7. Doubts & Reassurances

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He was breathing heavily, and when he looked into Draco's eyes, he could see the love and the adoration that the man held for him.  He had no words, it seemed that he had swallowed his own tongue.  When Draco placed his hand on Harry's face, he realized that he hadn't even given a response.  And he didn't want Draco to think that he didn't want this, because he did.  Oh, he so did and so just wrapped his strong arms around Draco's torso, and held him.  

Draco was smiling, because he had rendered the golden boy speechless.  Well there's always a first time for everything, he thought.  Rubbing his hand up and down Harry's back, as if to soothe him, he knew that Harry would talk when he was ready.  He felt that Harry was starting to shake, and he started to worry.  But what he could feel coming from him was not sadness, or regret or anything bad, Harry was crying happy tears.

When he pulled out of the hug, and told Harry to look at him, he did so immediately.  Kissing him slowly, as if giving a dying man oxygen, he gave himself to his lover so deep and so sincere, that Harry thought he would pass out from the surge of what he was feeling.  Choking into the kiss, because he was so damn besides himself with happiness, he just kept kissing Draco.  The man of his dreams, his husband, soon to be father to their children.  And just as soon as Draco had kissed him, was how soon Harry broke the kiss and shoved Draco onto his back.

This time, straddling his lover, Harry put his hands in Draco's above his head, to keep him there.  "You said babies?", he asked with a grin making sure that he was not hearing things.

Draco smiled at him and said yes.  "You Harry Malfoy-Potter, are going to be a new daddy.  To twins", he said with a giggle.  Harry lunged at him again, and kissed him like there was no tomorrow.  The already swollen lips that had been pulverized by him just minutes before, he never wanted to let go.  "Oh my god", he breathed out, smothering his face with kisses. 

Just wait until he told the world what was on the horizon.

Just. Fucking. Wait.

He was sobbing.  Jesus, could life get any better than this?  No, they hadn't had enough time for themselves before becoming pregnant, but that was a minor detail.  He wanted this, and thankful that nothing was wrong with Draco, he kept holding onto him and kissing him all over.  He knew that they would have to share this news, but that would happen later.  He needed to make sure that Draco was all right, and what exactly did the Healer say?  Was everything going to go smoothly?

But there was confusion.  He stopped kissing Draco and looked at him.  Flustered from all the kissing, Draco felt his sudden apprehension.  "Hal?", he asked.  "What's wrong?".

"You're a man", Harry stated.  

"I should bloody hope so angel", giggled Draco.

"How can you be pregnant love.  If you're a man, how is this possible?", he queried.

"Oh Harry.  I keep forgetting you were raised with muggles.  Very powerful wizards, paired with strong blood, can become pregnant.  It is not unheard of, and you being the Alpha, probably have extremely strong sperm", he concluded with a smirk.  He loved teaching Harry new things, and so told him of other wizards that had birthed babies.

"There was a wizard called Perry Peaceweather in the early 1800's, and he gave birth to no less than three children Harry.  He and his husband came from a very strong pure blood line.  Then there was the brother of the previous Alpha, Demetri Fox, his name was Sutton.  He gave birth to a little girl called Chelsea.  There are many men who can fall pregnant and give birth my love.  I'm just happy to be one of them", he said.

They had never discussed children, thought Harry.  Not that he didn't want them, but he had never resigned himself to the fact that he would be able to actually have them.  Well, Draco in this case, but what kind of father was he going to be.  He didn't even know where to start, and how do you divide your love and attention between two people, because all he knew now, was how to love Draco.  And what was he going to do when they fell ill, or scraped their knees.  How was he going to teach them how to fly?

How was Draco's health going to change, and would he be able to take care of him?  What was he supposed to do if his husband went into labor?  Where would they stay, would they find a home big enough?  What were they going to look like, and oh my god what were their names going to be?  If he could just......

"Harry" said Draco softly, placing a hand on his face.  "Your thoughts are all over the place love.  Take a breath.  I'm going to be fine.  We are going to be fine", he declared.  But when Harry looked at him again, he saw the red rimmed eyes, and the worry inside them.  Silent tears running down his face, because of his elation but also because of his worry that he wouldn't know how to care for him.

"Come here", he demanded, pulling Harry into his arms.  His Omega touch would calm his husband and so sent a surge of reassurance and love to Harry, trying to calm him, and that they were going to be one hell of a family.  Sobbing into his chest, and shaking from hearing the news, they stayed like that for a while, and when Harry was calm, he simply looked at Draco and said, "Thank you".

"For what?", asked the blond.

"For everything.  For loving me and calming me.  For belonging to me.  For giving me a family, something that I have never thought I would have.  Thank you Draco, gods I love you so much, I can't even tell you how much my heart burns from the feel of it.  Thank you baby", and he kissed him again.  And stopping in between to catch his breath and thank him again.  "Thank you baby".  Kiss.  "Thank you love".  Kiss.  "Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you".

And Draco reveled in it.  He loved being kissed and touched by the Alpha, and he knew that they had a lot to discuss, but perhaps that could wait.  Maybe, just maybe his Alpha wanted to make love to him again.  Harry felt his emotions, and answered [Oh baby - god yes], and so they did.

Slow beautiful love was what was needed to happen right now, and when Harry entered Draco, all he felt was tight heat and a fierce need to connect.  Grinding their hips together, rolling and bucking, causing each other to sweat and pant, looking into each other's eyes, because they both thought that it was very sexy, and it was such a lovely moment, they reached their orgasms together.  Draco crying out first and clenching, scratching his nails across Harry's back, so that when Harry came, he did so with a force that made the walls of their room shake.

Magic was indeed a wonderful thing.  

The Alpha Dynasty (Sequel to MARKED FOR DESTINY)  (Book 2 of 2)Where stories live. Discover now