58. Movie Night

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The adults had been invited to a function, and wanting to leave the Manor for an evening of fun and laughter had accepted, and had left a short while ago.  

Harry and Draco had the Manor to themselves, and decided that they should have their friends over for a movie night.  Just because they were the Alpha and Omega didn't mean that they couldn't have fun now and then, and do things that youngsters do.  And to top it all, they were still teenagers, so they made fire calls to whom they wanted to have over and asked the elves to prepare a load of snacks.

There were bags of crisps opened, popcorn was made, sweets and chocolates were laid out, the option for something cold and hot to drink was also on trays.  Now they just had to decide what movie they were going to watch.  Draco had asked that they make a big bed on the carpet of the lounge floor, that way if anyone fell asleep, they could leave them there, and send them on their way in the morning.

Harry told him that was a brilliant idea, and did just that.  With enough room for about twelve people, they threw blankets on the mattresses, and a stack of pillows, and waited for their guests to arrive.  They decided to go for a shower quickly, and were both dressed warmly afterwards.  Draco, in adorable pajamas, covering his swollen belly, and Harry just wearing short pajama bottoms.  

Although Draco wanted to say something about him not wearing a shirt, he was silenced when Harry pulled him into a kiss, telling him that he loves him, and only him.  When are you going to stop your silly jealousy Boo.  And when he replied with a snappy answer saying - "When you do Potter", Harry sort of got the message and went to put a sleeveless shirt on.  All in all, they were excited to see their friends again, who they hadn't seen since their wedding.

The first to arrive were Dean and Seamus who looked like they were in love with each other, and Harry was happy for them.  Neville, Luna, along with Ron, Hermoine, Pansy and Blase arrived soon after, and they were all asked to remove their shoes at the front door.  When they arrived at the entrance to the west wing, those who hadn't seen the sketch drawing of Harry's vision were amazed. 

"Wow", said Neville.  "He drew it exactly as you saw it Harry?", he asked with wonder.  

Harry smiled.  "Yeah.  It was a birthday gift from Draco", he said.

"It's stunning Harry", said Luna.  Dean and Seamus agreed with her, and after thanking them, they all made their way to the huge lounge where a stack of DVD movies was waiting for them.  He made it very clear that if anyone wanted to watch a horror, they were welcome to do so after Draco had fallen asleep.  He didn't want the man getting any scares, and therefore harming his babies and they all said that horrors were for another night.  He was thankful.

Settling his love under the covers, Harry made sure that Draco was comfortable, and asked what they wanted to watch.  Most of them said comedy or action, so he combined the two and put in the movie called - Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark - and they settled down to get the first movie underway.  

It wasn't long before Draco let out an adorable squeak, well that's what Harry would say, startling everyone to sit up and ask if he was all right.  He looked at Harry with wide eyes, and just as he was about to tell him what happened, he felt it again.  He put his one hand on his stomach, and held the other one up as if to tell them to hold on.  Harry was on his knees, biting his lip, and thought that the kick must have been hard for him to give a whelping sound.

"Boo?", he asked excitedly.  He loved it when the babies kicked, that Draco had even teasingly called him a masochist, because he was enjoying his discomfort.  When he had said that it had Harry feeling sad, because that couldn't be further from the truth, and when Draco realized that his words had hurt, he said he was sorry.  "I meant it as a joke Potter, I love it when they kick me", he placated, making Harry smile his sappy smile again.

"Boo?", he asked again.  "Are you all right?".  

"I am fine, it's just your Alpha babies kicking the shit out of me Potter - god they're strong" he said with a moan.  Harry laughed at those words, and all the girls went wild.  Each of them asking for a turn to put their hands on his stomach so they could feel the kick of the Alpha twins, that Harry had to pause the movie and watch as Draco put his hand over each one of theirs so that they could appreciate the full force of their strength.

Hermoine got tears in her eyes when she felt the kick, and choked out a sob saying that had to be the most precious thing that she had ever felt in her life.  Ron was a bit put out at that, because he thought the first time they snogged would top anything.  Pansy was beaming when it came to her turn, putting her face on his stomach, and when she felt the stab of a tiny fist hit her cheek, she burst out in giggles.  "That is sooooo cute!", she shrieked.

The more they touched Draco, the more Harry would give a soft growl that meant he was content, and please remember that he is mine.  But all in good fun, they knew their place, and when it was Luna's turn, she was the lucky one to feel two quick kicks in succession.  She hugged Draco afterwards, and congratulated them on such healthy babies.  The excitement dying down, had Harry leaning against the sofa, with Draco's back to his chest, and Harry put his big hands protectively around the bump housing the twins.

They shared laughter and snacks, drinks and trips to the bathroom, and the girls decided that they wanted to watch something else, but not with so much action.

The second movie, a romantic comedy, finally came to an end, and all of them had fallen asleep except Harry and Neville.  Draco was fast asleep in Harry's arms, and he didn't want to move for fear of waking the man up.  Which wasn't a bad thing, he knew how snappy his lover could be if woken up, and he tried to avoid that at all times.

"You look so happy Harry", whispered Neville.  Harry gave a tired smile and said that he was.  He had never been this happy before, and it was all because of Draco.  Neville smiled back and said he could see that.  They said goodnight to each other, and Harry decided to levitate Draco to their bed, because if he woke up here, he would be in a mood for the whole of tomorrow, and it was a mood that he could do without.

The Alpha Dynasty (Sequel to MARKED FOR DESTINY)  (Book 2 of 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora