We all chose a spot near the tree and we made sure not to block the names. The timer went off and it took a picture

"When we are all older let's come back and take a picture again."

We all smiled and walked back to where everyone else was.

On the way Kayla told ace that we all needed one picture of that. She wanted to make a photo frame out of the seashells she collected and that photo would be perfect. The other reason is so that we all remember what a fun time we had.

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On the drive back to the house we stopped to have some dinner. We had such a good time but I was honestly really looking forward to seeing everyone at the pizza plex again.

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"Everything is fine. Everything is fine. They're fine. I'm fine. Everybody is fine."

Freddy was saying in a low whisper to himself. He felt like everyday he did not see you a bit of his sanity was slipping away.

Chica wasn't any better she didn't want to do anything she just wanted to lay in her room and just eat pizza. Stress and depressed eating.

Roxanne would race off her worries or just spend hours brushing her hair with the brush you made her.

Monty on like the third day he was to be kept in his room cause he wouldn't stop acting aggressive.

Sun was so depressed when no kids were around he would try to be cheerful when kids were around. He would also get really sad when regular kids would ask where you were? It would shatter his soul when a kid would ask

"Did y/n quit?"

Moon was so much worse. He was more aggressive than he should be with intruders. Rips stuff up in his room. Isn't as friendly with the kids as he usually is. His temper as shorten a bit and gets really mad very easily especially when you are brought up in a conversation.

Bonnie tried his best to work with everyone to make not so down but he himself was pretty down.

Foxy missed you a lot you were his only company. He would touch the eye patch and think back fondly on the memory

Vanessa was even more strict and almost always seemed mad. Co-workers would hold their breath around her cause one wrong move and they'd receive a death glare that would shake them to their core.

Vanny would not in be the mood to kill cause she was depressed. So she took a break cause glitchtrap wasn't on her back about killing. So she would just lie on the couch and sigh a lot.

The boss was really hoping you came back. He wasn't an idiot, he notice that changes happen when you aren't there. I mean it's happen twice now. The first time the court case and now your little vacation.

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"Then we went into the woods and carved our names on a tree and plan on see it again one day when we are older!"

"M̶a̶y̷b̸e̵ ̷y̸o̶u̸ ̶w̴i̵l̵l̶ ̵h̷a̴v̸e̶ ̷g̵r̸o̴w̴n̶ ̵a̶ ̸c̴o̴u̴p̸l̸e̵ ̷i̶n̷c̴h̴e̶s̵ ̵b̷y̸ ̷t̴h̶e̶n̴.̵ ̷I̵f̴ ̴y̶o̷u̶ ̶d̴r̵i̴n̶k̵ ̵e̸n̶o̴u̷g̶h̴ ̸m̴i̸l̵k̸"

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