Just a little bit

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"Cmon Lixxie you haven't eaten anything! I know it's hard but just have a little bit ok?" "I'll try channie."

All the other members decided to go out for dinner but Felix didn't want to, so I was staying here with him. I made some tteokbokki, his favourite, and served him up a little bit. I knew he wouldn't eat much but I really wanted him to try. As I was rubbing his back he brought one of the chewy rice cakes to his lips and bit into it. He took another bite and then another, finishing the piece. He decided to go bake for some more and in the end ate 4 bits.

"Channie I don't want anymore." "It's ok baby, let's see how you go." I finished my food and we went to the lounge room to watch a movie. Halfway through felix looked at me and started to walk quickly to the bathroom. I ran after him and brought his long hair out of his face. "Lixxie try hold it ok? I know it'll be hard and if you can't then just forget about it, but try for me ok?" He pressed his lips shut and took in some deep breaths through his nose. After a moment he relaxed his face and stood up, hugging me. "Thanks channie." I praised him and carried him back to the tv, earning some cute little giggles.

Felix pov

I did it. I didn't vomit. Chan helped me with everything I was going through and always made me feel good. He was cuddled up to my side, slowly drifting to sleep as the movie came to an end. Once it was done I carefully picked him up without waking him and tucked him into bed. I climbed in next to him and cuddled him so that his head was in my chest.

Yet again, another short filler but I don't really have any ideas yet, I just thought like updating. If you have any ideas then you can comment them... if you want but I would appreciate it and I would put your user name at the top of the chapter that had your suggestion, but please please please comment! It would mean the world!

I purple you all! 💜

I know you || bang chan x Felix حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن