Break up

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I wanna break up channie. I'm sorry.

Tears fell from my eyes as he walked away.

Sike I wouldn't do that.

Have stray kids felix and bang chan ended it?

Many STAY suspect that due to very little physical contact and romantic gestures between the two idols, they may have ended their relationship!

A couple months ago, bang chan and felix announced their relationship. During the first couple of months of them being out to the public the two could be seen cuddling, flirting and sometimes kissing, but recently we have seen none of the type.

It's so unfair lix! What, all of a sudden we don't kiss on camera and then we have broken up?
I know channie but- maybe we should just let them think that. We could be more private.
I guess that does sound nice. We could put out an official announcement that we did in fact "break up"
Ok channie. Let's call the company.

We started a vlive, ready to announce our "break up".

Hello STAY! It's been a while, but today me and felix wanted to come on here and talk about all the rumours of our break up. We- have broken up. We were finding that with work that it was just not really working. We have no...
...thanks Felix, sour feelings between us, and remain how we were before our relationship. Thank you everyone, but we don't have much time.
We love you STAY!

We logged of and just sat for a moment.

Yes my baby?
I never want to break up with you ever. I know it was fake but it was still hard to do.
I know Lixxie. Now come here.

He curled up on my lap, leaning into my chest. I hugged him tight and we just sat there, processing what just happened.

Hello! It's me, the author. I know, another short and crappy chapter but I really didn't know what else to put in here, but here you go. I'll try harder to not make a crappy chapter next time.

I know you || bang chan x Felix Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt