
Start from the beginning

Still in the woods, Daryl coaches Judith and Roslyn to spot things that don't belong while Jane listens in. Judith then notices a piece of skin on the side of a tree and Roslyn and her walk over to identify it. "Living or dead?" Daryl asks. "Walker" Judith and Roslyn answer in unison making Daryl and Jane smile proudly at them. Daryl notes that the Whisperers could be rounding more walkers up, and instructs Judith and Roslyn to stay behind him and Jane just incase.

It isn't long before they come upon a small group of walkers. Daryl shoots the Whisperer with his crossbow, injuring her. As the Whisperer runs off, Daryl, Jane, Roslyn and Judith dispatch the walkers and quickly give chase.

Daryl, Jane, Roslyn and Judith track down the injured Whisperer to a small ditch. Jane notices the knife in the whisperers hand and quickly pulls out her gun, pointing it at her. "Throw it" Jane orders. "I will if you pull this outta me. I can't die like this" The whisperer states and Jane scoffs at the deal she's trying to make. "Not a chance. Throw it!" Jane orders yet again.

"If you drop the knife, we'll think about helping you" Daryl says and Jane rolls her eyes but quickly goes back to looking down at the injured whisperer whom she wants to kill. "Where are your people?" Daryl asks and she quickly reveals their whereabouts, but also that she was going off on her own. When asked why, she claims to have had no choice, revealing that Beta lost his mind after the survivors killed Alpha.

"Does he know where we are?" Jane asks, gripping the gun in her hand not noticing Roslyn and Jane sneaking up on her and Daryl. "I don't know but he's gonna keep coming for you" The whisperer states and Jane shakes her head slowly. "You took too much" The whisperer states and Jane sighs slowly putting her gun down. "I don't think we took enough" Jane declares looking down at the whisperer who pleads that she wants to walk as Daryl proceeds to aim his crossbow at the Whisperer's head.

"Just answer the damn question. Does he know where we are?" Daryl asks but it seems like the Whisperer genuinely doesn't know. With that, Daryl shoots the Whisperer in the head with no hesitation. Jane places her gun in her holster and turns around shocked too see Judith and Roslyn up and close personal.

"Did you have do that?" Judith asks as Daryl retrieve his arrow from the dead whisperers head. "She had no information for us anyway" Daryl argues and states she was going to die anyway, so it was better for it to happen quickly.

"Come on" Jane urges as she and Daryl turn to walk away. "We have to leave her?" Judith asks looking over to Roslyn. "That's not what we did at Hilltop but I guess she's a bad person" Roslyn answers as Judith shakes her head before turning her attention to Jane and Daryl. "What if she has a family?" Judith asks.

"We have to go" Jane says as she and Daryl walk over gently pulling Judith and Roslyn away from the scene.

As they are heading back, Judith stops. When Daryl asks what's wrong, Judith once again expresses discomfort at them leaving the Whisperer in a ditch. She asks what would happen if Daryl was lost and no one could find him, or R.J., or her mom. Jane looks over at Roslyn who seems to be holding her feelings in. "Do you feel that way too?" Jane asks and Roslyn nods her head, agreeing with Judith.

Despite all the bodies Roslyn has seen, it never meant Roslyn didn't feel bad for them. Because Roslyn sort of understands how this world works. Understands there are good and bad people in this world but on her own Roslyn has felt that maybe some people aren't bad they've just made bad choices. "Where is this coming from?" Daryl asks looking between the two girls. Judith states that she simply wishes for everyone to be back together again. Daryl assures her that he radioed Michonne and told her not to come, even though he didn't get a reply. Judith claims that it doesn't matter, as she talked to her mom after the fire, and is worried that Michonne might not come home. Daryl asks what Michonne said, but Judith just says that she went to help some people she met along the way.

Hearing that Michonne has left and possibly wasn't coming back pained Jane deeply. But Jane knew Michonne was fighter and she couldn't go out easily so wherever she is and whatever she is doing Jane supports it and hopefully Michonne finds who or what she's looking for out there.

"I didn't want to tell anyone because I don't want anyone else to leave" Judith explains and Jane kneels down to Judith's level and wipes the tears that stain her cheeks. "I'm not going anywhere. Not now, not ever" Jane promises as she pulls Judith into a hug and Roslyn joins in. "Me either kid" assures Judith, but refuses to promise anything, as he maintains that he can't lie to Judith, and doesn't know what's going to happen in the future, no more than anyone does. Daryl, however, goes on to state that there are a lot of people back at the Tower who would do anything for her, and will one day need her to do anything for them. Finally, Daryl assures Judith that, while nothing can take the place of a loved one lost, it doesn't mean that everything that follows is going to break your heart. He then embraces her.

Just as they are about to head back, Gabriel suddenly radios Daryl, revealing that they are surrounded which cause Janes eyes to go wide.

Indeed, Beta has finally reached the Tower with the horde. He begins to chant, and hallucinates the walkers doing so, too.

 He begins to chant, and hallucinates the walkers doing so, too

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