She can only disguise herself for short periods of it's easier to just do this.

"Uh...yes, sir," she said softly, and heard him hum softly. Then suddenly he was directly in front of her, and he placed his index finger under her chin.

"Can I see your face?" He asked, and Charlie panicked, stepping away quickly.

"I-uh! No! I-I'm horribly disfigured..." she lied, cringing at how obvious the lie was.

But Xander surprisingly shrugged and turned on his heel, "very well...follow me. We've a deal to make, my dear," he purred, glancing over his shoulder, hands behind his back.

Charlie did as she was told. She soaked up every inch of this lair...then he led her through the dark doorway, and then through a black curtain.

Her eyes widened when revealed to her was some sort of...fortune telling room, it seemed. There was a round table, set up like they were going on a date.

But there were bones and cards placed on top of it, along with symbols sewn into the fabric.

Charlie immediately noticed the large dark shadow in the corner, looking nearly identical to Xander himself. The shadow followed her with its eyes, but stayed put.


His loud voice made Charlie jump and she spun to face him.

"Please...take a seat...tell me, what is it you desire?" He asked, and a sly smirk spread across his face. His eye narrowed on her, and Charlie kept glancing around.

That talisman has to be somewhere in here.

"P-power..." Charlie stuttered, realizing she'd been quiet for too long. Xander hummed, resting his elbows on the table and tapping his claws together.

"Power..." he mused...then chuckled darkly.

Charlie's eyes widened when suddenly her arms were restricted and her hood was yanked down.

She stared wide eyed and frightened at Xander, who was wearing a psychotic smile.

"Last time I checked you're the princess. If you need more power then god help us all."

He chuckled at his own joke, and then stood from the table, slowly approaching Charlie. She growled and her horns sprouted as she struggled against whatever was restraining her.

Then her restraints started...touching her. She gasped and looked back at the shadow that was holding her, and his eyes narrowed as his jagged smile widened.

"Get your filthy hands off me!" She growled, and finally broke free from the shadow. Turning to Xander, she realized this was going south, and threw a punch.

Then he caught her hand...and twisted it behind her back, making her gasp in surprise. She found herself flush against his chest, his chuckle rumbling into her back.

"Oh, princess, princess, princess..." he purred, swaying back and forth with her before he spun her around roughly, holding her by the wrists.

"So pretty, but so stupid!" He said with a stretched smile.

Charlie tried to fight against him, but something was weakening her powers.

Xander chuckled and looked around the room, "do you like my enchanted fortune room?" He said, and then yanked her close to him, pressing their foreheads together as he stared into her eyes.

"I guess it works on royalty, too!" He cackled, and then took her face up in his hands, a low purr rolling through his chest.

"How and I are so similar, princess," he mused, "when I found out he was sending you, I was beyond excited!" He said giddily, and Charlie furrowed her eyebrows.

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