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CHAPTER 52 IS HERE!! YAYYY! Also a fair warning that this will have abuse and lots of language, including the f slur.

Mum and dad?
You faggot! You dare get married to another man? That is a sin! You are a sin! This family is Christian and the bible-

Chan stepped in front of me and held and arm back, protecting me.

Sir I am very sorry to interrupt, but I have a question. If god made everyone in his image and made them who they are and that can't change, and if being gay is a sin, then why did god create gay people?
Stop being smart with me you son of a bitch! Felix, your coming with me, right fucking now.

He ripped me from behind chan, however much I tried to stop him. Chan tried to pull me back from my so called father but he was too strong. He pulled me into another room and locked the door, throwing me against the wall. He punched me hard in the guts and pain spiked through me. There was banging on the door but my parents only punched me more and more.

You faggot!

The kept punching me and although someone was frantically trying to unlock the door from the other side, they continued to kick me and punch me harder, until everything started to go foggy and form there slowly turning black, but only in one eye due to it swelling shut. My parents swore at me and shouted slurs, everyone that you could think of .


(OPEN OPEN! OPEN THE FUCKING- I'm sorry that misheard lyric is too fitting)

Oh boo hoo... the faggot isn't getting his faggoty boyfriend back. Mocked my mother.
Mum he's my husband! Let him in!
All the more reason not to let him in.

A moment later I heard chan thump against the door with his whole body. My parents were still punching me, but chan finally managed to break down the door. He and the other members rushed in, but my parents kept going, getting every last punch and kick they possibly could. Sirens wailed through the streets and the next thing I knew, the police had taken my parents, and chan was pulling me up from the ground and carrying me to his change room, laying me on the couch.

Lixxie are you ok?
Th-they found m-me!
They have been taken to jail for charges of assault.
They deserve it for what they did to my sisters and me.
I know baby. Let me get the first aid kit.

He disappear to find the first aid box, and came back soon after. He rubbed my back while applying the alcohol to the wounds on my arms, stomach and legs.

Where else did they hurt you other that your face Lixxie?
N-no where other than my head and the places y-you have done.

He placed a light kiss on my head as he put ointments on the wounds and my slightly less swollen eye.

Baby I'm so sorry that this happened on our wedding and that I couldn't protect you.
Channie it's not your fault ok? You saved my life and I am grateful that you even tried.

We arrived home, all of the members making sure I was alright, but none more than chan, my now husband. We were going to announce it on alive tonight but instead we are going to show a video of our rings with a caption, in a week when I was all better.

1 week later

1 week later

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