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I woke up in a hospital bed, in a hospital gown. The bed next to me was occupied by none other than my boyfriend, Felix. I felt a slight pain in my lower stomach, and that's when I knew it had all gone well. Felix was going to be ok. I heard a rustle in the sheets next to me, and I looked over to see Felix on his side, smiling at me.


He reached out his hand toward me and I interlocked my fingers with his small ones. We just gazed into each others eyes until our manager came in.

Chan! Felix!
Hello manager hyung. Said Felix.
Are you both ok?
Yes, thanks to chan.
You both look like you have been starved or something, what's up?
I want cuddles.
Aww Lixxie.
I can ask if you two can share.

After we got the all clear I moved to felixs bed and slipped under the sheets. I pulled him into my arms and I already felt better.

3 months later felix pov


The pleasure I was feeling was immense and would not stop. Chan started to give me little kitten licks while I pulled his hair.

Fuck chan stop teasing!

With that he took me in his mouth and held my hips, bringing me forward. I started to thrust my hips foward. Chan moaned sending vibrations up my member. We were both moaning messes as I sped up. I was about to cum so I pulled out and came on the bench.

Fuck chan your good-
And the cupcakes are done, good timing. He said, also cumming on the bench.
Yeah well thanks to you there is no icing felix.

I grabbed a cupcakes and dipped it in our mixed cum. I split it in half, handing one to chan. He took a bite and looked up at me.

What chan-
What if I told you I want to drink it instead?
Then be my guest.
That was supposed to be a joke.
Ohhhh... I smirked.


We cleaned up and put the cupcakes in the tin. We decided to take a shower together, which may or may not have ended in my fucking chan halfway to heaven.

We lay in bed snuggled up together. I traced chans scar, the one that I had the same of on my stomach. It was the most amazing and decent thing anyone had ever done for me, and I was grateful. I don't have to limit my sex with chan, I don't have to go and sit in the chemo chair for four hours, and I don't have cancer anymore.

Yes channie?
Do you want kids in the future?
If I get to raise them with you.

Today was the day. Chan was out, and me and Changbin and hyunjin decorated the cupcakes that I made with chan yesterday. I put them in a picnic basket along with some ramune, sandwiches and a cheese platter. I really hope chan will say yes.

Yes felix?
Can you help me with my outfit?

Hyunjin entered the room and we started to look through my side ode the wardrobe. In the end we picked some long black pants and a shirt that was black with red and white stripes. I wanted to make this moment special, and that started with me looking decent.

 I wanted to make this moment special, and that started with me looking decent

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I drove to the picnic spot, leaving the clues for chan when he gets back.

Chans pov

I arrived back and went to me and felixs room to say hi to him, but all I found was a note. I picked it up and read it.

My channie
Follow these clues to find me.
That's not milk innie.

What the heck was that clue? I thought back through our time together, and then remembered the time that me and felix forgot to clean the kitchen and jeongin thought that our cum was milk. I checked the counter and sure enough there was another clue.

I know you never meant to hurt me.

I knew that one straight away. I grabbed my coat and walked to the tree, the one I found felix at, and sure enough, I saw a blanket and a picnic basket. Felix walked around the side of the tree and looked at me. He held his hands out to me and out fingers interlocked.

Then something that I will never forget for as long as I live happened. He slowly got down on one knee and pulled out a box.

Chan, I love you so fucking much, and I am so so so grateful for everything that you have done for me. I couldn't imagine my life without you, even if I wanted to. So, Christopher bang chan, will you make me the most happy man on earth and marry me?

Yes! A billion times yes!

He put the ring on my finger and then pulled me into a kiss. We were both crying tears of joy at this point as we sat down. Felix opened the basket and handed me a sandwich, my favourite. Turkey and lettuce.

You know me so well Lixxie.
I do.

We started to eat and talk. We talked for hours and ate in between. We played games and laughed. Once it was time to go home, we packed up and walked home, hand in hand.

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