Chapter 90: The Dream Team

Start from the beginning

"I- I don't feel good about it either," Happy admits, making me chuckle.

"You cannot make fun of me for thinking Instagram was a telephone company now," I claim.

All of a sudden, I hear a familiar voice sound and turn my head to look at Happy's phone in Peter's hand, where Flash's live stream is displayed. "'Ello, governor! Cup of tea for you? Imma be in London soon-"

"They're in London," Peter announces, showing the phone to Happy.

"London, okay," the man replies, getting up and heading to the pilot's cockpit.

"Yeah, I need a suit," Peter mentions. My suit's still intact, I'm good.

"Suit?" Happy questions, smirking and pointing at us before heading into the cockpit. He presses a button on the ceiling and I hear a whirring sound behind me. Peter and I spin around, seeing the wall open up. We look at each other, then at Happy in pleasant surprise before my boyfriend walks into the tech-filled compartment. I watch as he places his hand on a pad, which scans his handprint.

He brings his hand back to his side and voices, "okay, um... bring up everything you have on Spider-Man." The machine does as he says and he starts messing with it. "Yeah, open that. Okay, no, no, no," he utters as he swipes through the options. A soft smile creeps onto my face as I observe him. He's acting like Tony right now. This brings back memories. He sticks his hand into a hologram of what appears to be a glove and turns around to get to the other side. He looks up as he does so, noticing me. "What?"

I shake my head. "Nothing," I respond, hearing another voice reply at the same time. I turn around, seeing Happy behind me. He looks at me and gives me a knowing smile. He saw Tony in him too.

"You take care of the suit, I'll take care of the music," he states, going into the cockpit. I go up to Peter to watch him work. "Back In Black" by AC/DC starts blaring through the speakers and I lightly chuckle. Of course he plays this song... Tony loved it. I remember how we bonded over classic rock.

"Oh, I love Led Zeppelin!" Peter suddenly claims. I furrow my eyebrows, in shock at what he just said. "What?" he asks when he notices how I'm looking at him.

"You did not just say, Led Zeppelin. Have I taught you nothing?" I've shown him plenty of 80s rock so it's surprising that he got the band wrong.

"Whoops. Sorry, got confused," Peter nervously chuckles, making me playfully roll my eyes and smile in amusement. He proceeds to work on his suit and I just stand by and watch. I love how invested and good he is at this. He reminds me of Tony in that way. I used to love watching him work too. Watching Peter design his new suit is oddly comforting, it brings me a whole lot of nostalgia. In a way, it makes it feel like Tony is back in my life again.




I walk through the train station in between Ned and Ezra. Ezra and I have been chatting and laughing but I can't stop thinking about y/n and Peter. Wherever they are, I hope they're okay. I was upset about y/n not telling me she was Amethyst but I've thought a lot about her perspective and I understand her better now. If the roles were reversed, I'd want to keep her safe too, even if that meant keeping her away from my superhero life. "Okay, guys, the company set up a city tour, and then we'll grab a bite and head to the airport," Mr. Harrington announces.

Suddenly, I hear Brad speak up, "is no one else gonna acknowledge how crazy this is??"

We all stop and turn around to look at him. "Oh, yeah, I get it. There's nothing scientific about this science tour at all," Mr. Dell claims. Ezra snorts and turns to me with an amused grin. I smile back. We've been making fun of Mr. Dell's witch theory.

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