Chapter 41: not alone

Depuis le début

"No! No. I don't trust her!"

"Why not?"

"I don't know who she is, but she's trying to get me. Isn't there some other way for you to communicate with me besides talking so loudly?"

"Here take this it is a novelty freddy fazwatch."

Gregory put the watch on and Freddy sent an encoded message

Then freddy explained how he cannot exit the room by himself but Gregory could climb out through a vent and let him out.

When he went to open Freddy's door it wouldn't open he needed a photo pass. Luckily there was one at the convenience counter.

He let freddy and Gregory climbed back into his chest cavity and they went to try and go to the exit through the utility tunnels


as they were making it down the stairs they ran into y/n.

"What the? Freddy? Your supposed to be on lock down."

"Oh hey superstar. Sorry I don't know-"


You a voice in freddy chest cavity it opened and Gregory jumped out into your arms.

"Oh gregory! You scared the life out of me! I'm so glad your okay!"

You checked him and then kissed his head. He blushed for a minute and latched onto you.

Freddy didn't really feel that much jealousy. He was fine with Gregory.

"Okay but why are you two trying to go through the utility tunnels?"

"Oh I was just getting gregory to the exit the fastest and safest way possible."

"We'll that's very nice of you freddy but I'll call Vanessa and tell her."

"Who Vanessa?"

Gregory asked as you reached for your walkie talkie

"The security guard."

"No! Don't call her!"

You stopped

"What. But Vanessa will help you get out of here? Trust me I know Vanessa."

"I trust you but I don't trust her!"

"Why not?"

"Please just don't call her."

You sighed and put your walkie talkie away.

Then gregory climbed back into Freddy but you were stressing out! Memories of elizabeth being dragged into circus baby's animatronic body and dying came back.

You were sweating bullets but Gregory seemed fine. As you three were making it down freddy stopped

"Something the matter freddy?"

The little genius (Fnaf Yandere)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant