Australia... again?

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My phone buzzed and I rubbed my eyes, picking it up.

Chan, I know that you have been to Australia recently, but the building was flooded in the storm last night, so would you like to go again?

Of course! Hope the staff and building is and will be ok.

I turned off the phone, knowing that everyone would be exited. It was bad that the building flooded, but at least we got a holiday out of it.

Who was that channie?
All that you need to know baby, is that we are going on holiday. I said moving closer to him.
Does that mean I can rail you channie?
Yeah... if we don't have work, and if we haven't done it this month...

He placed a finger to my mouth and crawled on top of me, a glint in his eye and his lips turned into a cheeky grin.

Maybe I should make my baby feel good.

He started to suck on my neck, and started to grind down on me.

Baby I don't think-
Don't you I like my kisses?
I love them, but I'm not really in the mood yet baby.

He pouted and got out of the bed, and went to make some food. Sometimes I feel like he doesn't get the pleasure that he needs from me, or that I let him down.

I wish I didn't let him down so much.
Chan! Shit the fuck up and listen! I love you, and you don't let me down ok?
Did I say that out loud?
Yes chan, you did, and thank god you did because you thinking those thoughts is you telling yourself a lie.

He must have powers, like he was in the kitchen, and he heard me!

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