12. Replies & Potions

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Harry had replied to every single letter that had been sent to him and Draco, thanking them for their love and their support.  Also Draco and Pansy had written to everyone who had been kind enough to send presents, and they were in awe of all the love that was being sent their way.  There was not one ugly or threatening letter that had arrived, and for that they were eternally grateful.  But Harry was not one to drop his guard, even if everyone else had.  He was more aware of his surroundings now than ever before.

His Omega was with child, and he wanted them to be kept safe always.  

There were some letters that had home remedies written down.  Some midwives speaking of, if Draco had terrible nausea then he was to do this, that or the next thing to stop it.  It was driving him insane, the way that he tried to convey to them thank you for the advice, but not everyone's body is the same.  It didn't mean that because it worked for some, it would work for everyone.  

It took them a week to sort through all the mail, and just as long to answer each one.  The mornings were always a bother to Draco, because the nausea was sometimes so intense, he just wanted to punch something.  He was becoming irritable, and Harry hated seeing him like this.  [Poor baby] he said to him one day after waking up.  [I'm going to give Gloria a call, so that she can come and check on you again] he said, without taking no for an answer.

The sound of Draco retching into the bowl was answer enough for Harry, and so he set out to do just that.  His Omega couldn't enjoy one morning in his arms, and he was tired of it.  This had to come to an end now, and by the gods, he would make it happen.  Just watch him.  When the Healer entered via their floo system, he was indeed happy to see her.  Although she had been there just last week, but it seemed that Harry was agitated.  He had been pacing back and forth waiting for her to come through.  And the minute she did, he started talking.

"Please Gloria, you need to take the nausea away", he begged.   "Draco is not getting a good night's sleep, and the mornings are not being kind to him either".  

Oh the poor man, she thought.  While she had given Draco certain potions that would help with his nausea, it seemed that it was his body that was refusing it.  She smiled and tried to comfort Harry, putting her hand on his arm.  It looked like he needed a hug.  "Harry", she said sternly.  "Draco is my patient, and I will do everything I can to assure his comfort as well as yours during his pregnancy, all right?"

He nodded at her.  "You need to understand certain things about Draco's body and how it is changing", she said.  

And Harry didn't feel uncomfortable at all, although that didn't explain the blush that was slowly starting to creep onto his cheeks.  If anything, he knew Draco's body like the back of his hand.  There was no one else who knew it like Harry did, not even Draco himself.  She had seen the blush and took another route.

"While he is a pure blood, and an Omega, which of course makes it possible for him to carry children, his womb needs to expand to carry twins.  I have given him a potion to assist with this.  This is what is causing his nausea.  The potion to take away the nausea is working, unless.... Is he only having nausea in the mornings?", she asked.  When Harry looked at her and said no, she knew she was right.  

"His nausea starts in the evenings.  During the day he's fine, a little discomfort, but the worse happens at night and in the mornings.  So you're saying that the nausea is because of his womb trying to accommodate two babies, and not from morning sickness?", he asked just to be sure.  

"Yes", came the reply.  

"But isn't there some other way or some other potion that would work just as well, but without the nausea?", he wanted to know.

She looked at him at answered.  "There is something else, but not everybody takes to this ingredient in a good way Harry", she warned.

"What is it, and what does that even mean?", he asked with worry.

"It is the crushed root of aconite.  In some cases it had caused a rash on the stomach area, although there are some who believe that this is the only remedy for nausea, but because his morning sickness is not because of the pregnancy per se, but because of his womb expanding, there is no way to tell that it would work for him.  And I don't want to cause him further distress", she added.  

Harry nodded and said thank you.  "So, we just carry on like we have been?", he asked.

She nodded with a smile and apologized that she didn't have better news to give him.  He offered to go with her to Draco, and together they made their way towards the room.  When Draco saw them enter, he knew that there was no escaping the shitty evenings and mornings.  But when Harry climbed onto the bed to hold him, he felt better.  So much better in fact, that he could sit up straight.

Gloria frowned and asked Harry to get off the bed, she wanted to see something.  And when he did, her suspicions were confirmed.  The cure to Draco's constant nausea was Harry.  Being touched by the Alpha at times like this was not only calming to Draco, it was reassuring as well, in that the babies could also feel it.  Which explained why the nausea was worse, when Harry was not at Draco's side.  It wouldn't surprise her if they were having boys, and one or both of them would grow up to be Alphas themselves.

She sighed with a smile and started her weekly diagnosis of him.  Waving her wand, she asked for the lights to be turned down, and asked Harry to lie down next to him again, which he did with a smile.

Her wand movements were strange but beautiful.  Harry could see there was an orb being formed, every time that she pointed it towards Draco's middle area.  The lights being turned off, made the display of magic even better, and Harry couldn't take his eyes off it.  There was a glowing orb above Draco, with a blue light shimmering around it, almost as if it were pulsing.  She waved her wand again, and suddenly there were things moving inside the orb.

"See that?", she asked.  "Those are your babies", she said with glee, happy that she was the one who was assisting them.  "They look tiny now, the size of a bean, but they are going to grow into healthy babies.  Would you like to know the sex of them?", she asked, looking at Harry, who she noticed had tears in his eyes.  

The men looked at each other, and communicated with their minds.  

[It's your choice love] said Harry.  

[Hell no.  Not yet] replied Draco.

They both looked at her and Harry answered, "Not yet, thank you".  She smiled, waved her wand once more, and the orb slowly made its way back to Draco's stomach.  "Now, I am pleased to say that your womb is almost finished expanding, so the good news is that your nausea should be coming to an end.  I can give you a potion for it though, if that would make you feel better", she said.

"Yes thank you", answered Harry, making Draco chuckle.  "You will have to excuse Harry Gloria, he only wants the best for me", said Draco with a wink.  She tapped him on his arm and said that's what good husbands do.  She left them with a set of new potions and it was when she reached the door that she heard Harry ask her something.

"What's the bad news?".  She looked back with a look of confusion.  "You said the good news is that his nausea is almost done, what's the bad news?", he asked again.

"There is none Harry.  Draco is healthy as a horse.  But perhaps some sweets, just for a treat?", she suggested, and left the room.

The Alpha Dynasty (Sequel to MARKED FOR DESTINY)  (Book 2 of 2)Where stories live. Discover now