42. Excitement

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"Did you feel that?", he asked with wide eyes.  He was looking at his mate, who was practically glowing in the aftermath of their love making, and saw that he had a smile on his face.  Draco loved it when Harry got excited about something.  It was almost contagious, making everyone wonder where he got the energy.  "Oh my god Draco, did you feel that?", he asked again.

"Yes angel.  One of our babies kicked you in the face", he said with a chuckle.  He had felt it, and to be honest with himself, it felt amazing.  The reality of him bearing not one child but two, had him becoming emotional.  He looked into the emerald orbs of his husband and said, "Oh Harry, it felt beautiful".  

"Why are you sad love?", asked Harry, scurrying upwards to hold him.  Draco lay in his arms, and when they were comfortable, he answered.  "I am not sad Harry.  I am happy, and the fact that one of them just kicked you, kicked me, it's....I can't describe it.  It felt wonderful, and a little bit like a tickle.  Only it was from the inside", he said.  He couldn't believe that what he had felt was a kick, and what a stunning end to a stunning day, that he and Harry had both felt the first kick together.

Harry of course was in overdrive.  He loved the feeling, and wanted to feel it again.  The foot was so tiny, and the kick so soft, but he wanted more of it.  He vowed that from tonight onwards, he wouldn't go to sleep if he didn't feel a kick from one of, if not both of the babies.  This was too exciting to not talk about.

"Is it because we had sex Boo?", he whispered in ignorance.  Draco got up on one elbow and giggled.  "No my love, it's because I am in my second trimester, and now is the right time for the kicks to start", he said.

"Does that mean they kick you now until they are born?", asked Harry.  Draco thought about his answer and tried to remember what he had read up on it.

"No angel.  They kick to get more comfortable.  And they also kick because they are bonding with us.  They can hear our voices, and feel our love for each other", said Draco.

Harry was reeling.  And flying.  And flying and reeling, and he was confused.  "Did you know that babies kick?", he asked softly.  Draco turned to look at him, and placed a hand on his face.  "Yes, didn't you?", he asked back.

Harry shook his head and said no.  Where was he supposed to learn about babies.  He knew nothing of them, and he was getting angry with himself.  But Draco picked up on that and calmed him some.  [Tomorrow we will go to the library, and read up on it together, all right] to which Harry responded [Yeah, let's do that].

Harry kissed him slowly after that, and wrapped his arms around him in a show of protection.  When Draco turned around to lie on his side, Harry's chest was against his back with one very protective hand over his bump, in an effort to tell the babies, that Papa was here.  Kick all you want, I'm okay with it.  Not thinking about the fact that it could lead to a moody Omega in the morning, because of no sleep.

When Harry and Draco woke up the next morning, it was slow and lazy.  Wanting to remember the night before in full detail, they stayed wrapped up together, enjoying the warmth of the sunshine and the heat from their bodies.  Draco yawned and stretched like a cat, his long lithe body arching up from the bed.  With arms above his head, and his toes curled downwards, Harry would just look at him and get hard.

"Oh", he said suddenly with wide eyes.  Harry looked at him and asked what was wrong.  Was he in pain?

"No angel, another kick", he said excitedly, and Harry was on him like a flash.  Draco was still lying on his back, with Harry lying on stomach next to him and both hands on his baby bump.  Dropping his head to kiss the bump the same way he had last night, he waited patiently for his reward.  Soft kisses along the bump, from where Draco's pubic hair was supposed to have been, right up to the top.  

Draco didn't like having body hair, and so kept himself clean shaved.  Harry loved the feel of his smooth soft skin, and would often find himself wondering what Draco would look like if he did indeed have hair down there, to which Draco would always reply, "Don't be disgusting Potter", making Harry laugh out loud.  The fact that Harry had dark hair around his cock, made him more manly, and if anyone asked Draco, that is what he would tell them.

 And suddenly there was a kick.  Two in fact, and Harry was on cloud nine.  He smiled up at Draco and started talking to his babies.  "Papa is here my babies", he would say, and Draco would roll his eyes at his complete and total sappiness.  Harry Potter was a fucking enigma, end of story.  If anyone had told Draco months or even years ago, that he would lose his shit at feeling the kick of a baby, Draco would have laughed.

But this side of Harry, only he got to see, and he was so thankful all the more for it.  These weren't just any babies, these were his babies.  The Alpha twins, that had the world talking about them, and Draco knew that Harry would go to the ends of the earth to make sure that they would never want for anything.  Lost in their excitement of feeling yet another kick, they were late for breakfast.  When the knock on the door had come asking if they were all right, they shouted that they had slept in and would be right down.

After their shower, they made their way to the breakfast table, Draco with a smile, and Harry with a huge grin on his face.  Narcissa noticed that they seemed extra happier this morning and decided to ask what was the occasion for their smiles.  They seemed larger today, she said.

Harry and Draco looked at each other and it was decided that Draco would do the talking.  "Harry and I felt the babies kicking last night mother.  Which is why he is grinning like a Cheshire cat", he stated.

"And this morning", Harry added with pride.  

"His excitement cannot be contained", said Draco with a giggle.  Harry laughed at this, and when Narcissa and Lucius both smiled and said their congratulations, he was over the moon from the start again.

The Alpha Dynasty (Sequel to MARKED FOR DESTINY)  (Book 2 of 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon