Dirty mind

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We stood there hugging for a while until the coldness was getting to us. We pulled away and it turned out that we both had tears in our eyes. I wiped away felixs tears, and he smiled. I couldn't live without that smile, not in a million years.

Let's go.

We were walking, our hands not together, because I didn't know if he wanted to hold hands, until I Felix his little pinky wrap around mine.

Cute. I muttered.
You're sleeping on the couch you know?

We arrived at the door, hand in hand and walked in to see all the members anxiously waiting. As soon as they heard us the looked up and melted into their seats, obviously relieved.

We were so worried! Said hyunjin.
Well I was worried about Felix. I love him you know.
Just tell us why you ran away felix? Said Han.
Well, all you need to know is I majorly fucked up and I am sleeping on the couch tonight.

We all decided to go to bed since it was about 12am and we were all tired. I got a blanket and my pillow and got dressed in some tracksuit pants and no shirt, ready to sleep.

About an hour and a half later, I felt someone climb under my blanket, and I smiled knowing it was felix. I placed an arm around him and we fell asleep.

Felix pov

I was having trouble sleeping without chan so I quietly slipped out of bed and into the lounge room in case chan was sleeping. I slipped under his blanket and he wrapped an arm around me. I smiled and fell asleep.

I woke up still in chans arms. I know he is sorry for what he did, he was drunk with jealousy. A lot of people would tell me to break up because it was a toxic trait, but it has only happened once and he regretted it right after. I feel safe with him, safer than I would without.

I felt someone kissing my head and ruffling my hair, knowing chan had woken up. He was holding my close and nuzzled his head into my nape. He is so soft in reality.

Channie that tickles!
Morning to you bambi.

His voice was all deep and scratchy, sexy. He sat up and pulled me into his lap.

Do you want coffee?
Yes please channie.

He got up to make some coffee for us and I could hear him singing. He was singing make it right by BTS (its amazing and underrated don't @ me)

He came back a couple moments later and handed me a coffee.

Yes Lixxie?
I love you.
After all I did to you?
Yes channie. I forgave you remember?

He sat down and pulled me close. His hugs made me feel at ease. He may be a bottom most of the time but he does have his moments. He made me feel loved and that someone cared, who he'd stopped me from cutting myself more- well maybe I did a couple times at the tree but he won't notice.

Yes channie?
Give me your arm. Right now.

He noticed.

I put my arm behind my back but he pulled it back and slipped the sleeve up. I could tell he could see them, five red scars, but this time he didn't tell. He brought me into a hug and cried. He cried into my shoulder like his family had just died. He cared. That's what this all told me.

I'm sorry chan.
It's because of me, isn't it.
No it's-
They are fresh, too you did them at the tree.
Well maybe-
Shut up and give me a kiss lix.

I kissed him and he put his coffee down, rubbing my chest instead. I moved over to straddle him and slipped my tongue into his mouth.

Umm... take it to the bedroom guys. Hyunjin said.

We stopped and then got up, and went to our rooms. We knew what hyunjin thought but really we were just getting good dressed, when chan got a call from jyp. He answered and talked for a bit and then hung up.

Lix, guess what he wants us to do?
I don't know...
He wants us to do a cover if his it's raining song.
What one is that?
I'll show you.

Yk, this iconic artwork. He shows felix the breathing.

Fuck you chan.
What what?
Your breathing is turning me on.
Ohh- why would that be?
It sounds like you do when I fuck you.
Dirty mind dirty mind d d d d dirty mind...
Chan, you know you have a dirty mind sometimes too.
D d d d dirty-
Fuck you chan.

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