19. Double Vision

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After Harry left from watching Draco, he went for a walk in the grand gardens of the Manor.  He never thought that he would ever think of this place as home, but the longer they stayed, the more he grew to love the place.  The mini buds that Narcissa had introduced him to so long ago, the big oak tree where the start of his Alpha journey had begun.  The room where he had stayed after he had been bitten, the dining room where he had felt his first pang of jealousy, even their very own bedroom that had been transfigured from a dungeon.  He loved everything. 

And he knew that the moment he spoke of leaving again, there would be a distant feeling, that maybe others thought that he didn't like it here.  And they would be wrong.  He just didn't ever want to infringe upon anyone, ever.  He would have to discuss it with Draco when they were alone, and make it very clear that he was never one to overstay his welcome.  But he knew that Draco knew this.  They would have to come to a mutual decision, but he put that on a back burner for now.

His heart had soared when he had seen the girls showing affection to his husband, and feeling all of his emotions was electrifying.  Draco was overwhelmed.  He had loved Harry for so long, and still couldn't believe that their destinies were entwined with each other.  Silly man.  And of course, being pregnant had his emotions overflowing anyway.  Sadness gave way to super sadness, as well as happiness being over shadowed by super happiness.  Because if the truth were told, Draco not only had to eat for three people, he had to feel emotions for three as well, and Harry was blown away by just how much his husband could handle.

He came across a patch of dry grass on his walk, and tilted his head as if he didn't understand why it was there.  The rest of the grass was thick and green and luscious, so why the dry patch.  Perhaps there were underlying things that were prohibiting the growth.  He simply waved his hand, and the dry patch was gone.  In it's place, perfect green grass, as if it had been there always.  He was so grateful for his powers, and to be able to use them like this was a gift awarded him from the heavens.  

He went and sat down by a little brook, where water was slowly trickling into a mouth of a river, and tried to gather his thoughts.  Draco was his to have and to hold for ever, until eternity.  They had both been gifted long lives, and if nothing happened to sour that, he would embrace it with open arms.  In the beginning, he had been astounded that Alphas could live to the ripe old age of 300 and sometimes more, but now.  With Draco in his life, and twin babies on the way, he would love to see them grow up, and have children of their own.  Even their children's children, and what a gift that would be.

He closed his eyes and laid down with his arms behind his head, and rested in the tranquility of the garden.  The sound of water the only thing that he could hear, and he let his mind wander.  There was a sudden image in front of him, but it was blurry.  Trying to focus on it, he relaxed even more, and found himself looking into a pair of green eyes.  They weren't his own, he could tell, but they were stunning.  Then looking to his right, he found another pair of eyes looking back at him, also green.  He blinked as if he was having double vision, closed his eyes and opened them again.

Wrapped in warm lush, cream colored blankets were two little babies, and they were making gurgling sounds.  Their tiny hands were moving above the blankets, and their eyes were following his.  In his vision, he smiled at them and gave them each a finger to hold onto.  Both of the babies grabbed them with such strength, that made Harry choke back a sob, because how on earth was this possible.

He was speechless, and rightly so.  They were exquisite, and beautiful, and oh, they looked so tiny and so precious, that he just wanted to hold them and never let go.  He wanted to reach out and touch their faces, but with his hands being held by them, that was not possible.  So he did the next best thing.  He nuzzled them both with his nose and his lips, and Harry knew at that moment that he had fallen in love all over again.

Their smell was familiar, as if he knew the scent and he just couldn't stop himself from kissing their tiny foreheads and nuzzling their tiny faces.  The noises they were making were telling him that they adored him and what he was doing, and so he kept at it.  When he raised his head, he saw that the both of them had fallen asleep with his fingers in their grasp, and were making tiny sucking noises with their mouths.

Lips pouting as if they had something to suck on, the sounds they were making, were to say the least, extremely cute, and Harry vowed that he would never let any harm come to either of them.  He couldn't explain it, he didn't understand it, he just knew that it was the way that they needed to be treated.  With extreme care and a whole lot of love.  And the universe being the size that it was, he would see to it that it would happen.

Harry jolted awake and sat up suddenly.  Raising his hands to his face he could still smell the faint scent that had been around him, just minutes ago.  He wondered what had happened, and what the scent was.  Where did it come from, and how did it get there.  And then, Harry realized with a force of an angry hippogriff chasing his prey, it hit him right between the eyes.  

He had just had another vision.  He had seen the twins, and they were beautiful.  They were going to be loved by so many, that he actually did choke out a sob at the thought.  Oh my god, he thought.  Wait until he tells Draco.

Just then he heard his husband calling him home to the Manor.

The Alpha Dynasty (Sequel to MARKED FOR DESTINY)  (Book 2 of 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ