You Break Up With Them (Hyung Line)

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For the fourth time in the week you found yourself lost in a cycle of reading through all the hate online, begging you to break up with Jin and move on. It was hard to deal with, and whilst Jin supported you through it all, you'd simply had enough.

He came home that night to find you sat at the dining table, a packed suitcase beside you next to your feet.

"What's all this?" He asked, his heart racing in fear as he made an easy guess.

You sighed, standing up. "I'm sorry, but I can't live like this anymore, I'm fed up of the fans, I'm not cut out to be the partner of an idol."

"Don't do this," he pleaded, trying to take a hold of your hands, "I'll make them stop, I will. Just don't leave me, I can't do this without you. No one compares to you, just think about it, let's talk for a while, please."

"Jin, I'm sorry, but my mind is made up," you mumbled, staring at him through your tears.

"It can't be," he sighed, tears rolling down his cheeks.

You picked up your suitcase. "You are such a great guy, and you'll find all the happiness in the world, but that's not with me. Keep going, and keep being happy, love will find you again Jin, you're an incredible man who deserves the world."

"I deserve you," he argued, "all I want is you, you're the one I love, you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I'm sorry, but that's not me," you softly smiled, walking out the door.


Your heart raced as Yoongi picked up your call, he was quick to notice how blotchy your skin was, the numerous tissues around you as you tried to dry your eyes so he couldn't see your tears and the upset you had been through.

He sighed, desperate to hold you in that moment. He struggled to hold back his own emotion, noticing how exhausted you looked.

"Hey, what's got you all worked up jagi?" He asked, desperate to know what was wrong.

You sighed, unable to look at him on the screen. "You. Us. I can't do this anymore Yoongi, it's just getting too hard and I can't live like this."

"Live like what? A-are you breaking up with me?" His worst fears came true as you simply nodded your head, running your hands through your hair. "I can get a flight home if that's what you want?"

"No," you whispered, "I want you here with me, always. I want to come home from a long day and be cuddled, not sit around in an empty flat. You know I love you, but I've realised that this isn't the kind of relationship I want."

"If you loved me, you'd be willing to fight," he scolded, his voice raising.

"I have fought," you mumbled, "I've fought for months."

"Months?" He gasped, "why have you never talked to me about this? I could have helped you and looked after you, we could have resolved this a long time ago. Jagi, you know we are good together; this doesn't have to be the way."

"It does Yoongi," you spoke, glancing at his face one final time. "I'll be out of the flat by the time you get home, goodbye Yoongi."

"What? Y/N," he whispered, but the screen had already gone black.


As he came home from work, he found himself lost, your arms weren't around him, your lips weren't on his, your familiar laugh wasn't ringing through the house bringing music to his ears. He dropped his bag, exploring around the house.

He found you sat in your bedroom; several newspaper articles scattered around your cross-legged body.

"You remembered I was your girlfriend then," you scolded, rolling your eyes as he walked over to try and give you a hug.

He picked up one of the articles noticing it was him and a female idol. "Have you been reading these? Do you believe them?"

"What am I supposed to think Hobi? You've been disappearing at any hour recently, and she's so pretty and just like you." He sat down, tears rolling down his cheeks. "I won't ever really know the truth, but I can't live in a circle of rumours."

"Then let me try and explain, I'm not going to let you walk out on me," he assured you.

"Go on then," you replied, sitting back on the bed, keeping your distance.

He picked up one of the photos of the two of them hugging. "What you see here is two friends, two friends that hugged, just because they are male and female suddenly the whole world thinks we're together, and so do you, don't you?"

"I'm sorry, but I've been hurt way too many times before to let this happen again," you sighed, standing up off the bed.

"This doesn't need to be the way," he whispered, leaning back knowing he'd made a big mistake.


You got with Namjoon quite soon after your previous breakup, you thought he could protect you from the world, but as time went on, you realise quickly that you'd moved on to quickly, and you just weren't ready for love yet.

One night he came home to see your bags at the front door, you sat in the living room, staring off into the distance.

"Are we going on holiday or something?" He teased, only to stop when he saw the blank expression on your face. "You alright?"

You hated breaking his heart, you had a lot of love for him. "I'm leaving Namjoon, for good. I'm not ready to find love again."

"Right." He sat down besides you, running his hands over his face. "As hurt as I am, I understand. I know your breakup was tough, and maybe with hindsight we moved too fast, I should have slowed things down when I realised you were struggling."

"Maybe one day in the future we'll find each other again?" You smiled.

"I hope so," he lightly giggled, taking your hand in his.

You couldn't help but notice his bottom lip quiver as he tried to hold back his tears. "I don't want this to be the end of us, in whatever form, I just need some time to heal and maybe if fate allows it, we'll reconnect."

"I'd like that," he assured you, "I'll always love you, and just know you already have my forgiveness. I'll always be here if you need me."

"Thank you Joon, you truly are one of a kind."

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