52. A Supreme Wizard

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Not paying any attention to the stares that he was getting because he had no shirt on, he entered the castle once more.  The markings and tattoos on his back were still beautiful, and although he was sweating, making him even more stunning, the stares didn't stop.  But he didn't care.  He had Draco in his life to tell him how stunning he was, and their love was like a raging inferno.  The stares of young girls and boys did nothing for him.  

He was on a mission to find Snape and apologize.  He had no idea if the Headmaster was with him, and didn't know what he would say to the man if he was.  He moved slowly again, down corridors and descended stairs, his arms swinging in slow motion, his hand running through his hair now and again, his eyes blinking, his shoulders proud and determined to fix what he had done.  He saw the open mouths of some of the students and wondered what that was about, and he would smile at them, having no idea why they were looking at him.  

He came to an abrupt halt in the corridor when he saw Snape and Dumbledore standing in front of the door leading to the dungeons.  He raised his chin, and clenched his jaw in a demanding manner, telling the men that he needed to speak to them now.  Snape held his arm out and led them both to his room.  When inside, Harry could see the glass that he had slammed down hours ago.  He longed for another shot of whiskey.  Anything to make this easier.

Dumbledore must have felt his unease, and put a hand on his arm in a show of understanding.  "Come and sit Harry.  I'm afraid I have misjudged you, but that seems to be my favorite thing to do of late.  Misjudging people.  It is a quality that I used to know how to use", he said softly.  Harry smiled shyly at him, and they all went to sit down in front of the lit fire.

Harry wanted to speak first, then they would have a chance to talk.  

"First of all, and I mean this with all my heart Severus, I came to say sorry to you for my behavior.  No one, least of all you, deserved that kind of reaction", he said.  

Snape pursed his lips in acknowledgement, and was about to answer when Harry cut him off.

"However, that does not excuse the fact that both of you thought that you could hide this from me.  That both of you thought it would be acceptable if Harry didn't know.  Because while it may have failed your notice, I am your friend first, and needed to know from the start.  But always there are others who don't care what Harry thinks.  Who don't give a damn what Harry is going through, Harry is just a tool to get things done, who cares if Harry is hurting, who cares if Harry is told last.  And while I understand why you did it, I must insist that this never happens again.  Am I clear?", he asked with a threat.

The old Harry of months ago would have never spoken to his teachers the way he just had, but he had to know that they understood his domination in all things.  The old Snape and Dumbledore of months ago, before Harry had become the Alpha, would have probably given him detention that would have lasted at least a week.

But the men of today knew what they were dealing with.  They had become part of his Inner Circle, trust had been established, and there really was no excuse for what they had done, or in this case, failed to do.  They both nodded, and then Harry said that it was final.  This would not be discussed again.  It was their turn to talk, and tell him exactly what was going on, and what exactly his dream had been about.

"A few months ago, it was while you were on your honeymoon, that I had a dream.  I was very tired that night, which was funny itself, because I can go for long without sleep, and even then I knew that something didn't feel right.  I slept for so long, that I was even late for breakfast the next morning.  Fawkes also looked at me as if he knew what my body was trying to tell me", started Dumbledore.  And while he kept talking, Snape poured them each a glass of whiskey, to make it all sound smoother.

"In my dream I saw a man.  He was wearing red and white robes - like ancient Romans would wear, those that served their Ceasar - and he led me to a waterfall.  It wasn't a place that I had seen before, but the water was so clear and so bright.  It was stunning, breathtaking even.  The man put his hand on my shoulder and said to me - 'You are a supreme wizard Albus : And so you shall die a supreme death'.  Well naturally I had so many questions, but when I turned around I found that I couldn't, almost as if he wanted me to keep looking ahead.  Then the man spoke again.

'You have done what has been awarded you.  All that remains is your reward', and then I felt him leave.  When I turned around, he was indeed gone, and I woke up with a jolt and a realization that I had just been told that I was going to die", he finished with a sigh and took a large sip of his whiskey.  Harry was starting to get another headache.  From all of his mixed emotions as well as being away from home for so long.  He twirled the glass in his hands, took a sip of its contents, and thought about what had been said.

A supreme wizard indeed.  That was a fact.  Harry knew it, the whole bloody world knew it.  Now to figure out what the hidden message was, because Firenze had mentioned something about transcendence.  Did it mean the same thing, or did it mean that there was no death going to happen in the first place.  Harry had so many questions.  

He needed to talk to the Nature Wizard, but first, he had to inform the others.  They also had to know this.  He didn't like it, but he was not going to keep this from them, the same way it had been withheld from him.  It wasn't fair and Harry hated unfairness.

"I am truly sorry Harry", said the Headmaster.  

Harry looked at him and covered his hand with his own.  "Thank you Sir, as I am too", he said.  

After finishing their whiskey, Harry said he had to go home and have a meeting with the others.  It was imperative that both men be there as well.  A time for the next morning was agreed upon.  They nodded in submission, knowing full well that it had been an order and not a request.

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