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The news of mine and chans marriage spread like wildfire in a matter of minutes. Everyone was commenting, articles were being written and people posted about it a lot. We got a lot of support, but of course support comes with hate, but we tried not to let it get to us. Me and chan were cuddling on the couch and he randomly started to play with my lips. I thought he wanted a kiss so I lent over and kissed him on the cheek but he kept going.

Channie? Is something wrong with my lips?
Then wha-
Lixxie I love your lips ok? They are soft, cute, pretty and most of all they are yours.
Chan where is coming from?
Oh... I have just been obsessed recently.
Ok then. I chuckled.

We ended up watching a bl series called 'why r u', because it looked pretty good. There was a lot of making out and at one point one of the main characters even got a boner, which caused chan to look at me.

The guy-
Yeah he did, but it's no big deal, you've seen mine a billion times.
That's different.
Well you can't see it now so you can look back.

He snuggled into my side as we watched some more and ate some popcorn. Chan always got weirded out at the scenes with heavy making out, but other than that we both loved it. I can't believe that I am married to the love of my life, even if my parents did try to attack me for it. I wanted to show chan that I was grateful, show him that no matter what he does I'll still love him.


Instead of answering him I kissed him deeply. After a moment he kissed back grasping my back. Once I pulled away, I stood up reaching out a hand.

Where are we going Lixxie?
The shops. I know that you know that I love you and I know that money won't necessarily show you that I love and appreciate you, but I want to get you something.
Lix to I don't have to buy me stuff, your love is enough.
I'm your husband chan, and I want to buy you something.
Ok fine... husband

We told the others that we were going on a date and left. We put on black masks and black hats to his our identity so that we wouldn't get swarmed. Our first shop was a Japanese style crane game centre. We went in and walked around the many machines. There was so much we wanted, so we ended up getting around $100 out.

Where do you want to start channie?
I want snacks.
Well you can have me when we get home.
No your the whole meal Lixxie, I mean like chips.
Oh... is that right...
Yep, and I see some pringles!

We went over to the game and put in some money. We pressed the button and the stick started to go down and pressed the lever. It tipped the table and some pringles fell into the prize shoot.

We got... chicken, plain and sour cream chives. We got a large bag and put the pringles in. Next we went to a machine which had a really cute cinnamaroll plushie in it, which me and chan both really wanted.

Imagine this on our bed lix!
It's so cute!

We tried the crane and got the large stuffed animal in 6 tries. We gave it a hug and then put it in the bag with the pringles. We went around to so many machines, winning so many things. We had so much fun and when we finished our tokens we left and looked at some shops.

Tell me if you see a shop you want to look around ok channie?
Ok lix.

We held hands as we walked around the shopping centre. The first shop we went into was a daiso, because it's like the best shop in this whole shopping centre. We got a ramune to share and some pens, that had thing like sushi and cakes on the end. We paid and left, cracking open the ramune and each taking a sip. Next I saw a clothes shop that I really like called Uniqlo. We walked in and looked around all the clothes. I bought an onigiri shirt and a blue-grey jacket, while chan got a cap and an oversized turtleneck.

Let's look at the jewellery shop chan!

We found the shop and looked around. Chan found a really nice necklace but it cost a lot of money so he decided not to get it, even though he really liked it.

It's too much lix I'm not buying it ok?
But it's so pretty on you!
Maybe I can find a better one for cheaper. I'm going to the bathroom, you I wait here.

Once he was gone, I decided just to buy it for him. I paid and said not to a receipt so he couldn't return it. I hope he likes it.

I'm back lix! What did you buy?
Have a look.
He carefully took out the box and opened it. He looked up at me, mouth open wide.

Lix- this was so expensive!
It's the only one in the world like that, and you really liked it!
Baby we have to return this, it was too expensive.
I didn't get the receipt so you can't return it. I said with a grin.
But this is too much Lixxie!
I'm your husband now channie, and you deserve the world.
Yes but-
Oh just put it on!

He put it on and it looked amazing, just like when he tired it on.

It belongs on you chan.
I love it lix. I really do.
Ok. Let's get bubble tea and go home.

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