
Depuis le début

"You get distracted by me, Elody?" He smirked, craning his neck down to look at me.

"If you would be staring and trying to get my attention, yes" I nodded, playing with him.

"Am I distracting you now, my love?" He whispered, edging closer and closer to my lips, keeping his eyes fixated on mine.

"Are you? I'm not sure" I murmured, feeling his lips lightly touch over mine before he pulled away. Tease.

I rolled my eyes, taking my hands off his neck and began walking back into my dorm before he yanked me back by my arm, smashing his lips on to mine. I immediately kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck again, pushing him down to my height.

"I come for a text book and get a full on show. Its amazing what you see these days" Mary interrupted us, James picking me up and wrapping my legs around his torso to move us so Mary could go in the dorm, without breaking the kiss. He pushed me into the wall in the hallway of the girls dorms, his tongue exploring my mouth.

"Wow. Still going" She mumbled, appearing at the doorway, "You've got some stamina"

"I'm not a chaser for no reason, Mary" James mumbled against my lips, finally drawing away and turning his head to the brown haired girl, a smirk of success on his face.

"Clearly" She nodded, "It wouldn't be because you enjoy quidditch, it's because you have more snogging time with Mel"

"Of course, why else?" James nodded to her, still gripping my thigh to hold me up on him.

"I've seen you now, Potter, we best win the quidditch cup"

"Oh, we will" With that the brown haired girl walked down the hallway, back to the common room. James turned back to me, the both of us bursting into laughter, him holding me against the wall, lifting one of his hands up to my face, tucking a piece of hair out of my eyes. "You ready for charms?" He asked, the both of us regaining our composure from laughing.

"I was born ready"


"I was born ready" I cut him off, quirking an eyebrow in case he wanted to challenge me.

"Oh, Macdonald told us you were snogging not just talking" Sirius huffed, appearing next to us and leaning on the wall beside me, facing towards James.

"And you thought you would come and watch, did you?" I nudged Sirius with my elbow, my hands still around James' neck.

"Of course I did, i'm the number one Lungs shipper"

"Sorry, excuse me, lungs? As in the two air filled organs located on either side of the thorax?" I recalled, knitting my eyebrows together, the other two staring at me blankly.

"No, Miss Anatomy. As in Prongs and Luna, now you say that though I should probably think of something else" Sirius wondered, tapping his chin for a few times, "Memes"

"Keep thinking, Padfoot" James nodded, ignoring the name. Memes. What an idiot.


"No!" We shouted in unison, snorting at him, "Why do we need one of these names?"

"All couples should have them" He decided, James and I exchanging a look of understanding.

"Okay....wolfstar" I chirped, a mischievous glint in my eye.

"Prongs isn't a star, M, I am"

"Oh, we know" James nodded, "Elody's not the only werewolf either"

"I hate you" Sirius grumbled, drawing to the conclusion of what we were saying, flipping us off and strolling away, back to the common room.

"Lungs" James sniggered, turning back to me again.

"Memes" I laughed, before sighing, "He's something else"

"A big, black dog"

"You know what? That might be it"


"Mel?!" I heard Lily cry, my eyes widening when she opened the door, me resting my chin on James' shoulder, digging it into him when he was chortling under his breath, facing away from her.

"Lils, how was your sleep?" I asked politely, hoping she wasn't going to last out at me. An angry Lily was a bloody scary one.

"Fourty minutes over the time we agreed!"

"An hour?"

"Straight on an hour, that's quite impressive Lily. You know the closest I've ever had to an hour without an alarm was fifty eight minutes-"

"Shut up, Potter" She cut him off, glaring daggers at the back of his head, "This is what you've been doing all this time? Snogging in the corridor?"

"Actually, I tidied your bed, then we snogged in the corridor, then we got interrupted by Mary, had a nice chat with her, then talked for a few minutes before Sirius came, hoping we were snogging which we weren't. Then he left, and then you woke up" I recalled, "Wow, a lot happened in this hour"

"Very productive, my love" James commented, still holding me up, facing the wall.

"Thank you"

"Godric, you two are perfect for each other" Lily grumbled, going back into the dorm and shutting it behind her, leaving us. I leaned the side of my head against his, before jumping down, out of his arms and opening the door to the dorm again. "We only have one hour, and we have to leave atleast half an hour before to make sure we arrive on time with nothing happening-"

"What do you expect to happen? A stag to come and block the corridors so you wouldn't make it on time" James commented, making me snort. He would definitely do that.

"Obviously not, the chances of that happening are like slim to none"

"I think it would be higher than that" I mumbled under my breath, "don't even think about it, James"

"Where would you find a stag?"

"Oh they're always lurking around, closer than you think. They're quite irritating to be quite honest" I announced, James sending me a glare out of the corner if his eye.

"I happen to adore stags, I don't find them irritating at all" He countered, "Cute, adorable, cuddly....what's not to love?"

"You've cuddled a stag?" Lily muttered, grabbing her bag, as James threw mine over his shoulder, "Don't answer that, of course you have"

"You've been cuddling yourself, have you?" I whispered into his ear as we walked down from the girl's dorms to the common room, Lily in front of us.

"Only my werewolf" He whispered back, pecking my cheek and intertwining our fingers together, "And Padfoot"

"Of course, everyone needs Padfoot cuddles" I nodded seriously, stepping into the common room and running and jumping on to Remus' back from behind. He grunted, wrapping my legs around him to hold me up, acting as if nothing happened.

"You'll break my back one day, El" He muttered, Sirius snorting, "Get your dirty mind away from me, that's my twin"

"Yet you've seen each other naked"

"When we were like three! Godric! That's disgusting"

"Yeah, yeah"

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☽𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧☽ -ᴊ.ғ.ᴘOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant