67. Gifts Exchanged

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Dinner that night was a bustling affair.  Everyone had come to the Manor, except Dumbledore, who claimed that he had a previous engagement.  He would try and visit some other time.  

Feeling the loss from his presence, they vowed to make this a night to remember.  And if the morning was anything to go by, Harry knew it was going to be one for the record books.  Narcissa and Draco had outdone themselves with decorating the Manor, it looked elegant, classy, if not a bit naughty.

There were different colored fairy lights draping down from the high ceiling, that would blink on and off every so often.  Infused with Omega magic, every time a light would flash off, tiny little fairies would peek out at you, playing their silly game of hide and seek, and scream out in their tiny voices, 'BOO!'  

There was a collection of spiders in some of the corners, high up, with their intricate webs spun around them, and every time someone would enter the Manor, you would hear their hairy legs being rubbed together, to make a melody of music.

There was an enormous pumpkin showpiece in the center of the floor leading towards the dining area, and anyone who didn't place a gift inside, was not allowed entry, and finally, there was a table with the spiciest of pumpkin juices.  Bright orange in color, but had swirls of tiny blue inside, which indicated strong alcohol, for those who wanted to indulge.  A separate bowl of apple cider was added for Draco, who was not allowed to drink.

The people present were Harry and Draco, all his Inner Circle and their spouses or lovers, the same friends who had enjoyed a movie night not so long ago, Daewood Peacock, Fabian Knight and the Minister for Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt.  Anyone who hadn't been to the Manor in a while, found themselves gaping at the different feel to the building, knowing full well that only love now resided here.  

All the women who had come were fussing over Draco, asking him how he was feeling, and were he and Harry coping with everything.  They must be so excited, and please can you show us the nursery.  They asked when is the due date, and call if you ever need any help with anything.  It never stopped, and Draco tried to keep everyone happy.  He raised his head at a question that Luna had asked, and blinked before he replied, making eye contact with Harry.

Harry had been watching him from across the lounge, and when he saw his Omega lift his head, he winked at him.  Draco smirked back at him in a silent message of, take these females off of me, for the love of Merlin!  Harry chuckled to himself, winked again, and paid attention to what Fabian Knight was saying.  All in all, everyone seemed to be having a good time, and then the elves rang a bell, telling them that it was time for dinner.

The table was laid out grandly.  It was not a sit down, more of a buffet, but there were tables and chairs provided.  Not something that a Malfoy ever thought they would take part in, but new times called for new tastes and styles.  A pitch black table cloth with a bright orange and silver overlay, and the food looked delicious.

There was pumpkin bread and apricot jam.  Vampire Tacos that were filled with steak, corn, guacamole, cotija cheese, and chili sauce.  They looked scrumptious.  There were miniature pork ribs, glazed with a barbecue sauce, and a very unusual upside down pizza, with toppings of mushrooms, garlic, sausage and black olives.  Of course, if your pallet wasn't used to rich food, then you could take from the normal menu, earning you a meal of roast lamb with mint sauce, roast potatoes, rice and green beans.  

For dessert there were pumpkin shaped biscuits, toffee apples, and of course treacle tart.  It was a mouth watering affair, this dinner, and everyone oohed and aahed at the variety of foods, and of course the way the table had been set up.  Congratulating Draco and Narcissa for their immaculate if not somewhat different decorations.  

"And since when does one exchange gifts for Halloween anyway?" laughed Kingsley.

"Since the Alpha started a new tradition in our home", stated Draco with a sneer.  

There was immediate silence at the answer, because in reality, Harry had just been defied and if it hasn't been said before, the Alpha in him wouldn't stand for it.

Honestly, who the fuck did the man think he was?  Being Minister doesn't make you immune to the rules of the world, and he would do well to know his place, thought Draco.  

Kingsley stuttered and apologized.  "Sorry Harry, I didn't realize", he said.  Everyone was looking at Harry, who was looking at the Minister, actually glaring at him for laughing at his new family tradition.  Not that he had known of course, but that didn't change things. 

"You should apologize to my Omega, Kingsley.  You are in our home now, and you will respect that", he said with a threat.  

Kingsley nodded and looking at Draco apologized once more, to which he just gave a curt nod.  Shortly after the apology, saw Harry and the Minister leaving the room in silence, and when he came back to the lounge everyone noticed that Kingsley wasn't with him.  Not wanting to dwell on how things had turned sour, he suggested they start with exchanging of gifts.

It was a beautiful evening, topped off by many exclamations that the surprise gifts awarded them, even the two men from the Ministry.  Blown away with how much love was actually at the Manor, they were stunned as to why the Minister would have said what he did.  But that was a worry for another day.  Everyone was happy with what they had received, and they all drank a toast to the new ways.

Harry pulled Snape aside later on in the evening, and asked him again, to keep an eye on Kingsley.  "Consider it done" he replied, not liking the man very much either.  Which was strange because he had fought by their side during the war, what on earth had he been thinking.  

And then, it was time for Draco to receive his gift.  Harry walked towards the huge pumpkin, reached down and pulled out the last present that was inside.  Smaller than the one that he had given Harry that morning, wrapped in bright pink paper and tied together with a white bow.  Draco shook it, and heard nothing.  Everyone was watching him, the way he would frown and shake, and smile and tear at the paper.

When he had eventually unwrapped it, in his hand was a box.  Black velvet made Draco immediately think that it was jewelry, and with shaking hands he opened it ever so slowly.  Inside was a small silver arm chain and on the chain was a charm.  A blue orb.  He looked closer, and saw that it was an exact replica of his womb, where his two babies were.

He gasped, realizing what it was, and looked up at Harry who was grinning from ear to ear.  He raised his hand to his mouth, to try and cover his emotions, but Harry felt all of them.  He rushed towards Draco, and hugged him, still with Draco's hand over his own mouth, his eyes full of tears, because this was, it was, well extravagant, majestic, wonderful, amazing, and one hell of a gift.   

"Thank you Harry", he choked out.  "Thank you, thank you, thank you" he kept on saying, and Harry was drowning.  Everyone had seen the reaction, but weren't privy to what their secret was, but they would find out soon enough.  "You are still a sap Potter", Draco laughed with his eyes still wet.  Harry pulled out of the hug and ran his hand through his hair.

"Says the man who is choked up, and for the last time, it's Malfoy-Potter", he said, while Draco playfully slapped his arm.  Everyone laughed at their antics, and soon it was either time to go home or time to go to bed.  

Where Harry was quite certain, that he would without a doubt, repay the favor that Draco had woken him up with that morning.

The Alpha Dynasty (Sequel to MARKED FOR DESTINY)  (Book 2 of 2)Where stories live. Discover now