60. The Nature Wizard

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It was magic that kept their world alive and thriving.  Everywhere that Harry went with Draco, he would again combine his magic, and if you looked closely, you would be able to see little sparks, shaped like lightning bolts that would move in the night sky, as a confirmation that all was right with the world, and it was becoming stronger than it had ever been.

The book of magic that recorded magical births had more names in them than the previous years, making the quill that wrote them down, shiver with excitement, that perhaps Hogwarts would have to be magically resized.  You can't have two hundred new first years arriving, when you only had room for one hundred and fifty.  A wonderful time indeed.

Harry had flown to his destination on the back of Quadrus, paying special attention to the grounds below him, trying to see if he could capture the beauty of it all with his mind.  Before leaving, Draco had told him to be careful, and to come back to him.  And paying uninterrupted attention to the fact that he had also said, to please not piss the Nature Wizard off.  Harry had laughed and promised that he wouldn't do that.

Landing gracefully, Quadrus spread his wings out so that Harry could climb off from his back.  He straightened out his clothes, which were formal pants in black, and a dark blue dress shirt with the sleeves closed at the cuffs.  He also wore a jacket, but no tie, black shoes and a belt.  His Alpha sign earring dangling in his left ear, to make a statement, that if you didn't already know, that this was the Alpha.  

He thanked his guards from coming with him, and told them to stay where they were.  If he needed them, he would call.  Only Septys was to join him on the first part of the meeting.  They all bowed their head in a show of understanding, and did as they were told.  Septys coiled himself around Harry's right arm, from his bicep to his wrist, enjoying being important once more.

Harry walked until he reached the large tree that was in the middle of the gardens where the Nature Wizard resided.  He had Septys glide off his arm, and put his hands in his pockets.  He stood there, admiring the nature that was surrounding him, when he was jolted out of his reverie by a cough.  Turning around, he came face to face with the man who had deemed it his duty to become Alpha.

He was tall, with light brown hair that was worn in a single plait behind his head, where then end of it just reached his waist.  He had chocolate brown eyes, a slight build, and he was barefoot.  He was dressed in white robes, with a red cloak thrown over his shoulders, that was held together by a golden clasp that resembled a butterfly.  In his left hand, he held a staff, similar to the one that Merlin had used in his time, that looked quite heavy.  It was in essence his wand, although the Nature Wizard tried to refrain from using magic.  He preferred to watch other people use theirs.

Harry bowed his head in greeting and offered his hand.  The Nature Wizard nodded back and shook his hand.  "Harry, it is certainly a pleasure to finally meet you", he said kindly.  "Come, let's sit down", and he showed his guest where two chairs were, on a cliff, looking over the valley.  "I come here often to think", he said after they were seated.

"It's beautiful", said Harry.  There would be no beverages or food served here, and even though this was a casual call of sorts, Harry had been told that they would be pressed for time.  Better to get started then, he thought.  "What do I call you.  Do you even have a name?", he asked, determinedly.  Septys slithered closer to him and coiled at his feet.

"David", he responded, noticing the snake.  "You may call me David".  He watched Harry and could swear he heard the man thinking.  

"What is troubling you Harry?", he asked finally, when he realized that the man was having trouble forming his own words.

The Alpha Dynasty (Sequel to MARKED FOR DESTINY)  (Book 2 of 2)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu