he knew who was going to lead their world.  He was the one who ensured that their world would live on , by appointing an Alpha who would do everything is his power to make it happen.  And his choice had been the perfect one.

Harry James Potter.  With his kind heart, his soft eyes, his strong hands, his exceedingly strange and annoying impulsiveness that had awarded him with winning the war.  This was a man who trusted his gut, and his pure thoughts of everyone and everything had him owning the title of Alpha, as if he were born to wear it.  

When Harry had visited him a while ago, he had seen the way the man was struggling to understand why it had to be Dumbledore to die.  Because Dumbledore had asked for it, but the wizard himself hadn't even known that he was a Supreme.  That had come as a shock to him, and now that he had been given the choice of how to leave them all behind, he was pretty sure that he had upset the balance of what was becoming a perfect world.

"Everyone dies Harry", he had said.  And he would stand by that statement.  But he had made a promise to the Alpha, saying that he would visit Dumbledore one more time in his dreams, to give everyone enough time to come to terms with what his decision would be.  He already knew what the answer was, but would never speak of it.  It wasn't for him to talk about.  Just to let the Supremes know that there were choices.

He closed his eyes, and his mind took him away.  He found himself standing on an island.  A small collection of trees, surrounding a large mound of earth, and was opposite the castle that was Hogwarts school.  Calling to the man who he knew would come and stand by his side soon.

Dumbledore was dreaming.  He heard his name being called out, but try as he might, couldn't ignore the voice.  It was as if he had heard it before, and wanted to hear it again.  He moved slowly, trying to find it in the dark, and there, a small way in front of him, he saw a light.  It wasn't a very bright light, it actually looked like it was dimming, the closer he got.  He decided to walk towards it, and see if he wouldn't be able to hear that voice again.

"Albus", he would hear now and again.  He knew he was on the right track, and hastened his steps.  Even as an old man, Dumbledore still had style and grace, and would hardly ever falter, much to younger people's dismay.  His moves were like that of a dancer.  He eventually stepped out of the dark, and saw a man in red and white robes standing on an island.  It wasn't a big piece of land, but large enough for a small cottage perhaps.  

Approaching the mysterious man, he stood beside him but kept his face forward.  He didn't want to look, something told him not to.  A tiny voice telling him that all he had to do was stand and listen, and so he did.  It seemed like forever, but Albus Dumbledore was known for his patience, all in good time, he would say many times.  Who was he to rush things, things that he knew he didn't really have the need to.

"It is natural to want natural.  To highlight and not erase what has been written.  I salute your decision either way, and you know the consequences Albus", said the Nature Wizard.  

Dumbledore stiffened, but he nodded all the same.  Yes, he knew.  Every single action had consequences, and every single action had a reaction.  That is what made the world go round, it was part of life.  It was what made sense in all the worlds.  

"You cannot change your mind Albus", said David to him, this time turning to face him.  Dumbledore nodded again, and hung his head.  When he looked up, the man in the red and white robes was gone, and Dumbledore felt a sense of emptiness for the first time in his life.

He woke up with a jolt, realizing that he had just had a dream.  The man in the robes had spoken to him again, and had accepted his choice.  With no judgements, and no scowls, just kind words saying that he respected his decision.  He closed his eyes again, and felt a blanket of serenity cover him, and then closed his eyes and went back to sleep with a smile on his face.

Not knowing what the reaction was going to be when he told the others, if he did indeed tell them, because he was under no obligation to do that.  It was a personal choice, and it could remain that way if he wanted.  He knew he would be conflicted, but he also knew that he would make the right choice.

He almost always did. 

David opened his eyes, and he realized that his face was wet.  Raising his hands to see what was going on, he figured out that he was crying.  Not something that he had done in a long time.  Why was it that Dumbledore's choice had made him feel sad?  But he was also feeling pride, because he knew that it couldn't have been easy.  He himself, wouldn't have been able to make it, and he doubted if anyone would.

Dumbledore was one of a kind.  He was a gentle spirit, and a Supreme Wizard.  And David would respect his choice, however hard it may be for all of them.

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