46. Dinner

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Dinner was a magical affair.  There were fairy lights that were being held up by magic, and soft music being played by tiny little fae.  There was a punch bowl of fire whiskey that had shards of glitter in, melting on your tongue from the heat of your mouth.  The table had been set in bright red and white colors, as if Narcissa was trying to make a bold statement.  She had sent invites out to the teachers at Harry's request, and all of them had accepted without question.

The morning had seen him and Lucius go horse riding, while she and Draco stayed in the garden waiting for them to return.  Professor Mcgonagall had been the first to arrive in the afternoon, asking to be given a tour of the nursery.  She hadn't been involved in the buying of gifts yet, and wanted to see what else was needed.  Her mouth hung open at the array of different items that had been placed on shelves and inside the cupboards.  

She nodded her approval, that two of her favorite students had come so far in life.  Well, she didn't always have time for Malfoy in earlier years, but had seen his struggles in sixth year when he had been ordered to do the unthinkable.  But that was the past, and it was time to look to the future.  They were having twins, and she couldn't be more proud or more happy for the men.

She made a mental note on what was missing, and decided that she would go and purchase the gifts soon.  Harry and Lucius had come back from their morning ride, glistening with sweat and laughing about how they should do this more often.  Harry bent down and kissed Draco on the cheek, and laughed out loud when he sneered, "Merlin Potter, you smell like a Hippogryff".  Harry got the hint, and went to go and shower.

After getting dressed in casual chinos and a simple T-shirt with loafers, he made his way back outside.  Sitting in the garden had him thinking about how far they had come.  His first visit here had him telling Draco and Narcissa that he was going to defend Lucius because he had demanded it, and he wanted to see justice served.  He was pretty sure that Draco hadn't believed him then.  He chuckled at the memory.

Before too long, it was dusk, and the light from the skies had turned a pale pink, casting a glow on the earth and the lawn of the Manor.  It was a beautiful sight, and they all watched it in silence.  Until the doorbell rang, telling them that Dumbledore and Snape had arrived.  Leaving their seats, they went to the lounge, while Roxy saw the men inside.  

Small talk was the order of the afternoon, until about an hour had passed, and Gimble called them to the table, telling them that dinner was ready.  Everyone stood up to make their way there, except Harry who saw that Dumbledore was also still seated.  He wondered if he should use the opportunity to talk to him and ask if he was all right.  He would pay attention to what Draco had said, and not ask outright, or more demand what he wanted to know.  

Dumbledore knew that Harry, being the Alpha, knew that he was hiding something, and he really didn't want to burden the man.  Not when he was on the verge of becoming a father, and had his own reality to deal with.  He had thought about it for so long, and that is why he had told his friend and long time teacher, Severus.  The potions master had begged him to tell Harry, or someone else at least, but he had refused, saying that it was not the right time.  

He stayed where he was, trying to figure out what would be the best cause of action.  But before he could say anything, Harry beat him to it.  As he had known he would.  "Professor, is there something bothering you?", he asked kindly, knowing full well that the man would say that there was nothing.  "Or rather, in the words of the famous Dumbledore, is there something that you wish to tell me?", he asked, trying to ease the tension a little.

Dumbledore smiled at the words, and replied.  "No Harry, thank you.  I'm just thinking of the day that I dropped you off at the doorstep of those insufferable muggles.  Can you ever forgive me", he asked.  Harry narrowed his eyes, and answered immediately.  "It was never your fault Professor, that I had to go to family.  You explained the blood wards, so don't ever think that you are to blame", he stated.

Dumbledore stood up then, and nodded his head, saying, "Thank you Harry.  I needed to hear that.  Shall we go and eat then, I'm sure they are wondering where we are".

Harry followed him to the dining room, his thoughts in turmoil because he wasn't sure what to make of it.  Dumbledore asking for forgiveness at a time like this.  They were here to celebrate life, and enjoy dinner with loved ones, so what was the plan?  Why did he feel the need to say what he had, or ask what he had.  Harry would think on it later, and sat down next to his husband, took his hand, and kissed the knuckles.  

[Is everything all right love] asked Draco, enjoying the feeling of Harry's kiss on his hand.

[Yes thank you baby]  he replied, smiling at the others.  But it was almost as if Draco could feel the worry coming from Harry, and knew that they would be discussing it later.

There was roast leg of pork, with the rind crispy, mashed potatoes with sour cream.  There were glazed carrots that had been sprinkled with colorful sugar, and green beans in a French cut, that had been sauteed in garlic butter.  There was sweet pumpkin with a cinnamon and caramel sauce, and there was broccoli and cauliflower with a creamy cheese sauce that held the little trees together.  For dessert, there was a rich chocolate cake, ice cream, and a personal favorite of Dumbledore, lemon meringue pie.

It was a feast like no other, and everyone ate to their heart's content.  "The elves have outdone themselves yet again, please be sure to give them my thanks", said Dumbledore, after he had finished his second helping of pie.  He hadn't eaten this well in a long time.  Narcissa laughed and said, "I always do Albus", and went back to her ice cream.

Harry had been paying attention to the teachers tonight, and he discovered two things.  One, Dumbledore was more talkative than he had been in a while, and two.  Snape was a man of few words.  He had hardly said anything the whole time, but had now and again agreed with the flow of conversation.  It also seemed to Harry, that the two men were sort of ignoring? - avoiding each other.  He couldn't quite place it, and made a promise to himself that he was going to get to the bottom of this mystery.

With permission of course.  If Draco had anything to say about it.

The Alpha Dynasty (Sequel to MARKED FOR DESTINY)  (Book 2 of 2)Where stories live. Discover now