
Start from the beginning

Jane clears her throat softly as she puts the IV into Lucille's arm, trying not to pry. "Uh, all done" Jane says and Lucille nods her head and just as Jane is about to leave Lucille stops her. "Wait, can you stay? I'm really nervous and I want to talk to someone" Lucille says as she looks around at the tired woman having their chemo sessions.

"Yeah, I'll stay" Jane says and Lucille lets out a breath of relief and leans her head back in her comfortable seat. "So, how long have you been a doctor?" Lucille asks, looking over to Jane. "I'm a virologist, well kind of, they wanted to bring some of us here so we can understand the type of... diseases or viruses we want to cure" Jane explains and Lucille nods her head like she understood every word even though she didn't and Jane noticed which made her laugh.

"I basically try to find the cure for things that people think aren't curable. This is just an extra thing I have to do" Jane states and Lucille scoffs jokingly. "You saying you don't like hanging out here? I mean... it's great" Lucille lies.

"I like it but it's different. Im not from here so, I don't know where I fit in" Jane states as she pushes a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Where are you from?" Lucille asks. "Atlanta" Jane answers and Lucille widens her eyes as she she lets out a sigh. "Long way from home" Lucille states and Jane nods her head, agreeing with her.

"Have you ever thought of bangs?" Lucille asks and Jane smiles, shaking her head. And with that the two women say and talk for hours and hours, day after day. Jane learned about Lucille's husband and the cheating he had been doing which made Jane feel bad for her considering she thought Lucille was a wonderful women who deserved the world. Lucille was strong and Jane could see that. Jane thinks the reason she clicked with Lucille so much was because she seen her mother in her. The way she talked and carried herself. But one day Jane had to leave early. She completed her training at the hospital and was fit to work at the CDC with the other virologists and she never got to say goodbye to Lucille.


Jane laid there next to Magna in the bed and stared into her eyes while Magna slowly dragged her fingers a crossed Janes cheek lovingly. "How are you? I feel like you're upset about something" Magna asks as she drags her finger down Janes bare arm, sending shivers down her spine. "It's Negan" Jane admits before letting out a stressful breath.

"Roslyn asked me if he was a bad man and I wanted to say yes but I didn't. I couldn't look her in her face and say 'that man killed your father years ago'" Jane explains as tears start to cloud her vision. "She's young, you'll tell her when you want and when you think she's ready" Magna says as she pulls Jane closer rubbing their bare legs together underneath the sheet.

Little did they know, Roslyn heard it all from the bedroom door. Roslyn quietly shut the door and turned around to see Silas standing behind her. "What're you doing?" Silas whispers as he takes Roslyn over to her bedroom, which she shares with Hershel for now. "That man killed my dad" Roslyn confesses and Silas sighs as he bends down in-front of her.

"Who Negan?" Silas asks to which Roslyn nods her head. "He killed my dad. Someone has to kill him" Roslyn states and Silas widens his eyes. "Woah, woah. No, we don't do that" Silas explains.

"But we kill bad people. My mom said he was a bad person and that I should stay away from him" Roslyn explains and Silas shakes his head. "We're not killing anybody. Especially, not you" Silas says and Roslyn crosses her arms over her chest. "Why are you sticking up for a bad man?" Roslyn asks. "Because I know a bad man too. He hurt my family but I didn't hurt him because it does no one any good" Silas explains, understanding Roslyn frustration.

"Are you gonna tell my mom or Magna about this?" Roslyn asks and Silas sighs looking back at Janes bedroom door. "I won't tell if you won't, kid" Silas says as he puts his fist up for Roslyn to bump, which she does. "Now, go to bed" Silas urges and Roslyn quietly makes her way into the room, shutting the door behind her.

The next morning, Jane was helping sort through the weapons while Roslyn and Hershel played with the fake swords. Negan returns to Alexandria where Carol, Jane, Maggie and Daryl are shocked to see him again. Carol walks over and talks to Negan while Jane holds one of the blades in her hand.

Carol warns Negan that if he stays, Maggie or Jane will kill him and Carol didn't want his death on his conscience and now it's not. Negan acknowledges that its "fair enough" and smirks at a glaring Jane as he walks back into Alexandria. Janes breathing picks up and she slams the blade into the wooden table angrily before turning back to Negan who looks away, laughing at how much he gets under her skin...


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