64. The Full Truth

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James and Lily Potter had been madly in love, got married, went on honeymoon, and had a beautiful baby boy all before the age of 22.  There were people who would still tell Harry that he looked just like his father, but he had his mother's eyes.  He loved hearing that, but when the time came for him to turn that age, would they still say the same.  Because no one had ever seen his father reach his next birthday.  And that was why Harry was so angry still, because they had been so young, with a life full of promise, and a future laced with happiness.

The repairs that he had done to The Cottage was profound, and maybe it was time now for him to do the same to his mind.  He had let go, and yes it had drained him, but mentally he had felt better.  Like he was breathing fresh air for the first time in a long time.  Perhaps he would have to do the same with his anger towards the holiday.  In reality, their deaths could have happened on any other day, but would he feel the same about it then?

So, having decided what the right course of action was, he pulled out of the hug and pressed his forehead against Draco's.  He swallowed because he had to word this just right.  [I want to tell you Boo, I do] and he smiled at him.  Raising his head, he smiled at Draco's parents too, and asked them all to have a seat.  What he was going to say wasn't easy, so please bare with me.

They all frowned at those words, but made themselves comfortable, and waited for him to speak.  He was chewing on his lip, not knowing where to start, and what to say, but when Draco took hold of his hand, he knew he was going to be okay.

"I'm afraid that I haven't been completely honest with all of you.  Not in the sense that you are thinking", he stated with a raised hand, when he saw their confusion.  He took a deep breath and started talking, for what he hoped would be the last time, about his youth and what had transpired, making him the man that he had become.

"The other morning when I left the breakfast table...when I became nauseas, it wasn't.....it wasn't my intention to, uh....upset....  What I'm trying to say is, when I.....when you.....you were all talking.......", and Draco could see that it was hard to talk about for Harry, and he spoke out loud so that the others would see his discomfort and respect it.

"Harry, take your time, or tell me and then I can repeat it for you.  If you want", he offered.  Harry looked up so quickly, and although he was chiding himself for not thinking of it, it wasn't Draco's burden to bear.  They had to hear it from him.  "Thank you Boo, but I need to do this yeah?", he said.  Draco nodded.

He played the words through in his mind and just told them.  Things that he had never wanted them to hear because he hated pity, and things that he never thought he would end up saying, and the words just kept coming, making him shake, but also making him feel like a new man.

"It was Halloween when Voldemort paid a visit to Godric's Hollow and killed my parents.  I was a mere baby, and even though I remember the flash of green light, I obviously didn't know what it had meant at the time.  But every year after that, I would become physically ill.  And not just nausea.  It would consume me in the worst way possible.  

I would become weak and not be able to leave the bed, or eat or even talk to my friends, let alone attend classes.  To others who could see what I was going through, they would always put it down to having the flu due to the change of seasons.  The only one smart enough to figure out what was going on, was Hermoine.  

She would keep me company as long as she was allowed, wipe me down, try and feed me soup, and bring me sweets.  It was adorable, but I didn't have the stomach to keep anything down.  She said it was a mental block, that I was doing it to myself.  I grew angry at that, because how dare she think that.  Did she think I was doing it to gain attention, and so I started faking feeling better, to stop the endless array of questions.

When I really couldn't help it, there were times that I passed out from the actual pain and nausea.  Dumbledore would say in later years that it was because of my scar, but I'm not so sure", he said.  "And that's why I don't or can't celebrate Halloween, because it doesn't feel right to do so.  Perhaps me talking about it, will make it so that I can change that", he said with a sigh, so glad that he had finally said it out loud.

"You are a complete arse, Harry Potter", teased Draco, but silently he wanted to throw up.  He though of all the times that he had been horrid to Harry, but was pulled back to the present when Harry spoke.  

"That's Malfoy-Potter to you Boo", he replied with a wink, teasing him back, because thank Merlin, his shakes had stopped.

"Why didn't you say anything?", asked Lucius with horror.

"Because the time wasn't right.  I didn't think it would ever be right.  But Draco has a way of putting me back together again, as usual", he said with admiration.  "And I don't want any of you to not celebrate Halloween just because I don't.  I was actually going to suggest a new tradition, but all of that seems pointless now", he said.

"What kind of tradition Harry", asked Narcissa, always wanting to welcome new things into her family.  

"Never mind, it's silly", he replied with a shy smile.

"Nothing you do is silly Harry", she said back.  

He thought on it and answered, "All right.  I thought that instead of having spooky ghosts hanging around, we could liven the place up with, I dunno, fairy lights and celebrate life so to speak.  Still keep the pumpkins and...perhaps exchange gifts", he said with a blush.

"I will keep saying this until the day that I die.  You are such a sap Harry", Draco snorted, glad that Harry had shared something this personal with them.

"Yeah, apparently so", he agreed, hugging Draco to him.

"That we can do.  Not that I have ever had cheesy ghosts in the Manor, mind you.  But the fairy lights and celebrating life seem to fit Harry", she said kindly, but deep down inside, she wondered what other truths were going to come out about how he had been raised, and what horrors he kept in his heart away from everyone.  

Harry smiled at her, and then chuckled.

"And so does the gift part", said Draco wiggling his eyebrows, making the others laugh.

"Thank you.  All of you, truly", he said in their understanding.

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