Chapter 88: If You Were Good Enough

Start from the beginning

Beck is interrupted by a gunshot, thus breaking the illusion. They're suddenly outside of the abandoned warehouse and Beck falls to his knees, gasping for air. His body drops to the ground and Nick Fury appears behind him. The pair watches in shock as a few black vans pull up. Various agents get out of the vehicles and surround Beck, aiming their guns at him. Oh, thank goodness, y/n thinks as she and Peter lay against a pile of gravel. She turns to the boy and grasps his arm, worriedly asking, "are you okay??"

Peter rapidly nods. "Yeah, I'm okay. How about you?"

"I'm okay," she affirms, nodding. She looks up to see Fury approaching them. "Fury," she calls as she and Peter strain to get out of the gravel, grabbing onto each other for support.

"Beck's people are trying to find everyone who could expose him. Who'd you tell?" Fury asks, standing in front of them.

"Um..." Peter utters.

"I know you guys told someone so just tell me."

"Um... okay," Peter voices again, setting his hands on his head.

"Who did you tell?"

Y/n furrows her eyebrows, wondering how he knows about Beck's people already. "How'd you get that info so fast?" she questions.

Fury ignores her question and repeats, "who else did you tell?!"

"Just Ned and MJ from our class. Maybe Ned told his girlfriend, Betty, but that's it!" Peter instantly babbles. Fury chuckles and shakes his head, crossing his arms over his chest. Y/n finds this suspicious. "What?" the boy asks.

"You are so gullible."

"What?" Peter asks again.

"I mean, you're smart as a whip. Just a... sucker," Fury replies, Beck's voice leaving his mouth on the last word. Blue swirls cover Fury, turning him into Beck with a strange transparent helmet over his head and a projector on either side of him, shining bright lights on the couple.

"And now all your friends have to die."

A new illusion forms around the two, their surroundings going black as giant metal scraps fall all around them. "Oh, my God," Peter voices as the two stumble back. They lift their arms to protect their heads as things continue to fall. Y/n feels like she's losing her mind. "Stop it..." she desperately utters, her breathing becoming unsteady.

"It's easy to fool people when they're already fooling themselves."

The pair moves backward as they dodge the debris plunging toward them. "No..." the girl cries again, getting more frustrated by the second.

"But for what it's worth, y/n and Peter. I really am sorry."

The teens stop in their tracks and y/n loses it, not being able to take anymore. "STOP!" she shrieks, squeezing her eyes shut and grabbing her head as she bends over. A burst of lavender emits from her, wrapping around Beck and Peter's necks, thus breaking the illusion. Y/n lifts her head when she notices the lack of chaos around her and her eyes widen when she sees Beck on the ground choking. She hears more choking behind her, gasping when she sees Peter on the train tracks, choking as well. She glances down at her hands, horrified by what she has just done.

"No," she cries, lifting her hands, which are glowing lavender. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she mutters, distraught by the fact that she hurt Peter. She removes her magical hold from the two men's necks and runs over to the boy, helping him stand up. "Pete, I'm so sorry," she cries.

The boy catches his breath and nods. "It's okay," he breathes out. His eyes suddenly widen and he looks behind her, gasping when he sees a train fast approaching. Y/n turns and sees it too but before either of them has time to react, the train hits them. Their bodies fall underneath the train and y/n rapidly grabs Peter's arm, poofing them inside the cabin. The girl almost loses her balance and leans against the seat beside her. She hit her head pretty hard. Peter pants as he drops into the window seat and rips his mask off. Y/n follows, dropping into the seat next to him.

They both pant and cough, feeling their ribs hurt when they breathe. The girl slowly turns her head to her boyfriend, concern filling her body when she sees the blood on his face and how in pain he looks. "Peter," she whispers, grabbing his hand.

The boy turns to her, sadness filling his eyes when he sees a bloody gash on y/n's forehead. "Y/n," is all he whispers before passing out. This alarms the girl and she tries to sit up, feeling pain when she does.

"Pete. Pete?" she voices, gently slapping his face to wake him up. However, her eyes begin to feel heavy and she drops her hand, the world going black as she slips into unconsciousness. 



Beck really undid months worth of progress Dr. Raynor made with y/n in a matter of minutes 😳 Made her have a Wanda moment...

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