Chapter 92: You're Done, Beck

Start from the beginning

Peter destroys the last drone and y/n poofs back into the hall, landing in front of Peter. She takes his masked face in her hands and asks, "are you okay?"

The boy lightly groans but nods his head. "Beck!" he suddenly yells before ripping his mask off. He limps over to the man laying against the wall with y/n in tow. "Beck," he calls again before they finally reach the man. "You lied to me. To us. And I trusted you."

"I know. That's the most... disappointing part. You're good people, Peter and y/n." He shuts his eyes and pants before proceeding, "Such a weakness." Something about this doesn't feel right, y/n thinks. Beck holds the glasses up to Peter. "Stark was right. You do deserve them."

Y/n doesn't have a spidey-sense but her instincts tell her that this isn't the real Beck. Peter senses it too, swiftly lifting his arm and catching Beck's invisible wrist next to him. A gun goes off when he does and the fake Beck's body flops as if he got shot. Y/n and Peter turn to their right, seeing the real Beck appear while the fake one disappears in blue pixels. Peter twists his wrist to make him drop the gun. "You can't trick us anymore," y/n declares.

Peter swipes the glasses off of the man's face. Beck stumbles back while Peter rapidly puts the glasses on and looks out the window. "EDITH, turn off the drones!" he yells, his voice cracking.

"Biometric scan complete. Welcome back, Peter," the AI voices. "Shall I execute all cancellation protocols?"

Y/n stands next to the boy and she turns around to look at Beck when she hears him groan. He's lying on the floor with his knees to his chest and the girl wonders if he's actually injured. "Just-" Peter commences, panting. "Do it. Execute them all," Peter finishes his sentence. He turns to y/n, who nods at him.


All the drones begin to float away, no longer surrounding the city. Y/n feels a sense of relief when she sees this. They actually did it. They saved everyone. She can hear Tony and Steve in her head now, which makes her smile. Peter lightly chuckles as he watches the drones leave. "Thank you," he whispers to EDITH before looking at the girl, smiling tiredly. The girl grins back before turning to eye the man on the floor. Peter turns around as well, taking off his glasses. "How could you do all of this?" he questions.

"You'll see, Peter... and y/n." Beck takes a few breaths before continuing. "People, they need to believe. And nowadays... they'll believe anything," he mutters. He goes quiet, not even a breath sounding from him. The teens share a look, both wondering the same thing.

Peter places the glasses on his face and asks, "is he...? Is this real?"

"All illusions are down, Peter," EDITH confirms.

Peter takes the glasses off again as he continues to stare at Beck's body. Y/n observes him curiously. "Is he dead?" she softly asks. The boy turns to her and nods. The girl feels a chill go through her body. She never imagined this ending with Beck's death. She thought he'd get arrested and tried for his crimes.

"Let's get out of here," Peter whispers, to which the girl nods.

They start walking– well, y/n's walking fine but Peter's limping badly– until y/n suddenly halts. "Wait, I got you," she tells the boy, grabbing onto him and teleporting them out of the hallway. They end up on the bridge where there is fire and many abandoned cars. "Now you have less walking to do," she claims. She's not sure where exactly they're headed but at least Peter avoided extra steps.

The boy chuckles, his eyes twinkling as he gazes at the girl. "Thanks," he tells her.

"Of course," y/n responds. She frowns as she studies the blood on his face. She sighs and comments, "We gotta get you cleaned up" as she takes his face in her hands. "At least your hair still looks good."

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