20. Secrets Untold

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June had come and gone, with Draco being spoilt on his birthday, and every other day after that.  Which of course was the order of the day, if Harry had anything to do with it.  And each day they spent together, made their magic become stronger.  Even more so for Harry.  There were times when he lost his temper, and made things fly around the room, and there were times that he was filled with so much happiness, that if he even just walked past a plant, it would bloom.  Quite frightful really, but so far there had been no complaints.  

He decided that he would wait until the right moment to tell Draco about his vision, because he didn't want to spoil any surprises that the world wanted to throw their way.  It was on a Sunday afternoon after a huge meal, that they had gone for a lie down.  Draco's stomach was starting to show, but not by much.  And every night Harry would kiss the tiny bump softly, as if to convey a message of love for the babies that he knew were growing beautifully.

Gloria still made her weekly visits, and each time gave them a thumbs up at the progress that they had achieved.  She had also asked them to think about the birthing process, and what they wanted to have happen to make the experience seem not so troubled for them.  Did they want a home birth, or were they willing to go to St. Mungo's where there would always be a doctor on call.  They said they would think on it and get back to her.  They had more or less five months to do this, which when everything was said and done, was not really a lot of time.

Harry was lying on his back with Draco in his arms when he decided to tell him of what he had seen.  Draco felt the sudden change and became alarmed.  He raised his head to question Harry, but Harry held firm.  He put his hand on his head, and told him to relax.  [I have something to tell you].

Draco lay his head back down, and with his arm across the toned chest of his husband, and waited for him to speak.  "I am sorry for not telling you sooner love, but I was overwhelmed and had to process it for myself.  But now, I want to share it with you.  I want you to know that at the time, I had no idea what was happening, only to realize after the fact, that I had another vision", he claimed.

Draco tried to rise up again, but thought better of it and waited for him to carry on.  Harry took a deep breath and told him exactly what he had seen in his vision.  But it was a fumbling Harry that was speaking, and not the Alpha.  "I saw a pair of eyes looking at me.  They were so green.  And then I saw another pair of eyes.  They were also green.  Draco, they were....they were....so tiny....their tiny fingers....they held onto....onto my fingers.....and the sounds, oh gods, the cute sounds they made.......and their scent....they had the same scent as you do.....and I think.....oh baby, I think I saw our babies in a vision", he finished, and before you knew it, Draco was on top of him and kissing him.

 "Oh Harry, you saw our babies?", he asked with tears in his eyes, after breaking the kiss.  Harry looked at him with eyes that were also brimming with tears and nodded, "I think so love, yeah", he replied.

"They were beautiful Draco", he said.  "And I didn't want to stop kissing them.  They were so tiny, and so perfect".  Draco kissed him again, in order to calm him down.  The force of  his vision was only just hitting Harry now, and he was reeling.  Having seen such perfection, and holding onto them was surely something so pure, that he wanted to hold onto the memory forever.  Harry groaned into the kiss that Draco was giving him, and he opened his legs so that Draco could rest his own there.  

"I want you", he breathed.  "I need you Draco, please baby".

And who was Draco to resist those words.  After preparing him, Draco entered him slowly, in a show of soft and tender love making.  Harry's vision became blurry, white spots flashed behind his heavy eyes, and he was lost in the love that he could feel coming from his Omega.  Soft grinding, with their hips bucking slowly, lost in the rhythm of each other, hands roaming all over the bodies that they both knew so well, lost in the scent and taste of each other.

Heavy panting and deep groans could be heard, and when Harry felt his orgasm rise to the surface, he raised his head to kiss Draco like a dying man, and he clenched his hole and came all over his chest, making Draco slam home one more time, and do the same.  Filling his husband with white hot spurts of his love, he kept on repeating the words that his head was filled with.  "I love you Harry.  I love you", over and over and over again.  And Harry kissed those words, as if he wanted to swallow them and keep them in his heart forever.

It  had been an emotional time for them, and after they were spent, lay in each other's arms until they found their voices and spoke about what had happened.  Harry told him everything, and Draco listened with rapt attention.  He asked what else Harry had seen, and was a bit nervous at the answer.  "If you're asking whether they are boys or girls, I don't know.  If you're asking what color their hair is, I don't know.  I only saw their eyes and held onto their little fingers Draco", he answered.

Draco was, to say the least, very excited.  Knowing that his babies were going to have green eyes just like Harry made him want to do the flip.  A somersault in mid air, because those eyes that  had held his attention in the great hall of Hogwarts for so long, were now being painted onto another canvas.  Two canvases in fact.  Canvases that had been touched by the paint brushes of Harry and Draco's love.  

The Alpha Dynasty (Sequel to MARKED FOR DESTINY)  (Book 2 of 2)Where stories live. Discover now