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There was a knock in the door so I went to check who it was through the peep hole. It was our manager so I immediately opened the door and bowed.

Hello hyung, what brings you here?
Hello chan, I just wanted to do a dorm check, and check how you are all going.
Yeah, come in!

I let him in and felix came up to me. He greeted the manager and then all the other members came as well.

Do you boys mind if I walk around?
No! Not at all! I answered.
Guys you really need to clean up this place.
Sorry hyung.

We walked around and then got to Felix and my room.

Who's room is this?
Mine and felixs.
Well- I can see that now. He said, looking at the dresser which had a bottle of lube and condoms.

We all left, me and felix blushing. We were in the kitchen when the manager just stopped.

What is that? Is that- porn?
Shit! Hyunjin ran off to his room and all of us laughed.
Well you are in the dorm of eight sex deprived boys sooo... said Changbin.
Correction- six. Said Han.

After that the visit went smoothly and after our manager looked around the whole dorm we chatted about felixs health and worked out a new timetable for me and felix. He left and we flipped on the couch.  Me and felix cuddled on the couch giving the occasional kiss, when Felix suddenly sat up.

Chan I don't feel good.
Lix? What's it like?
I feel-

He fainted.


The others rushed to help me and we transferred him to our room. I called felixs doctor and placed the room.

Yes- hello- uh my boyfriend lee Felix just passed out! 
Can you tell me more?
We were relaxing and he just suddenly sat up and said he didn't feel so good and then he passed out.
Well, this is to do with the cancer. It will happen time to time, but it's nothing to worry about. Just call when it happens so we can log it in our files and he might be a little weak after so help him ok?
Ok, thank you!

I hung up and lay down next to Felix, putting my head on his chest and telling the others that he would be ok and it was nothing to worry about.

Chan it might take a while for him to wake up ok? Just come and watch Tv with us. Said Changbin.
I'm sorry binnie, I'm going to start here for eternity if that's what it takes.
Suit yourself.

Then I fell asleep cuddling him, never letting him go.

Short and crappy but I didn't know where to end this chap

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