On that day I was not in my right mind so I can't clearly remember her face but I vividly remember those eyes. Blue jeweled eyes.. I have never seen such eyes before.. it was beautiful... And now... I am on my way to meet her and explain things to her... I will be forever grateful to her that she didn't shouted at me or beat the hell out of me in public and called me to her house. Even though I Already experienced so many scandals.. It was only by name. I really don't want to come in the news headlines like I am some pervert.. so I agreed to meet her in her house.. Is she going to silently murder me..? Even If she do that , I won't care, my life was already at its dead end anyways... I drived to her beachhouse and pressed the calling bell waiting outside.

After some time the door opened and a big black dog climbed upon me like it had been known  me for years.. It was weird... aren't dogs supposed to bark at strangers..?

"hey blacky come inside"

I heard a sweet voice and looked up , I saw a girl opened the door wide and gave me a beautiful smile.

My eyes wided as soon as I saw her.. Now that I am sober and seeing her clearly.. she was beyond beautiful I can't find proper words to explain how beautiful she was. She can pass as a mannequin doll and her eyes were even more attractive in the day light .. I feel like I will get lost looking at its vast ocean like blue colour , her hair was long and wavy in platinum blonde colour it was almost unreal .. Wow.. I can write lyrics worth ten songs just by looking at her.

ATHY 'S P. O. V.

I was exhausted

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I was exhausted.. When I came back to Korea the flight ride was not exciting like it used to be... it was suffocating.. I didn't wanted to look at the clouds or the cities down from the window, it was suffocating enough that I found it hard to breath. I am a ballet dancer .. All I did was dance till now.. But now... I don't even know what to do.. I had an accident and doctors told me I can't dance ballet again. I didn't came  out for weeks shutting myself in my room. Lily my birth mother's best friend and my foster mother was returning with me to Korea.

She and felix raised me like their own daughter after that incident. I am always grateful for them and love them. Now I have nothing to look forward in life.. I don't know what to do.. so I overdrank   out of frustration in the party I attended . lily told me to rest in one of the guest rooms. I was about to lie down on the bed but someone entered the room.

All I can remember was.. his eyes was deep red and his hair was pitch black.. Even though I can't see clear... I can tell he was beyond handsome but I still felt a bit sad that I can't see his face clearly.. I know.. I sound crazy but I was more curious about his face than my situation that time.. I must have gone nuts from overdrinking.

.. I can't remember anything after that but when I woke up next morning. I was naked... That was hella shocking and my heart jumped out of my chest in shock. I hurriedly picked my clothes, wore them and ran outside of the room.

Since I was so shocked I didn't looked at him and ran outside as soon as possible. that was my first time sleeping with a guy, I was twenty now when I was in Paris my dance partners always talk about how they spent their night with their boyfriends but I never dated anyone since the only thing I loved the most at that time was ballet. It took me two whole days to calm myself down and I prepared myself to back to my old self...but I was beyond shocked to know felix found about it... He told me that guy will call soon.. I was scared  but he didn't scolded me or anything

After that  he called... I attended the call and I was so anxious but I felt like my head was clear after hearing his voice.. His voice was soo mesmerising .. It was a kind of voice which would  not just pass by the  ears but pierce inside me make my heart skip a beat.. He told me there was a misunderstanding and he want to clear that out.. I can't clearly listen half of his talk since I am mesmerised by his voice I told him my address and to meet me here.

Then felix called me and asked If I was okay and explained that red eyes was actually  a singer under working his company .. No wonder his voice was so sweet .. Godd..!!  I was so embarrassed that my father like figure was talking to me about this. I begged him not to tell lily because she will kill me if she know, lily was always sweet but she was so scary if she was angry and he agreed cause he was also in big problem if she know...

It's when he told me who he was... I wanted to jump down from my balcony.. the guy I slept with was....


God..!! it was Lucas!!!

I know him very well .. No wonder that voice had that much impact on me.. Cause I am big fan of his voice. I listen to his songs whenever I feel sad. It always made me feel better.

I really wanted to die from embarrassement but it's surprising... it feels surreal... how my life turns out this way..? I slept with my favourite singer...?!

Wow..!! I would have never imagined something like this even in my dreams. His face was not revealed to the public, he was a mysterious singer with magical voice.

When I heard the calling bell sound I didn't had the courage to face and was pacing in the hall  but blackey opened the door I got even more panicked because blackey hate boys.. whenever any guys approaches me he made them ran away..

Ohh God!! what will happen to our mysterious singer..? I ran towards the door but.. Huh?.. he is not barking at him.!!? It's so surprising, he literally don't like boys in common.. but he was climbing over him like he know him for years... How..? Because their hair was same colour..?.. Haah... I don't know.. but it's a good thing.

I took some deep breath.. it's ok athy... let's face the reality now. I opened the door fully and he gave me a sharp look. Those deep red eyes... That small mole under his eye ..wow...he was smoking hot... Why did he hide such a beautiful face..? He was insanely handsome.. Fair skin, tall, lustrous black hair, he was totally an eye candy. He stared at me with wide eyes. Did he got startled by blackey..?

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